Speaker Contracts online class, Monday Jan. 5

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Andrea Reynolds

Dec 25, 2008, 11:36:21 AM12/25/08
to prosp...@googlegroups.com
Some speakers don't confirm their speaking engagements in writing. As a result, major misunderstandings can occur and money can be lost. It's been my objective since 1990 to help speakers increase their incomes and a good contract that protects their interests and intellectual property rights is a must.

Apropos of the closing of my online speaker directory next week, I am offering a 7 day, interactive email class starting Monday, January 5, in which speakers without agency representation will build a 4 page, user-friendly, speaker contract, from scratch, just like the one I've used to negotiate for speakers earning middle five-figure speaking fees. 

The Public Library Association in Chicago was comfortable enough with my speaker contract - I represented the speaker's interests, not the PLA's interests - that their corporate lawyers could only find one insignificant detail to change. 

By registering for the class before Dec. 31 (next Wed.) you can learn ways to generate more income with each presentation you make. The class will run if there are at least 6 participants.

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