A more efficient $super for Prototype 2

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T.J. Crowder

Sep 4, 2009, 8:15:43 AM9/4/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi all,

I've come up with a new way of handling $super (which I can't imagine
is unique, it's just new to me) which is markedly more efficient than
our current $super on all of the browsers I've tried it on. I'm
wondering whether we should consider it for Prototype 2.

Executive summary:

Pros -
* Avoids calling toString on subclass methods when defining classes.
* Avoids creating closures for each $super-enabled subclass method.
* Avoids creating an on-the-fly function on every call to a $super-
enabled method.
* Avoids at least four extra calls when $super-enabled methods are
* Consequently reduces the time to call methods that use $super, from
markedly (1.6X as fast) to dramatically (10X as fast) depending on
browser and choices the subclass author makes.
* Theoretically reduces memory footprint (no added functions/
* Minifiers (like packer3) that change arg names don't break things by
renaming $super.
* (Subjective) Simpler code in Class.create for contribs to

Cons -
* Breaks backward compatibility.
* Syntax for calling the $super method is slightly more complex.


A brief review of how $super currently works:

1. When a class is defined, Class.create calls Function#argumentNames
on each method defined by the subclass. (#argumentNames is
Function#toString followed by three regexes and a String#split.)
Class.create then checks the first argument to see if its name is
"$super" and, if so, creates a closure to hold the ancestor and wraps
the member function to set up the $super goodness.

2. When a $super-enabled method is called, it is in fact our wrapper
that is called. The wrapper creates a new function on the fly (on
every call) to bind our closure to "this" and passes the result to the
subclass's real method as the $super parameter.

This results in the wonderfully simple syntax supported by Prototype
classes, that you can call the super's version of a function simply by
calling $super:

nifty: function($super, foo, bar) {

You don't even have to pass in "this", it's all handled for you,
though at a substantial runtime cost. (Note that in this example,
only 'foo' and not 'bar' is passed to the super; presumably 'bar' has
meaning only to the subclass.)

The new approach is markedly simpler and more direct at both the class
definition stage and the method call stage. However, calling the
$super version of the function is not quite as straightforward.

Here's how the new approach works:

1. At class definition time, Class.create detects that the subclass
overrides the superclass's method (this is a trivial property check)
and, if so, stores a reference to the super's function as a property
called $super on the sub's function object.

2. When a method is called, there is no indirection, the call goes
direct to the subclass's defined method. The subclass can then call
the super's version via arguments.callee.$super.

The unaided syntax subclass methods would use to call the super's
version is complicated and error-prone (to the novice, anyway):

nifty: function(foo, bar) {
arguments.callee.$super.call(this, foo);

...and so this solution envisions a helper "callSuper" method (name
TBD) authors may choose to use instead (at the cost of an extra
function call):

nifty: function(foo, bar) {
this.callSuper(arguments, foo);

You can see why I think a helper may be useful; that's quite a lot
simpler. Note that the first argument is always 'arguments' and does
*not* mean #callSuper is passing all of the arguments to the super
function; you follow it with the arguments you want to pass. We can
muck about with the API on the helper, and of course class authors can
create their own for their own needs.

In my tests on Windows, IE shows the least improvement and Chrome the
most. Specifically, my simple tests so far (all of these numbers are
rounded, and they vary quite a lot from test to test, so these are
just indicative):

Using callSuper syntax:
* IE: 38% reduction in method call time, e.g., calls are 1.6 times as
* Safari: 58% reduction; 2.4 times as fast
* Firefox: 65% reduction; 2.9 times as fast
* Opera: 66% reduction; 2.9 times as fast
* Chrome: 83% reduction, calls are 5.8 times as fast

Using direct (but complicated) syntax:
* IE: 40% reduction, 1.7 times as fast
* Safari: 77% reduction; 4.4 times as fast
* Opera: 77% reduction; 4.4 times as fast
* Firefox: 80% reduction; 4.9 times as fast
* Chrome: 91% reduction, calls are 10.1 times as fast

Using the complicated syntax, that's a full order of magnitude *or
better* on Chrome (but let's face it, Chrome is already so much faster
than everything else it's less important than it would otherwise be),
and Firefox sees ~5X improvement. With the syntax I would expect most
class authors to use, the benefit is less but still marked.

Call overhead isn't sexy, but does anyone else think this is worth
looking at more closely?
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

Robert Kieffer

Sep 4, 2009, 8:53:36 AM9/4/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
Hey gang,

I took a look at this issue a while ago, in a blog post that generated a fair bit of discussion and spin off investigations (see http://www.google.com/search?q=inheritance+performance+javascript) so I'll try to weigh in.  However I'm in the middle of an extended road trip, so I don't have the time/resources necessary to give this proper attention...

http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance - JQ's swipe at this problem.  Definitely read through the comments.  Your approach appears similar to his (which is based on Dean Edward's Base2).  Dean uses this.base(), instead of this.callSuper(), fwiw.  no strong opinions there, although this.base() seems a bit more "prototype-like" in it's terseness.

The performance tests I did for Base2 (see the broofa.com article in the google search above) are probably a good first-guess at the performance your approach will have compared to other techniques.

Technically this doesn't break backward compatibility - $super and this.callSuper() can coexist as dual techniques for doing inheritance, correct?  We just need to decide if $super support will continue in P2.

... and, finally, I vaguely recall people raising some interesting edge cases.  But I don't remember where I saw those.  *sigh*.

