AJAX queues / managing AJAX requests

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Marco Afonso

Oct 19, 2010, 4:51:32 PM10/19/10
to Prototype: Core
Hi all,

I'm new to prototype and i found it just amazing. Thank you all the
developers! :)

In my application, I have Ajax.Request() all over the place... and
some run "in queue" (or in cascade).

I'm not sure it this makes sense but... how about creating the object
new Ajax.Request() but not run it when is created but, instead, have a
method Ajax.Request.run() to run it when we want?

Another question that maybe its related...

I would like to have all my Ajax.Request objects in a single place,
let say, in an object that acts as a controller (like in MVC but on
the client side). This way, i could control which ajax calls should
run after another ones, like in queue. And i would like to know, which
ones were completed and which ones failed. This figure may level up
the design of our application.
Whats the best way to organize all these Ajax.Request in one single


Marco Afonso

Oct 22, 2010, 4:45:27 PM10/22/10
to Prototype: Core
Hi all,

I think I found what i was looking for: http://www.woozoo-project.org/

Tell me your experience with WooZoo.

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