Maria Teresa Rodriguez Clinical Chemistry Pdf Download

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Calvin Beauchamps

Jul 14, 2024, 8:51:04 AM (8 days ago) Jul 14
to proprenaland

Senior Editor: Ekaterini Lyras, PhD, Springer Nature, Germany
Karina joined Nature Communications in September 2021. After studying biochemistry and neuroscience she received her PhD from the Charité University of Medicine and carried out postdoctoral work at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin. Her research focused on preclinical models of neuroimmune conditions and on the particular role of microglia and nerve-associated macrophages in physiology and disease. Karina is based in the Berlin office and handles preclinical and clinical research submissions on gene therapy, general therapeutics and muscle/bone biology.

Senior Editor: Ildiko Gyory, PhD, Springer Nature, UK
Ildiko joined Nature Communications in August 2020 to handle general immunology, clinical immunology, and cancer immunity from an immunological perspective. Ildiko holds a degree in Medicine from the Semmelweis Medical University of Budapest, Hungary. After obtaining her PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of South Florida, she carried out postdoctoral work at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg, Germany, and was a lecturer at the University of Leicester, UK. Ildiko is based in the London Office.

Maria Teresa Rodriguez Clinical Chemistry Pdf Download

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The authors acknowledge Prof. Monika Engelhardt (University of Freiburg, Germany), Prof. Martin Gramatzi (University of Kiel, Germany), and Prof. Klaus Podar (University of Krems, Austria) for being valuable members of our Scientific Advisory Board; Prof. Paola Ernesta Neri (University of Calgary, Canada), Prof. Emilio Russo (Magna Graecia University, Italy) and Dr. Pierpaolo Correale (GOM RC, Italy) for being valuable members of the SRC; Dr. Niels Montano Frandsen (Exiqon/Qiagen, Vedbaek Copenhagen, Denmark) as an expert external consultant on LNA and ASO chemistry; Dr. Massimo Breda (Aptuit/Evotec, Verona, Italy) for GLP/GCP Compliance in PK data production; Dr. Massimiliano Fonsi (Citoxlab/ Charles River Laboratories Evreux, France) as a supervisor on design and modelling of PK data; Dr. Brian Sproat (Managing Director at Chemconsilium GCV, Belgium) for the drug substance dossier; Dr. Loredana Cecchetelli (Director R&D at IBI-Istituto Biochimico Italiano Giovanni Lorenzini Spa, Aprilia-Rome) for GMP production support, fill&finish process and dossier; Prof. Marco Rossi for critical suggestions on the clinical protocol; Dr. Francesco Grillone for selecting the first patient to be enrolled in the study; all the nursing staff, in particular Dr. Rosina Pane, Dr. Daniela Dragone, Dr. Vincenza Aversa, Dr. Emanuele Montauro, Dr. Simona Tarzia, Dr. Luana Iannone, Dr. Franca Malvaggio, Dr. Francesca Ceravolo, Dr. Adele Valletta, and Dr. Marianna Arcidiacono, for their dedication and precious work on the project within the Phase I Unit; Dr. Ivana Criniti for study support and secretarial assistance; and Magnus Ringbom (Director, Medical Writing) and Dr. Christopher Furniss (Medical Writer) from LINK Medical Research AB, Sweden, who assisted in the preparation of the first draft of the manuscript. Our greatest thanks go to the patients and their families who participated in this study.

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