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Anton Tolchanov

2016年3月20日 15:57:042016/3/20

I spent some time coding a prometheus exporter for Nginx in Lua.
It exposes request count (grouped by http code) and latency histogram, but can easily be used to track other counters and histograms.
Code is available at

I would appreciate if someone from Prometheus team could take a look and let me know if I made any obvious mistakes.


Brian Brazil

2016年3月20日 17:40:392016/3/20
收件人 Anton Tolchanov、Prometheus Developers

  -- "le" label should be the last one to ensure that all buckets for a given
  -- metric are exposed together when all metrics get sorted.

This doesn't sound right, that constraint is too strict.

You appear to be allowing nginx_http_requests_total to have multiple distinct sets of labels - that's not a good idea. You need to create a new metric with it's own name for every usage of prometheus:measure.




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Anton Tolchanov

2016年3月20日 20:51:172016/3/20
收件人 Brian Brazil、Prometheus Developers
Thanks for taking a look, Brian.

This sounds more like a client library mixed with a custom collector than an exporter

I agree. I will probably rename the repo to nginx-lua-prometheus, to avoid confusion with an existing nginx_exporter.
Thanks. It seems that I need to add some additional safety checks that would prevent:
- using the same metric name with different sets of labels;
- using the same histogram metric with different bucketers.

  -- "le" label should be the last one to ensure that all buckets for a given
  -- metric are exposed together when all metrics get sorted.
This doesn't sound right, that constraint is too strict.

This is just an implementation detail. I don't think Prometheus server imposes a requirement for all buckets for a given set of labels to be reported as one group, but this makes the /metrics page a bit nicer to look at.

-- Anton

Anton Tolchanov

2016年3月22日 06:40:182016/3/22
收件人 Brian Brazil、Prometheus Developers
Thanks. It seems that I need to add some additional safety checks that would prevent:
- using the same metric name with different sets of labels;
- using the same histogram metric with different bucketers.

It seems that the best way to implement this would be to require all metrics to be explicitly declared in advance.
I am planning to implement an API like this:

metrics = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics")
metrics:register_counter("nginx_http_request_size_bytes")  -- counter with no labels
metrics:register_counter("nginx_http_requests_total", {"host, "status"})  -- counter with labels
metrics:register_histogram("nginx_http_request_duration_seconds", {"host"})  -- histogram with labels
metrics:register_histogram("nginx_http_response_size_bytes", {"host"}, {10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000})  -- histogram with custom bucketer

metrics.c["nginx_http_requests_total"]:inc(1, {"host1", ngx.var.status})
metrics.h["nginx_http_request_duration_seconds"]:observe( - ngx.req.start_time(), {"host1"})
metrics.h["nginx_http_response_size_bytes"]:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.bytes_sent), {"host2"})

Please let me know if you have any comments.

- Anton

Brian Brazil

2016年3月22日 07:10:202016/3/22
收件人 Anton Tolchanov、Prometheus Developers
On 22 March 2016 at 10:40, Anton Tolchanov <> wrote:
Thanks. It seems that I need to add some additional safety checks that would prevent:
- using the same metric name with different sets of labels;
- using the same histogram metric with different bucketers.

It seems that the best way to implement this would be to require all metrics to be explicitly declared in advance.

That's generally how client libraries should be written.
I am planning to implement an API like this:

metrics = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics")
metrics:register_counter("nginx_http_request_size_bytes")  -- counter with no labels
metrics:register_counter("nginx_http_requests_total", {"host, "status"})  -- counter with labels
metrics:register_histogram("nginx_http_request_duration_seconds", {"host"})  -- histogram with labels
metrics:register_histogram("nginx_http_response_size_bytes", {"host"}, {10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000})  -- histogram with custom bucketer


Usually you'd keep the metric object created in a variable and use that, rather than having to do a map lookup.
metrics.c["nginx_http_requests_total"]:inc(1, {"host1", ngx.var.status})
metrics.h["nginx_http_request_duration_seconds"]:observe( - ngx.req.start_time(), {"host1"})
metrics.h["nginx_http_response_size_bytes"]:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.bytes_sent), {"host2"})

Api wise it'd usually be something like myCounter.Labels("host2").inc(). This allows for caching of the children, once again avoiding map lookups (may not help in this situation as you presumably don't know the label values in advance).


Please let me know if you have any comments.

- Anton


Anton Tolchanov

2016年3月23日 09:26:382016/3/23
收件人 Brian Brazil、Prometheus Developers
Usually you'd keep the metric object created in a variable and use that, rather than having to do a map lookup.
Thanks for the feedback, Brian.
I've changed the module to do that:

- Anton

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