- rwk

T.J. Crowder

Sep 4, 2009, 9:09:32 AM9/4/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Richard,

Thanks for that.

I like the terseness and clarity of this.base() although I'd have
concerns about that making it difficult for people to retrofit their
classes ("base" being a fairly common word). I do _not_ mean that I
think "callSuper" is a great name; I don't and I expect suggestions
like yours to result in a better name. But something unlikely to
clash makes it simpler for people to do a global search-and-replace to
convert $super(...) to this.niftyNameHere(arguments, ...). Even in a
large project, that should be a 10-minute exercise.

Agreed that both mechanisms can co-exist, except that I -- perhaps
unreasonably -- find running all of the subclass methods through
Function#toString at definition time ugly. But you're right, once
deprecated the old $super could be supported for a dot rev or so to
ease transition.

I meant to mention in my earlier post that once implementations have a
native Function#bind (which I'm sure everyone knows is in the latest
ECMA draft specs), presumably the cost of that bind-on-each-method-
call would go down, though I suspect it will never reduce to zero.
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

On Sep 4, 1:53 pm, Robert Kieffer <bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey gang,
> I took a look at this issue a while ago, in a blog post that generated a
> fair bit of discussion and spin off investigations (seehttp://www.google.com/search?q=inheritance+performance+javascript) so I'll
> try to weigh in.  However I'm in the middle of an extended road trip, so I
> don't have the time/resources necessary to give this proper attention...
> http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance- JQ's swipe at this

Allen Madsen

Sep 4, 2009, 10:00:45 AM9/4/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com

I think the speed improvement definitely merits going into. I would suggest the helper be called $super so when converting, the relationship is evident. I have to admit that passing arguments in feels odd to me though. 

Jim Higson

Sep 4, 2009, 10:05:45 AM9/4/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com, T.J. Crowder

On Friday 04 September 2009 14:09:32 T.J. Crowder wrote:
> [...] I do _not_ mean that I

> think "callSuper" is a great name; I don't and I expect suggestions
> like yours to result in a better name. But something unlikely to
> clash makes it simpler for people to do a global search-and-replace to
> convert $super(...) to this.niftyNameHere(arguments, ...).

How about this.$super()?

my wiki ajaxification thing: http://wikizzle.org
my blog: http://jimhigson.blogspot.com/

T.J. Crowder

Sep 4, 2009, 10:09:49 AM9/4/09
to Prototype: Core
@Allen & @Jim,

Gets my vote.

-- T.J. :-)

T.J. Crowder

Sep 4, 2009, 11:27:34 AM9/4/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi again folks,

This thread[1] about using Array.prototype.slice to copy arguments
made me wonder whether the speed improvements I found had more to do
with the fact my implementation of the new mechanism had its own copy-
the-args function (which is faster than using `slice` on most
browsers; see the thread for details) than with eliminating calls and
function creation. And the answer is: No, but with the important
caveat: On Chrome when using the "callSuper" helper, a big part of
the gains were indeed down to the copy-the-args function instead of
`slice`. If I modify my new mechanism to use `slice` instead (which
obviously is the wrong way 'round, but never mind), when using the
helper the new mechanism is only about 2X faster on Chrome than the
old mechanism. Of course, Firefox got faster in that scenario (since
Firefox is the one browser in my set of tests where using `slice` is
faster than one's own copy function).

So summing up, the new mechanism remains faster across-the-board even
using the helper, but the gains on Chrome will not be as marked (when
using a helper) as they seem at present because of the difference in
how args are copied. And of course, one of the great things about the
new mechanism is that you don't have to copy args at all if you are
willing to use the more verbose syntax.

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-core/browse_thread/thread/cf8c287e231a0192#
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com


Sep 4, 2009, 1:25:19 PM9/4/09
to Prototype: Core
On Sep 4, 8:15 am, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've come up with a new way of handling $super (which I can't imagine
> is unique, it's just new to me) which is markedly more efficient than
> our current $super on all of the browsers I've tried it on. I'm
> wondering whether we should consider it for Prototype 2.

Our current solution is clearly one of the slowest inheritance
implementations out there. You get very nice sugar for a very high
price :) No surprises there. I think P2 should definitely employ a
simpler approach (either fully replacing old one or just as a separate

It's worth mentioning that one of the warts of current solution is
that it relies on function decompilation - something that's known to
cause problems [1][2] and is better avoided (fwiw, ES committee didn't
have enough time to handle this "issue" so ES5 specifies
`Function.prototype.toString` to return the very same *implementation-
dependent* function representation)

> Executive summary:
> Pros -
> * Avoids calling toString on subclass methods when defining classes.
> * Avoids creating closures for each $super-enabled subclass method.
> * Avoids creating an on-the-fly function on every call to a $super-
> enabled method.
> * Avoids at least four extra calls when $super-enabled methods are
> called.
> * Consequently reduces the time to call methods that use $super, from
> markedly (1.6X as fast) to dramatically (10X as fast) depending on
> browser and choices the subclass author makes.
> * Theoretically reduces memory footprint (no added functions/
> closures).
> * Minifiers (like packer3) that change arg names don't break things by
> renaming $super.
> * (Subjective) Simpler code in Class.create for contribs to
> understand.
> Cons -
> * Breaks backward compatibility.
> * Syntax for calling the $super method is slightly more complex.

* Relies on `arguments.callee` with all the consequences.

