Is there any flag to open verbose log?

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Googol Lee

Aug 29, 2013, 12:03:53 AM8/29/13
I just play with Iris, and I want to know the status of node, like whether other nodes connected or the ip info of remote node.

Is there a way to get verbose log?

And, how to refuse a node? Could I make any secret to make sure only the node with secret can be connected?

Péter Szilágyi

Aug 29, 2013, 4:22:17 AM8/29/13
to Googol Lee,

  Currently there are no log flags, mainly because the standard lib log doesn't support it. I'm thinking yet as to implement my own simple leveled logger or add an external dependency to the project. So yes, it is something I'm planning, just it's low priority for now.

  About the node refusal, when you start up a node, you have to specify a private key for the whole cluster (-rsa flag). Only nodes having that same key will be able to join. Connecting nodes from different clusters (e.g. cross cloud or cross service) is currently under development and will be the next feature to hit release.

  Also a planned feature is a status/statistics reporting service based on some web interface, but I want to finish the major features first to let them stabilize and work only afterwards on these extensions.


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James Cooper

Sep 7, 2013, 6:38:59 PM9/7/13
to, Googol Lee
Hi Peter,

+1 to adding more verbose logging to the relay.  When I was doing the recent EC2 tests it was difficult to know what state we were in.  In a production environment I'd want to know that my local relay has found peers before, say, configuring elastic load balancer to start sending traffic to that new machine.  Right now the workaround would to be just send "ping" requests and wait until they start working.

thanks again

-- James

Daniel Heidebrecht

Sep 7, 2013, 6:46:34 PM9/7/13
to, Googol Lee

I have also been doing some testing in the cloud - and it would be very helpful to be able to enable some logging to determine the state of node discovery within a subnet.



Péter Szilágyi

Sep 8, 2013, 7:35:50 AM9/8/13
to Daniel Heidebrecht,, Googol Lee
Hi all!

  I feel your pain on this one and promise to put in on top of my list :) But since I do have to finish my dissertation in about a week, I ask for a little bit of patience. Hopefully after that I'll have a tad more time (although still exams pending). In the meanwhile I've opened up a github issue to make sure the request doesn't get forgotten:

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