Repeated option in protocol Buffer

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Nov 29, 2022, 10:30:00 PM11/29/22
to Protocol Buffers

I am trying to use BQ subscription to write into BQ table. I am using pubsub schema and trying to use protocol buffer option.
Here is my schema

syntax = "proto2";

message SkuCostAudit {
    message costs{
        required string calculatedDateTime = 1;
        required int64 sku = 2;
    required int64 vendor = 3;
    required int64 location = 4;
    required string locationType = 5;
    required float cost = 6;
    required string effectiveBeginDateTime = 7;
    required string effectiveEndDateTime = 8;
    required string transactionType = 9;
    required string details = 10;
    repeated costs xyz = 11;

I am trying to test my schema with this pubsub message..


I am getting error "Message is invalid against schema" . My pubsub message is correct. Can someone guide me to fix my schema? 

Derek Perez

Nov 29, 2022, 10:33:34 PM11/29/22
to SUDHAVANI SUNKARA, Protocol Buffers
Looks like details needs to be a repeated message with its own schema and you have it set to required and string.  

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Nov 29, 2022, 10:39:55 PM11/29/22
to Protocol Buffers
Thank you  DE.

I tried this still same isuue

syntax = "proto2";

message SkuCostAudit {
    message costs{
        required string calculatedDateTime = 1;
        required int64 sku = 2;
    required int64 vendor = 3;
    required int64 location = 4;
    required string locationType = 5;
    required float cost = 6;
    required string effectiveBeginDateTime = 7;
    required string effectiveEndDateTime = 8;
    required string transactionType = 9;
    required details details = 10;
    message details{
    required string type = 13;
    required float cost = 14;
    required string effective = 15;

    repeated costs xyz = 11;

Derek Perez

Nov 29, 2022, 10:51:27 PM11/29/22
to SUDHAVANI SUNKARA, Protocol Buffers
Say “repeated” instead of “required” for details/10 line. 


Nov 29, 2022, 10:54:41 PM11/29/22
to Protocol Buffers
I have this

syntax = "proto2";

message SkuCostAudit {
    message costs{
        required string calculatedDateTime = 1;
        required int64 sku = 2;
    required int64 vendor = 3;
    required int64 location = 4;
    required string locationType = 5;
    required float cost = 6;
    required string effectiveBeginDateTime = 7;
    required string effectiveEndDateTime = 8;
    required string transactionType = 9;
    repeated details details = 10;
    message details{
    required string type = 12;
    required float cost = 13;
    required string effective = 14;

    repeated costs xyz = 11;

Still getting error

Invalid JSON-encoded message against Protocol Buffer schema. Syntax error: value, object or array expected.

Derek Perez

Nov 29, 2022, 10:56:09 PM11/29/22
to SUDHAVANI SUNKARA, Protocol Buffers
Hard to say without seeing more details/code. Sorry :(


Nov 29, 2022, 10:59:06 PM11/29/22
to Protocol Buffers
Thank you DE. I  did not write any code DE.

I am trying to create schema. Am I missing any [ ] ?
My pubsub message is correct. I am  trying  to match my schema with pubsub message. 

Derek Perez

Nov 29, 2022, 11:02:34 PM11/29/22
to SUDHAVANI SUNKARA, Protocol Buffers
That schema looks correct to me, so I'm not really sure how to help further...could try syntax = "proto3" and drop all the required.


Nov 29, 2022, 11:08:16 PM11/29/22
to Protocol Buffers
Tried this.
syntax = "proto3";

message SkuCostAudit {
    message costs{
         string calculatedDateTime = 1;
         int64 sku = 2;
     int64 vendor = 3;
     int64 location = 4;
     string locationType = 5;
     float cost = 6;
     string effectiveBeginDateTime = 7;
     string effectiveEndDateTime = 8;
     string transactionType = 9;
    repeated details detail = 10;
    message details{
     string type = 11;
     float cost = 12;
     string effective = 13;
    repeated costs xyz = 14;

But no luck. Invalid JSON-encoded message against Protocol Buffer schema. Syntax error: value, object or array expected. 
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