To explain consequences:

`arguments.callee` is considered one of the warts of ES3. Besides
certain security concerns, the bad part of it is that it requires
creation of `arguments` object (when entering execution context). This
creation is rather expensive and results in both - memory and perf.
hits. Some of the modern implementations optimize in such way that
they only create `arguments` object when it statically occurs in a
function body (or when there's a chance of dynamic evaluation, such as
`eval`, `setTimeout` occurrence, etc.). Others create `arguments`
object on first resolution of `arguments` identifier, etc.

You can easily see it by yourself. Create 2 identical functions, one
of which would use `arguments.callee` and another - plain identifier;
then look at a difference.

ES5 also introduces strict mode. When in strict mode,
`argument.callee` throws TypeError on access. IIRC, Caja (secure
subset of ES) and some of its variations (Cajita, Valija), emulate ES5-
strict behavior and also throw error. If something in Prototype were
to rely on `arguments.callee`, it would effectively prevent running it
in strict mode or cajoling it.

[snip current approach explanation]

> Here's how the new approach works:
> 1. At class definition time, Class.create detects that the subclass
> overrides the superclass's method (this is a trivial property check)
> and, if so, stores a reference to the super's function as a property
> called $super on the sub's function object.
> 2. When a method is called, there is no indirection, the call goes
> direct to the subclass's defined method. The subclass can then call
> the super's version via arguments.callee.$super.
> The unaided syntax subclass methods would use to call the super's
> version is complicated and error-prone (to the novice, anyway):
> nifty: function(foo, bar) {
> arguments.callee.$super.call(this, foo);
> }
> ...and so this solution envisions a helper "callSuper" method (name
> TBD) authors may choose to use instead (at the cost of an extra
> function call):
> nifty: function(foo, bar) {
> this.callSuper(arguments, foo);
> }
> You can see why I think a helper may be useful; that's quite a lot
> simpler. Note that the first argument is always 'arguments' and does
> *not* mean #callSuper is passing all of the arguments to the super
> function; you follow it with the arguments you want to pass. We can
> muck about with the API on the helper, and of course class authors can
> create their own for their own needs.

I usually use a similar approach instead of `$super`, which I first
saw mentioned by Tobie some time ago:

Class.Methods.callSuper = function(methodName) {
var fn = this.constructor.superclass.prototype[methodName];
return (arguments.length > 1)
? fn.apply(this, _slice.call(arguments, 1))
: fn.call(this);


initialize: function(options) {
this.callSuper('initialize', options);

One huge downside to this is that there's now repetition of method
name. If I change method name, I also have to remember to change first
argument of `callSuper` somewhere in the function body. The good thing
is that this approach is very efficient. There's also occurrence of
`arguments` there, but not `arguments.callee`.

[snip tests]

> Using the complicated syntax, that's a full order of magnitude *or
> better* on Chrome (but let's face it, Chrome is already so much faster
> than everything else it's less important than it would otherwise be),
> and Firefox sees ~5X improvement. With the syntax I would expect most
> class authors to use, the benefit is less but still marked.
> Call overhead isn't sexy, but does anyone else think this is worth
> looking at more closely?

Definitely :)


[1] http://thinkweb2.com/projects/prototype/detecting-built-in-host-methods/
[2] http://thinkweb2.com/projects/prototype/those-tricky-functions/

T.J. Crowder

Sep 4, 2009, 2:54:42 PM9/4/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Juriy,

Thanks for that. Yes, it was the function decompilation (and the on-
the-fly bind) that made me look for another solution.

I was unaware of the performance implication of arguments.callee, and
*WOW* does it make a speed difference (see below). The good thing is
that this solution doesn't require arguments.callee (we'll have to
adjust the helper, or do away with it). Just name your functions and
use the name. You _can_ use arguments.callee if you like, but for
best results, use function names.

Because **HOLY COW** what a difference that makes. Using the
function's name instead makes the new mechanisn 16-50X faster (I kid
you not) than the old on Chrome. Firefox also goes through the roof
speed-wise, we're talking 35X+. Even IE is more impressed, going from
1.6X to 2.4X as fast. Opera says "yes, please" with a 11X
improvement, as does Safari with 10X.

The fly in the ointment is that IE will not acknowledge the function
name if defined as part of an assignment/initialization statement like

var Thingy = Class.create({
nifty: function nifty(foo, bar) {
nifty.$super.call(this, foo);

It just ignores the function name and complains that 'nifty' is not
defined. This works:

var Thingy = Class.create((function() {
function nifty(foo, bar) {
nifty.$super.call(this, foo);

return {nifty: nifty};

(Which is what a lot of the Prototype source now does.) So that's a
larger impact on how you define classes, but also suggests a useful
pattern to authors for sharing common private class methods/data
within the closure, and WOW what a performance difference.

There seems to be enough interest in this that it's worth my doing a
sample changeset with test cases and sharing it 'round; I'll do that
over the weekend.
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com


Sep 5, 2009, 12:16:30 AM9/5/09
to Prototype: Core

On Sep 4, 2:54 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi Juriy,
> Thanks for that.  Yes, it was the function decompilation (and the on-
> the-fly bind) that made me look for another solution.
> I was unaware of the performance implication of arguments.callee, and
> *WOW* does it make a speed difference (see below).  The good thing is
> that this solution doesn't require arguments.callee (we'll have to
> adjust the helper, or do away with it).  Just name your functions and
> use the name.  You _can_ use arguments.callee if you like, but for
> best results, use function names.

