iOS Xcode project

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μη αναγνωσμένη,
2 Ιουλ 2010, 5:19:21 μ.μ.2/7/10
ως Programming Nu
I've made a few changes to make it easier to try Nu on iOS devices.
I've bundled source for pcre and Patrick Geiller's libffi-iphone into
the Nu git repository and added an Xcode project that builds
everything into a small test app. See the iOS/NuApp directory for



μη αναγνωσμένη,
25 Ιουλ 2010, 9:24:44 π.μ.25/7/10
ως Programming Nu
Hi Tim,

I've started playing around with Nu just yesterday as I was evaluating
my options for scripting languages in Objective C that allow for
exchange of objects between Objective C and the scripts. Though it was
fairly easy to get started with the iOS/NuApp project you've posted,
I've created a standalone Xcode project which includes a self-
contained version of Nu and should give people a "download+play"
experience of the language. I thought I'd share the project with you
guys to get your feedback and also to make it even easier for others
to get started with Nu on iOS.

Hope this helps!

Cheers, Ben
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