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what do you see is the difference between these question?

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Maria Marsala, Motivational Speaker, Business Strategist, Author

Aug 7, 2009, 12:55:53 AM8/7/09

I’m completing an RFP.  I just want to make sure that I fully understand these two questions and the differences between the question.

Thanks in advance,

1)  Describe how the time will be allocated.*

2) Delivery interactive sessions have a greater impact on learning, therefore when completing the time allocation section below, please briefly describe what will be done to foster participant interaction.




To your success,

Maria Marsala


Strategic Business Advisor,  Speaker, Author and former Wall Street Trader

Cell:  (360) 271-8418    Office:  (425) 440-9659


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Patrick McManus

Aug 9, 2009, 5:09:45 PM8/9/09
To me, "Describe how the time will be allocated.*" means "Tell me how you will divide up the time of your presentation, How much for Introduction, how much for presenting information, how much for exercises, how much for questions, how much for wrap up, etc 

"Delivery interactive sessions have a greater impact on learning, therefore when completing the time allocation section below, please briefly describe what will be done to foster participant interaction." alerts me that they want a highly interactive session with lots of exercises, time for questions etc.

Patrick McManus 
The Man of Many Hats, 
Exercise Your Creative Mind
Patrick McManus
The Man of Many Hats

Monica Ricci

Aug 9, 2009, 5:20:25 PM8/9/09
I agree it's vague. To me, it sounds as if they want you to incorporate both pieces of information in the same step. So perhaps they want outline of your presentation, complete with a brief description of your plans to engage the participants in each section. For example, my expertise is personal productivity, so I might say something like this...

I. Introduction and Ice Breaker (9am - 9:15am)
    A. Group introductions and interactive, fun, icebreaker exercise

II. What is Time Management? (9:15am - 9:30am)
    A. Group interaction q & a format

III. Obstacles to Productivity (9:30am - 10:00am)
    A. One-on-one demonstration with volunteer from the group
    B. Written exercise helping to identify common obstacles to productivity

III. Winning Strategies to Manage Time & Stay Productive (10:00am - 10:25am)
    A. Collaborative exercise using breakout teams of two
IV. Summary and Close (10:30am)

Of course, I'm just guessing, but that would be what I take from the questions. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!

Monica Ricci

Ashutosh Rai

Aug 7, 2009, 5:58:52 AM8/7/09
1. The time can be allocated by following a simple allocation like the one mentioned:-
  • Initial 5% time can be allocated in building a rapport and capturing attention.
  • The other 40% time can be allocated towards content delivery.
  • 25% time should (I believe) be given to implement, interact, evaluate and asses your content absorption with the audience.
  • 5% time in a session should always go towards a small illustration on real time application of your content which can be content related.
  • 10% time also should go to a short story or a joke which can again be content related.
  • The last 15% of time should always be for motivating your audience, by triggering an emotional trigger and asking the audience to take action.
2. To foster participant interaction keeping the time allotment in mind we should:-
Consider the time allocation in the previous answer in phases.
  • In the 1st phrase - Always ask the audience some questions or by starting a conversation.
  • In the 2nd phrase - Download content to the audience, but do not make it one way. Always check with them, their understanding of the content.
  • In the 3rd phrase -  this time should given to interact by playing a small game of using any media to evaluate and asses your content absorption with the audience.
  • In the 4th phrase - Tell them how you or anyone you know benefited from or implemented the content in their real life (can be a work of fiction too).
  • In the 5th phrase - You can tell them a short story or a joke which can again be content related.
  • In the 6th phrase - Deliver the advantages and note the emotional development of the audience. Motivate them and ask them to make an effort.
Hope you find this information useful. Have a great day.


Ashutosh Rai
Training & Development Manager
Matrix HR
M#: 9860572367; 9970120000 Ph # : (020) 41065544
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