Sounds good.

> Because **HOLY COW** what a difference that makes.  Using the
> function's name instead makes the new mechanisn 16-50X faster (I kid
> you not) than the old on Chrome.  Firefox also goes through the roof
> speed-wise, we're talking 35X+.  Even IE is more impressed, going from
> 1.6X to 2.4X as fast.  Opera says "yes, please" with a 11X
> improvement, as does Safari with 10X.

Told ya :)

> The fly in the ointment is that IE will not acknowledge the function
> name if defined as part of an assignment/initialization statement like
> so:

That's a so-called "named function expression".

>     var Thingy = Class.create({
>         nifty: function nifty(foo, bar) {
>             nifty.$super.call(this, foo);
>         }
>     });
> It just ignores the function name and complains that 'nifty' is not
> defined.  This works:

This is strange. IE should parse `nifty` as a *function declaration*
in this case, and make available in the enclosing scope (against
specs). I don't see why `nifty` identifier would not be available in a
function. Take a look at my NFE article - <http://yura.thinkweb2.com/
named-function-expressions/> - for all the gory details about this
particular IE idiocy (and a little more on the same subject) :)

>     var Thingy = Class.create((function() {
>         function nifty(foo, bar) {
>             nifty.$super.call(this, foo);
>         }
>         return {nifty: nifty};
>     })());
> (Which is what a lot of the Prototype source now does.)  So that's a
> larger impact on how you define classes, but also suggests a useful
> pattern to authors for sharing common private class methods/data
> within the closure, and WOW what a performance difference.

Yep, giving function an identifier is quite helpful in debugging/
profiling, or even plain introspection in console.

> There seems to be enough interest in this that it's worth my doing a
> sample changeset with test cases and sharing it 'round; I'll do that
> over the weekend.

Great! Thanks.



Allen Madsen

Sep 5, 2009, 9:46:16 AM9/5/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
>     var Thingy = Class.create({
>         nifty: function nifty(foo, bar) {
>             nifty.$super.call(this, foo);
>         }
>     });
> It just ignores the function name and complains that 'nifty' is not
> defined.  This works:

I think you need "this.nifty.$super.call(this, foo);"

Allen Madsen

T.J. Crowder

Sep 6, 2009, 3:48:09 AM9/6/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Allen,

> I think you need "this.nifty.$super.call(this, foo);"

You don't, although that also works. A named function's name is in
scope within the function:

function foo(bar) {
alert(typeof foo); // Alerts "function"

However, I was thinking about anonymous functions this morning while
waking up (pathetic, isn't it?) and realized that even if you don't
use a named function, you can avoid arguments.callee with exactly the
form you describe: this.nifty.$super.call(this, foo); I don't like
the repetition of "this", but if you don't have time to switch
everything over to named functions (I'm thinking of retrofitting
efforts), it's a reasonable first step, and I assume (haven't tested
it yet) still gets speed gains over arguments.callee.

Will be posting a sample implementation (it's wonderfully simple, but
there are a couple of edge cases around dynamic updates of classes)
and tests ASAP, but I want to get some of the Prototype documentation
issues sorted out first (transferring the old doc to the new format
and updating), since that's more urgent.

-- T.J. :-)

T.J. Crowder

Sep 6, 2009, 5:38:36 AM9/6/09
to Prototype: Core
> > I think you need "this.nifty.$super.call(this, foo);"
> You don't, although that also works.

Ack! Sorry, too early in the morning, hadn't had enough coffee.

That does *not* work, because you always refer to the bottommost
subclass's nifty ("this.nifty" is always the bottommost function), so
you end up endlessly recursing. Wow that's an easy trap to fall into.

No, it's either use the function's name unadorned, or use
arguments.callee and pay the performance penalty. Personally, I
prefer using the function's name. :-)

-- T.J. :-)

Rick Waldron

Sep 7, 2009, 2:53:08 PM9/7/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com

I once woke up from a nap in the middle of a saturday and solved a silly issue i was having with event bubbling/propagation... I had seen the solution in code as the last thing before I woke up. I tried it... and it worked. The point: never feel bad about waking up to code on the brain :)


Allen Madsen

Sep 7, 2009, 10:57:13 PM9/7/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com

I guess I don't understand why it wouldn't work. I'll illustrate how I understand it and you correct me where I'm wrong.

var A = Class.create({
  nifty: function(){}

var B = Class.create(A, {
  nifty: function(){
    this.nifty.$super(); // refers to A.nifty()
    //this.nifty(); //would cause recursion

Also, if what I'm thinking is correct, there are some interesting side effects that weren't possible before. Such as:

var C = Class.create(B, {
  nifty: function(){
    this.nifty.$super.$super(); //refers to A.nifty() instead of B.nifty()
  crappy: function(){
    this.nifty.$super(); //calls super of another function
On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 5:38 AM, T.J. Crowder <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 12:24:19 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Allen,

> I guess I don't understand why it wouldn't work.

