Left wheel steering turned almost 90 degrees

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Urara Kono

Nov 29, 2023, 7:22:03 PM11/29/23
to ProjectChrono

I have a question about the steering in HMMWV.
I modified demo_VEH_WheeledJSON.py so that it reads test.json which I attached to this email.
Then, I noticed that the steering angle became very different between the left and right front wheels as shown in image.png.
Is this a bug? Or does this vehicle have independent steering between left and right?

I was controlling the vehicle from my keyboard. The vehicle decelerated shortly after 0:56 in the video and I stopped controlling the vehicle. Then it started to roll down and the left wheel seemed to have turned almost 90 degrees. Is this supposed to happen?

Best regards,


Radu Serban

Nov 30, 2023, 2:39:28 AM11/30/23
to ProjectChrono



This is not about the vehicle model. The simulation of the mechanical system broke down and the constraints in the system are not satisfied anymore.  You will need to adjust the simulation parameters I would start by simply using a smaller step size.  You may need to experiment with other solvers and/or time integrators.  For simplicity, the demos we provide just use default settings which are fine for the (usually very simple) scenarios in those demos.



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