Big thank you from team!

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Sudhir Syal

Jul 17, 2011, 1:54:45 AM7/17/11



It’s been a week since ended and all of us have spent a good one week recovering from the event. We’ve received a tremendous amount of feedback after the event, I’d like to thank all of you who took the trouble to write in. Praise, constructive feedback, criticism, its all welcome so thank you for it.


We’ve received a considerable amount of media post the event. Rediff carried out a feature on the home-page. ET did a special story on and and they’ve been a number of blogs that have covered the event too. My first person’s experience in organizing the event was also published in the ET, you can read the full version here. If you missed the event, all the photos are here. he live-streaming numbers on Indiatimes are just coming in, initial indications are that more than 5k viewers logged on at some point during both from India and overseas, add that to the 400 or so who came for the event and a similar number which attended Unpluggd and I would say that the start-up ecosystem in India is doing rather well. ET NOW’s half hour Special will also be going on air Tuesday (19th July) Night 11 PM, Saturday Night (23rd July) 9 PM and Sunday (24th July) 10 AM and 7 PM.


With all of this, live-streaming + Event + TV + Print + Social Media combined, an estimate would be that’s total reach of an involved audience both in India and globally is 20k + people and of semi-involved audience is 100k + plus people. When started in 2007, the total reach would have been approximately 2k people.


Clearly, we live in exciting times.


Apart from the presenting start-ups, all of which who I thought did an admirable job we would really like to thank our platinum sponsors Sequoia Capital. They’ve been supporters of us through thick and thin over the last 2 years and kudos to them. The Great Lakes Institute of Management, for coming on board as Event Hosts and heeding to our every request. Kudos to the volunteering team there for doing an exceptional job and taking full ownership of the event. BSE and Indiatimes our silver sponsors, special thanks to Indiatimes for doing a great job with the live-streaming.  John Verbic of Trep Up for coming on board as the T-Shirt sponsor for the event and playing the lead role in mentoring the start-ups prior to the event. And Paypal for coming on board as the logistics partner.


I’d also like to thank all the speakers and mentors at Bootcamp and the speakers and moderators of our various panels. I know it was a much longer drive than many of us expected it to be,  we did our best to ensure everything went to time so that too many of you didn’t miss your flights back home J


Most of all, I’d like to thank the audience for making it. To turn up at 9 AM on a Saturday morning, an hour and a half away from Chennai says a lot about your commitment to seeing the start-up community grow.


Power to the start-ups. See you at the next











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