Yeah, it's...subtle. :-) It runs into what I call the "grandchild"
problem. Consider Parent < Child < GrandChild, all with #nifty

var Parent = Class.create((function() {

function nifty(spiffy)
return "P(" + spiffy + ")";

return {
nifty: nifty
var Child = Class.create(Parent, (function() {

function nifty(spiffy)
return nifty.$super.call(this, spiffy) + " < C";

return {
nifty: nifty
var GrandChild = Class.create(Child, (function() {

function nifty(spiffy)
return nifty.$super.call(this, spiffy) + " < GC";

return {
nifty: nifty

We instantiate a GrandChild instance and call GrandChild#nifty:

var gc = new GrandChild();

Inside our methods, "this" always refers to the actual instance, and
so "this.nifty" always refers to the "nifty" function referenced by
the instance, which is always GrandChild#nifty. So within
GrandChild#nifty, this.nifty.$super will reference Child#nifty and
using that form will work -- but only one level deep. Because then
within Child#nifty, if we use this.nifty.$super, nothing is diffrent
-- "this" still refers to the instance, and so "this.nifty" still
refers to GrandChild#nifty, and so "this.nifty.$super" still refers to
Child#nifty. If Child#nifty calls this.nifty.$super, it will call
itself and recurse.

Another way to say that is that within the various #nifty functions,
"this.nifty !== nifty" except at the bottom (GrandChild) level.

The reason that the syntax without "this" works is that the name of a
function is in scope within the function, and it refers to *that
specific function*. So an unadorned "nifty" within GrandChild#nifty
refers to GrandChild#nifty, within Child#nifty refers to Child#nifty,
and within Parent#nifty refers to Parent#nifty. So "nifty.
$super" (without "this") always gives us our super function.

I'm posting an implementation (it was really easy to mod the source to
support this, including handling dynamic changes to the hierarchy) and
unit tests in a little bit.

-- T.J. :-)

On Sep 8, 3:57 am, Allen Madsen <bla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> TJ,
> I guess I don't understand why it wouldn't work. I'll illustrate how I
> understand it and you correct me where I'm wrong.
> var A = Class.create({
>   nifty: function(){}
> });
> var B = Class.create(A, {
>   nifty: function(){
>     this.nifty.$super(); // refers to A.nifty()
>     //this.nifty(); //would cause recursion
>   }
> });
> Also, if what I'm thinking is correct, there are some interesting side
> effects that weren't possible before. Such as:
> var C = Class.create(B, {
>   nifty: function(){
>     this.nifty.$super.$super(); //refers to A.nifty() instead of B.nifty()
>   },
>   crappy: function(){
>     this.nifty.$super(); //calls super of another function
>   }
> });
> Allen Madsenhttp://www.allenmadsen.com

Jim Higson

Sep 8, 2009, 3:52:58 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
On Tuesday 08 September 2009 03:57:13 Allen Madsen wrote:
> TJ,
> I guess I don't understand why it wouldn't work. I'll illustrate how I
> understand it and you correct me where I'm wrong.
> var A = Class.create({
> nifty: function(){}
> });
> var B = Class.create(A, {
> nifty: function(){
> this.nifty.$super(); // refers to A.nifty()
> //this.nifty(); //would cause recursion
> }
> });

Wouldn't you have to do this to preserve scope?

this.nifty.$super.call( this );

Myself, I've never liked the .call syntax much because I mistake it with
apply: the two words seem arbitrary. But, yeah, I can see that pre-binding
every overridden method of every object would be a big overhead.

Perhaps I would do:

var B = Class.create(A, {
nifty: function(){

var $super = this.nifty.$super.bind( this );
// $super refers to A.nifty() bound to this

[1] Please correct if this is wrong!

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 4:28:00 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Jim,

> Perhaps I would do:
> var B = Class.create(A, {
> nifty: function(){
> var $super = this.nifty.$super.bind( this );
> // $super refers to A.nifty() bound to this
> $super();
> }
> });
> [1] Please correct if this is wrong!

You need to leave out the "this." and use a named function instead;
see my note to Allen for the details. You can use #bind if you want
to, but in my experience you're typically only making a single call to
the superclass method, so it's not really worth the overhead. But
here's what it would look like:

var B = Class.create(A, (function(){

function nifty(){
var $super = nifty.$super.bind( this );
// $super refers to A.nifty() bound to this

return {nifty: nifty};

-- T.J.

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 5:55:30 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi all,

I've taken a break from porting documentation from Mephisto into the
source (zzzzzz) to do a first take on implementing the new
supercalls! Here's the commit in a branch in my repo:[1]

That commit includes the code, documentation, and unit tests. The old
class unit tests are still there (I've just renamed them "oldclass",
though not properly from a git history POV I just realized) so we
continue to test the old style until we remove it, which I would
assume would be a couple of versions after introducing the new one.
I've also added tests to prove that you can mix the two styles (derive
from an old-style using the new style, or vice-versa), not that I
recommend doing that. Apologies in advance if I'm out on a limb
stylistically; I tried to fit in (inline vars! yuck!). If I've gone
astray, please let me know.

As you can see, the implementation in the Prototype code is dead
simple, and yet the new supercalls are easy to use, particularly if
you're already sold on the benefits of using named rather than
anonymous functions (or if you don't care how phenomenally slow
`arguments.callee` is).

This gist[2] contains a basic performance comparison page. The change
really is dramatic, even if you use arguments.callee -- but it's mind-
blowing if you use named functions (thanks, kangax, for pointing that

About dynamism: Coming from the compiled language world, I would
never have thought to handle people adding methods to classes on-the-
fly AFTER the class may have been derived; thank you to Tobie for
pointing out that requirement. The code correctly handles defining
new methods and redefining methods, ensuring that everybody is linked
up correctly. (That turned out to be trivial.) But I have a couple
of questions for you dynamic types:

1) Does it need to support _removing_ a method entirely? (Currently
does not; easy to add.)

