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Carolyn Smith Casertano

Mar 3, 2020, 6:17:48 PM3/3/20
to PRSSA Advisers
Just curious if anyone is having issues with their executive board members who are seniors struggling to keep up with their PRSSA duties? I have 4 seniors including our President and VP --- I know they're busy with job searches and finishing the year but I'd love any tips or strategies other advisers might have to keep them at least partially focused on PRSSA???


Alisa Agozzino

Mar 4, 2020, 9:16:38 AM3/4/20
to PRSSA Advisers

Oh my goodness.  Every year the week before spring break we have elections for this purpose. Senior like to check out. We do a transition shortly after spring break and then let the new officers run the Chapter the last month. We also don't have very many events the last 6 weeks of school. We have our alumni dinner at the end of March, we have our weekly meetings (with speakers) and then the week before dead week we have our final meeting. Leadership Assembly being in April is the national event we participate in and try to keep president involved by going to that, but also the new president goes. Finally, I also tie some events to mandated practicum hours. Seniors who are enrolled in practicum HAVE to finish their projects for credit. 

Hope this helps!

Karen Weber

Mar 4, 2020, 1:02:19 PM3/4/20
to Alisa Agozzino, PRSSA Advisers
Dear fellow faculty advisers:
I'm in my 21st year as faculty adviser for the University of Nebraska at Omaha chapter. I've seen my share of senoritis but I've developed some strategies that have helped keep E-Board members engaged.
  • Make sure your E-Board has a contract that all officers must sign and adhere to that requires attendance at meetings and engagement in service and professional development.
  • Offer incentives to remain active such as a graduation gift. (We save a portion of our fundraising money and award active seniors with an engraved business card holder among graduation.)
  • Inform them that they most likely will not receive a letter of recommendation from me if they show evidence of disconnecting from chapter activities and ignore their E-Board responsibilities.
  • Set up a buddy system there they mentor a new member.This usually helps.
  • Remind them of all the opportunities and advantages PRSSA has offered them such as attending National Conference and other leadership opportunities.
These are just some ideas. You'll never eliminate all seniors checking out. But if you identify strong candidates for election to the E-Board and you inspire them that if they remain active and do their best, rewards come, it may make a difference.
Good luck,

Karen Weber
Lecturer, School of Communication

MaverickPR Student-Firm, Faculty Adviser
UNO PRSSA, Karen Weber
Arts and Sciences Hall 105-A

From: <> on behalf of Alisa Agozzino <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:16 AM
To: PRSSA Advisers <>
Subject: {PRSSA Advisers} Re: Senioritis??
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Gemma Puglisi

Mar 4, 2020, 1:03:39 PM3/4/20
to Karen Weber, Alisa Agozzino, PRSSA Advisers
Wow.  These are all great!

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On Mar 4, 2020, at 1:02 PM, 'Karen Weber' via PRSSA Advisers <> wrote:

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Gregg Feistman

Mar 4, 2020, 1:09:59 PM3/4/20
to Alisa Agozzino, PRSSA Advisers
Our programming is similar to what Alisa does (hi Alisa!) except for the practicum part (but I may steal that idea...). This year I've arranged for a very senior/heavy hitter agency exec. to come and speak at the last meeting; hopefully that will be a draw for both students & faculty.

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Gregg Feistman
Assistant Chair for Public Relations
Associate Professor of Practice
Faculty Advisor: Temple PRSSA, PRowl Public Relations
Department of Advertising and Public Relations
Klein College of Media and Communication
Temple University
228 Weiss Hall
1701 N. 13th Street
Philadelphia, Pa. 19122
Ph: (215) 204-0532

Whitaker-Heck, Rosalynne

Mar 4, 2020, 4:44:23 PM3/4/20
to Gregg Feistman, Alisa Agozzino, PRSSA Advisers
I realize this is a bigger conversation, but I think the PRSSA name needs to be changed to reflect the broader range of communication majors, especially for those programs that have strategic communication programs. 

Dr. Roz Whitaker-Heck, APR  (STUDENTS: Preferred reference is Dr. Roz)
Associate Dean/Associate Professor
Division of Communication and Creative Media
163 South Willard Street
Champlain College 
Burlington, VT 05402

Greg De Blasio

Mar 4, 2020, 5:01:43 PM3/4/20
to Whitaker-Heck, Rosalynne, Gregg Feistman, Alisa Agozzino, PRSSA Advisers
Yes, and that moves in the direction of IABC territory.

Gregory G. De Blasio, PhD

Associate Professor and Public Relations Program Director

Northern Kentucky University

Department of Communication

442 Griffin Hall

Highland Heights, Kentucky 41051

Office Telephone: 001 859 572 6317


From: <> on behalf of Whitaker-Heck, Rosalynne <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2020 4:43 PM
To: Gregg Feistman <>
Cc: Alisa Agozzino <>; PRSSA Advisers <>
Subject: [EXT] Re: {PRSSA Advisers} Re: Senioritis??
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