Regarding Scales in protovis

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sudharsanam narasimhan

Dec 19, 2011, 5:52:17 AM12/19/11
to protovis,
<title>Parallel Coordinates</title>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ex.css?3.2"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../protovis-r3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="cars.js"></script>
<style type="text/css">

#fig {
width: 880px;
height: 460px;

#title {
position: absolute;
top: 70px;
left: 200px;
padding: 10px;
background: white;

large {
font-size: medium;

<body><div id="center"><div id="fig">
<script type="text/javascript+protovis">

// The units and dimensions to visualize, in order.
var units = {
cyl: {name: "cylinders", unit: ""},
dsp: {name: "displacement", unit: " sq in"},
lbs: {name: "weight", unit: " lbs"},
hp: {name: "horsepower", unit: " hp"},
acc: {name: "acceleration (0-60 mph)", unit: " sec"},
mpg: {name: "mileage", unit: " mpg"},
year: {name: "year", unit: ""}

var dims = pv.keys(units);

/* Sizing and scales. */
var w = 820,
h = 420,
fudge = 0.5,
x = pv.Scale.ordinal(dims).splitFlush(0, w),
y = pv.dict(dims, function(t) pv.Scale.linear(
cars.filter(function(d) !isNaN(d[t])),
function(d) Math.floor(d[t])-fudge,
function(d) Math.ceil(d[t]) +fudge
).range(0, h)),
c = pv.dict(dims, function(t) pv.Scale.linear(
cars.filter(function(d) !isNaN(d[t])),
function(d) Math.floor(d[t])-fudge,
function(d) Math.ceil(d[t]) +fudge
).range("steelblue", "brown"));

/* Interaction state. */
var filter = pv.dict(dims, function(t) {
return {min: y[t].domain()[0], max: y[t].domain()[1]};
}), active = "mpg";

/* The root panel. */
var vis = new pv.Panel()

// The parallel coordinates display.
.visible(function(d) dims.every(function(t)
(d[t] >= filter[t].min) && (d[t] <= filter[t].max)))
.left(function(t, d) x(t))
.bottom(function(t, d) y[t](d[t]))

// Rule per dimension.
rule = vis.add(pv.Rule)

// Dimension label
.font("bold 10px sans-serif")
.text(function(d) units[d].name);

// The parallel coordinates display.
var change = vis.add(pv.Panel);

var line = change.add(pv.Panel)
.visible(function(d) dims.every(function(t)
(d[t] >= filter[t].min) && (d[t] <= filter[t].max)))
.left(function(t, d) x(t))
.bottom(function(t, d) y[t](d[t]))
.strokeStyle(function(t, d) c[active](d[active]))

// Updater for slider and resizer.
function update(d) {
var t = d.dim;
filter[t].min = Math.max(y[t].domain()[0], y[t].invert(h - d.y -
filter[t].max = Math.min(y[t].domain()[1], y[t].invert(h - d.y));
active = t;
return false;

// Updater for slider and resizer.
function selectAll(d) {
if (d.dy < 3) {
var t = d.dim;
filter[t].min = Math.max(y[t].domain()[0], y[t].invert(0));
filter[t].max = Math.min(y[t].domain()[1], y[t].invert(h));
d.y = 0; d.dy = h;
active = t;
return false;

Please help me in understanding the code.. And importantly i want to
know what the x variable contains in this program?? How to print the
value it holds???

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