2) Does it need to handle edge cases where a name is defined on
classes but is not a function (e.g., a class variable), but then we
REdefine it to be a function? Or vice-versa (replacing a function with
a non-function)? (Currently does not handle it; will complicate the
code somewhat.)

I can just about imagine (1), but frankly if you're doing (2) I think
you need to revisit what you're doing! :-)

[1] http://github.com/tjcrowder/prototype/commit/79d3e1dfd32220299f0a5aceacfc6fd3ffa2a089
[2] http://gist.github.com/182817

Comments/suggestions/jeers welcome. (Well, no, not jeers.)

-- T.J.

Radoslav Stankov

Sep 8, 2009, 6:20:17 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
It really looks nicer :)

I was generally using this.constructor ... and so on. But this is
better. I haven't run it but I guest it is possible to do

this.method.$super.call(this, ...)
arguments.callee.$supper.call(this, ...)

Witch is nice.

Richard Quadling

Sep 8, 2009, 6:22:20 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
2009/9/8 T.J. Crowder <t...@crowdersoftware.com>:
I'm getting an error in Chrome when I click "Test functionality" ...

Test loops: (suggest about 5,000 for IE, 200,000 for Chrome,
100,000 for Firefox or Safari)
GOOD: OP(hi)
GOOD: OP(hi) < OC
GOOD: OP(hi) < OC < OGC
GOOD: NP(hi)
Exception: TypeError: Cannot call method 'call' of undefined

In FireFox ...

Test loops: (suggest about 5,000 for IE, 200,000 for Chrome, 100,000
for Firefox or Safari)
GOOD: OP(hi)
GOOD: OP(hi) < OC
GOOD: OP(hi) < OC < OGC
GOOD: NP(hi)
Exception: TypeError: nifty.$super is undefined

and in IE ...

Test loops: (suggest about 5,000 for IE, 200,000 for Chrome,
100,000 for Firefox or Safari)
GOOD: OP(hi)
GOOD: OP(hi) < OC
GOOD: OP(hi) < OC < OGC
GOOD: NP(hi)
Exception: [object Error]

I ran ...

git clone git://github.com/tjcrowder/prototype.git crowder

to create a new local copy before doing a rake dist (did the
submodules bit too).

Seems I've got the standard version and not TJ's.

Richard Quadling
"Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!"
EE : http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_248814.html
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498&r=213474731
ZOPA : http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 6:26:20 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core

> It really looks nicer :)


> I haven't run it but I guest it is possible to do
> this.method.$super.call(this, ...)

No, you need to drop the "this." from the beginning of that. See my
reply to Allen a couple up (or the PDoc comments here[1]) for why.

> arguments.callee.$supper.call(this, ...)

Yup, that works (assuming $super rather than $supper), although it's a
lot slower than using the function name. It's still markedly faster
than the current mechanism.

-- T.J. :-)

Richard Quadling

Sep 8, 2009, 6:32:55 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
2009/9/8 T.J. Crowder <t...@crowdersoftware.com>:
In the end I downloaded the archive and used src to rebuild a new prototype.

test loops: 500000
Old mechanism time: 9666ms
New mechanism time: 639ms
*** The test was a bit short, the timing data may be suspect; try more loops.
Improvement: 93.39%, e.g., old takes 15.13 times as long as new.

A bit short!!!! Half a million loops and it's a bit short!!!!

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 6:38:06 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Richard,

You want to use the "supercalls" branch; I suspect you used master.
This should do it:

git clone git://github.com/tjcrowder/prototype.git
git checkout supercalls
rake dist

In any case, I see you got there in the end.

> A bit short!!!! Half a million loops and it's a bit short!!!!

Heh heh heh. Yeah, well, we wouldn't want to jump to conclusions
based on insufficient test data. :-) I have it print that out if the
total test time was less than 15 seconds.

Only a 15X improvement on Chrome, eh? I've seen it even higher than

-- T.J. :-)

Radoslav Stankov

Sep 8, 2009, 8:03:44 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
"git pull origin supercalls" is needed for getting not only the master
branch. So we have:

git clone git://github.com/tjcrowder/prototype.git
cd prototype
git branch supercalls
git checkout supercalls
git pull origin supercalls
rake dist

There must be a smarter way with this, but I'm still a git newbie.

Bw, this worked fine, since $super is attached to function

var SuperKlass = Class.create({
update: function(){ console.log('super'); }

// written also as
var SuperKlass = Class.create((function(){
function update(){ console.log('super'); }
return {update: update};

var SubKlass = Class.create(SuperKlass, {
update: function(){

(new SubKlass()).update()

p.s. on my MacOX Leopard, it behaves very good

test loops: 100000
Old mechanism time: 686ms
New mechanism time: 123ms

Firefox 3.5
test loops: 100000
Old mechanism time: 14868ms
New mechanism time: 442ms

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 8:15:03 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Radoslav,

> There must be a smarter way with this, but I'm still a git newbie.

Hey, you're better at it than I am. :-)

> Bw, this worked fine, since $super is attached to function

It only worked because you only had a Parent < Child hierarchy. As
soon as you throw a third level into it (the "grandchild test"), e.g.
Parent < Child < GrandChild, if any of the middle layers (Child, in
this case) tries to do a supercall, it will *endlessly recurse*.
Really. Again, please read my reply to Allen above[1] for details.

