Request for Guidance on Fine-grained Grid Refinement for SCMDeformableTerrain

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sicheng huang

Mar 13, 2023, 10:18:18 AM3/13/23


I am writing for guidance on a technical issue related to SCMDeformableTerrain. Specifically, I need to perform fine-grained grid refinement on the middle local area of the terrain to generate high-resolution and low-resolution areas of SCMDeformableTerrain.

To provide some context, my project requires me to create an accurate simulation environment using SCMDeformableTerrain. However, the terrain's current resolution is insufficient for my needs. I need to refine the grid resolution in the middle area to obtain a more detailed terrain representation.

I am reaching out to your team to ask for guidance on how to accomplish this task. Could you provide me with any resources or suggestions on how to perform grid refinement in SCMDeformableTerrain, particularly for the middle local area? I would greatly appreciate any insights or advice that you may have.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Radu Serban

Mar 29, 2023, 12:41:00 PM3/29/23

With the redesign of the SCM terrain and the switch to using a virtual Cartesian grid, there is really no need for adaptive refinement. 


If possible, I suggest specifying the highest resolution you desire for the entire SCM terrain patch and defining so-called moving patches (see AddMovingPatch) which are bounding boxes attached to any object that could interact with the SCM terrain (if none are defined, at each time step a single box, bounding all collision shapes currently present in the simulation, is created under the hood).  Ray casting (the most expensive operation in the SCM calculations) is then done only from those SCM grid nodes that are inside the projections of these moving bounding boxes onto the SCM plane.


If it is not possible to define individual bounding boxes (moving patches) associated with all collision objects of interest, you should be able to define multiple SCM terrain patches, each with its own resolution, in the same simulation. I have not tried this myself, but I cannot think of anything in the SCMTerrain implementation that would prevent you from doing this.



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