Expanding Discord webhook API support

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Dominik Jurasz (Faceless)

Apr 14, 2023, 1:37:32 AM4/14/23
to Prometheus Developers
Hi guys!

I am interested in adding some additional properties to our use of the Discord webhook API. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the available options in more detail with you. Specifically, I would like to suggest making the color property customizable instead of statically assigning a value, while ensuring that backward compatibility is maintained.

Here is a complete list of fields available through Webhook API: https://birdie0.github.io/discord-webhooks-guide/discord_webhook.html

Please let me know what do you think about the idea. 

Thank you,

Matthias Loibl

May 30, 2023, 6:24:51 AM5/30/23
to Dominik Jurasz (Faceless), Prometheus Developers
Hey Dominik,

sorry replying so late. 
This seems fine to me as an addition. 
Feel free to open a PR or an Issue on GitHub so we can discuss it there. 


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Abdur Rofi

Nov 12, 2023, 10:13:00 AM11/12/23
to Prometheus Developers
Hi Matthias

I want to add add content section in discord notify, because I have some cases, when I try to mention a person in discord with embed the person doesn't get a mention, therefore I need a content section so I can mention the person in discord.

Thank you,
Abdur Rofi.
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