[1] http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-core/browse_thread/thread/db9ccdaae4f7f705/c84a73f979fafc2c?#c84a73f979fafc2c

-- T.J.

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 8:34:13 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi all,

Just validated Radoslav's steps, and they work (provided you add the
submodules stuff), although it takes a while because you have to
retrieve everything (including submodules). Instead, it's really easy
and very fast to just add my repo as a remote within your existing
local prototype repo, and the pull the supercalls stuff into a branch:

1. Get into your local prototype repo

2. Add mine as a remote source:

git remote add tjcrowder git://github.com/tjcrowder/prototype.git

3. Create and switch to a local "supercalls" branch

git branch supercalls
git checkout supercalls

4. Pull my stuff into it:

git pull tjcrowder supercalls

5. Build

rake dist

6. Profit!

Alternately, here's[1] a pre-baked copy for anyone who just wants to
grab it and play around, but of course it will go stale fairly

[1] http://gist.github.com/182838

-- T.J.

On Sep 8, 1:15 pm, "T.J. Crowder" <t...@crowdersoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi Radoslav,
> > There must be a smarter way with this, but I'm still a git newbie.
> Hey, you're better at it than I am. :-)
> > Bw, this worked fine, since $super is attached to function
> It only worked because you only had a Parent < Child hierarchy. As
> soon as you throw a third level into it (the "grandchild test"), e.g.
> Parent < Child < GrandChild, if any of the middle layers (Child, in
> this case) tries to do a supercall, it will *endlessly recurse*.
> Really.  Again, please read my reply to Allen above[1] for details.
> [1]http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-core/browse_thread/thread/db...

Allen Madsen

Sep 8, 2009, 9:56:06 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
Hey TJ,

For your two suggested additions. I don't think I have ever had a use for either. One thing I would like to suggest though is that Class.create take an object or a function as an argument. Since it is essentially a requirement now to use a function to create named functions that can call super (disregarding callee), it would be nice if defining that was simplified. So something like:

var A = Class.create({
  nifty: function(){}

var B = Class.create(A, function(){
  function nifty(){

  return {nifty: nifty};

Allen Madsen

Sep 8, 2009, 10:02:29 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
Oh, also, you may want to throw something into update helper about your new method of getting super.

Jim Higson

Sep 8, 2009, 10:12:41 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
On Tuesday 08 September 2009 14:56:06 Allen Madsen wrote:
> Hey TJ,
> For your two suggested additions. I don't think I have ever had a use for
> either. One thing I would like to suggest though is that Class.create take
> an object or a function as an argument. Since it is essentially a
> requirement now to use a function to create named functions that can call
> super (disregarding callee), it would be nice if defining that was
> simplified. So something like:
> var A = Class.create({
> nifty: function(){}
> });
> var B = Class.create(A, function(){
> function nifty(){
> nifty.$super.call(this);
> }
> return {nifty: nifty};
> });

How about simplifying further:

var B = Class.create( A,
function nifty(){

, function alsoNifty(){

Ie, Class.create takes any number of objects of functions or functions. If
functions, the function name is used.

Allen Madsen

Sep 8, 2009, 10:27:49 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com

I like your suggestion, except that there would be no way to create private variables and functions that could be used in more than one function. For example, with my suggested method I could do:

Var A = Class.create(function(){
  var privateVar = 0;

  function privateFunction(){}

  function nifty(){
    privateVar = 3;

  return {nifty: nifty};

I'd much rather see it in this form.

Jim Higson

Sep 8, 2009, 10:53:31 AM9/8/09
to prototy...@googlegroups.com
On Tuesday 08 September 2009 15:27:49 Allen Madsen wrote:
> Jim,
> I like your suggestion, except that there would be no way to create private
> variables and functions that could be used in more than one function. For
> example, with my suggested method I could do:

I suppose if you wanted both you could say named functions get added to the
class as a method, whereas the object result of executing anon functions get

Over complicated?

Robert Kieffer

Sep 8, 2009, 11:11:54 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
I still have some serious reservations about this patch.

Before I dive into details, though, can someone please tell me why
we're not looking at Dean Edwards old Base2 approach[1], or John
Resig's variation on that[2]? That general approach would seem to
offer a good trade-off between performance and usability.

... and it's that trade-off I have reservations about. If Prototype
is going to replace the current $super technique, it's this tradeoff
that I would like to see a nice balance on. And with all respect to
you, T.J., I don't think your solution has that. There's no question
it is more performant (woot!), but I have serious doubts about it's
overall usability.

The requirement for named function expressions (NFEs) puts a serious
crimp in developers coding style. Having to declare the functions in
one section and then wrap them up in a returned data structure in
another... It's nice that this style works for Prototype, and I
appreciate the advantages, but it's not exactly commonplace (not that
anything is). It'll definitely give more than one developer pause.
Can I politely suggest that maybe you guys are a bit too close to the
code and are taking the learning curve here for granted?

And having to explicitly type the name of each function 3-4 times to
define it will very quickly get tiresome. It makes writing code
harder, and it makes refactoring it harder as well. Which means more
prone to error; there is still no IDE that is able to automatically
and accurately change the name of functions when declared like this.
With all the drum-beating around here about code maintainability, I'm
a little surprised to see this issue treated so lightly.

