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Is it possible to use upb natively ?

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Feb 9, 2024, 7:19:25 AM2/9/24
to Protocol Buffers
I am working on protobuf in C.
RN I am using pbtools (
I would like to use upb.
I found out you can create upb.c/.h for the runtime by running bazel build amalgamation.
I suppose that the upb_generator is the compiler for the *.proto files, if that is so, can someone help me figure out how to build/use it ?

Also if there is a group for upb can someone point it out to me please ? I am having hard time figuring out information about the project.

Thank you all

Eric Salo

Feb 9, 2024, 11:52:15 AM2/9/24
to Dav-11, Protocol Buffers
Hi Davide -

It is *possible* to use upb natively but this is neither recommended nor supported because the purpose of upb is to act as a hidden layer and we make breaking changes to it with great frequency. Example: The amalgamation target is a hack that we use to get the Ruby and PHP protobuf implementations to build in non-bazel environments. We would love to get rid of it someday and when we do there will be no warning - it will simply vanish.

- Eric

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Feb 9, 2024, 12:51:54 PM2/9/24
to Protocol Buffers
Okay, thank you.

Have a nice day
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