>> /workflow.creationTimestamp
>> Workflow creation timestamp formatted in RFC 3339 (e.g. 2018-08-23T05:42:49Z)/
>> //
>> /workflow.creationTimestamp.<STRFTIMECHAR>
>> /
>> /Creation timestamp formatted with a strftime <
http://strftime.org/> format character/
> If they use a reasonably modern STRFTIME implementation, the "%s" format directive returns seconds since the (1970) epoch.
Seems the implementation is not that compliant.
>>> value: >-
>>> {{workflow.creationTimestamp.Y}}{{workflow.creationTimestamp.m}}{{workflow.creationTimestamp.d}}{{workflow.creationTimestamp.H}}{{workflow.creationTimestamp.M}}{{workflow.creationTimestamp.S}}
if this is a proper Go template with functions from sprig or something similar, you may be able to get away with something horrible like:
value: >-
{{ ((printf "%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%s" workflow.creationTimestamp.Y workflow.creationTimestamp.m workflow.creationTimestamp.d workflow.creationTimestamp.H workflow.creationTimestamp.M workflow.creationTimestamp.S) | time).Unix }}