Most importantly, the syntax for invoking a supermethod, while not
quite as horrid as some others we've seen and discussed, is still not
that great. I mean, come on, close your eyes, take a few deep
breaths, and then look at it...

nifty.$super.call(this, spiffy)

... .vs. the current style:


... or what the Dean Edwards/John Resig style:


I know, I know, the current style has performance issues. But for a
lot of developers a simpler, less confusing syntax will trump that. I
suspect most will continue to use the old $super scheme, which will
make it much harder to deprecate than you might expect. And if the
old $super scheme is gonna stick around for a while because the new
scheme "ain't good enough", than at the end of the day this new code
is just unnecessary code bloat. Certainly Prototype itself doesn't
need it - the Ajax.* classes and Timed Observer aren't used in
situations where $super is called so often that the incremental
performance improvement will make a difference.

Sorry, I probably should have posted this before you spent your time
implementing your patch. Still... I hope this is a constructive gut
check for folks.

- rwk

[1] http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/03/base/
[2] http://ejohn.org/blog/simple-javascript-inheritance/

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 11:18:20 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core

> For your two suggested additions. I don't think I have ever had a use for
> either.


> One thing I would like to suggest though is that Class.create
> take an object or a function as an argument.

I _really_ like that idea, not least because it seems to me that by
reducing the *seeming* complexity it makes it much easier for relative
novices to adopt using named functions. But unfortunately it would a
further API change, because otherwise Class.create can't tell whether
the first argument is a base class constructor or a function you want
it to call to retrieve the members object:

var X = Class.create(BaseClass);
var Y = Class.create(function() {
function nifty() { ... }
return {nifty: nifty};

You see the problem. The API change wouldn't need to be large, it's
just suddenly we're impacting the API more than we otherwise have to,
and my gut reaction to that is usually caution (not least because
unless I caution myself, I get a bit change-happy).

None of which is meant to say A) That I'd be opposed to it if a bunch
of smart people said it was worth it (quite the opposite, in fact); or
B) That I'm not going to *immediately* steal your idea for my own
projects. :-)

FWIW, and there are 18 ways to skin this cat, but if we did anything
I'd prefer to leave Class.create alone, but I'd be really interested
in the idea of providing a new entry point (Class.define, perhaps)
that provides this new functionality and which solves the problem of
how to specify the base class in some clever way. Perhaps a new
thread for this sub-topic?


> Ie, Class.create takes any number of objects of functions or functions. If
> functions, the function name is used.

I see where you're coming from, but FWIW I'm with Allen on this one.
Also, there's no standard way to get the name of a function until
ECMAScript5 (which standardizes the truly outrageous idea that
function instances should have -- gasp! -- a "name" property), and at
the moment although Firefox 3.5, Chrome 2, and Safari 4 all already
have that property, IE7 (at least, haven't tested IE8) and Opera10 do

-- T.J. :-)

On Sep 8, 3:27 pm, Allen Madsen <bla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Jim,
> I like your suggestion, except that there would be no way to create private
> variables and functions that could be used in more than one function. For
> example, with my suggested method I could do:
> Var A = Class.create(function(){
>   var privateVar = 0;
>   function privateFunction(){}
>   function nifty(){
>     privateFunction();
>     privateVar = 3;
>   }
>   return {nifty: nifty};
> });
> I'd much rather see it in this form.
> Allen Madsenhttp://www.allenmadsen.com

T.J. Crowder

Sep 8, 2009, 11:44:19 AM9/8/09
to Prototype: Core
Hi Robert,

Thanks for your thoughts on this.

> The requirement for named function expressions (NFEs) puts a serious
> crimp in developers coding style.

This mechanism does _not_ require NFEs. You can use anonymous
functions and call the super via arguments.callee if you like, and
still get big performance improvement (and stop relying on function
decompilation, although you lose ECMA5 strict mode compliance). The
invocation syntax if you use anonymous functions is ugly enough:

var Thingy = Class.create({

nifty: function(arg) {

arguments.callee.$super.call(this, arg);

...that I would (in fact, did) suggest a helper:

var Thingy = Class.create({

nifty: function(arg) {

this.callSuper(arguments, arg);

> Before I dive into details, though, can someone please tell me why
> we're not looking at Dean Edwards old Base2 approach[1], or John
> Resig's variation on that[2]?

We should definitely consider various options. This started because I
sort of accidentally went down a road, found what I thought was a
really nifty solution, and posted asking whether others were
interested in it.

My issue with Resig's approach would be the number of introduced
closures and the slippery _super method, which has too much magic in
it for my taste. These things are subjective. It also won't perform
as well, but we're talking a small increment, and as you say trade-
offs come into play.

> I mean, come on, close your eyes, take a few deep
> breaths, and then look at it...
> nifty.$super.call(this, spiffy)

There are lots of constructs that look a bit alien at first. To me
this isn't one of them (and I'm no JavaScript master) but I totally
recognise that for some novices there's going to be a certain amount
of "just do it like this, eventually you'll understand why." That's
true of lots of things. A novice who doesn't know about Function#call
needs to be taught about Function#call, in my view.

If we provide a helper, it could accept either 'arguments' (for
anonymous functions) or the function instance (for named fucntions),
so this:

nifty.$super.call(this, spiffy);

...could be:

this.callSuper(nifty, spiffy);

...if we think that's more helpful. The cost is an extra function
call, which compared with the various other savings we're making isn't
a big deal.

Thanks again for jumping into this,
T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com

Allen Madsen

Sep 8, 2009, 12:00:17 PM9/8/09