Upgrade 2.9->3.1 websites snafu

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Jan 24, 2023, 10:55:07 AM1/24/23
to ProfilesRNS
We're in process upgrading our staging environment from 2.9->3.1.

We noted Twitter and Featured videos are appearing on the profile pages as expected, but it appears none of the websites are appearing. We are able to add manually a website link successfully via the UI, but we have hundreds of these to handle, so?

Any pointers to what we may have missed?

Stephan Noe

Brown, Nicholas William

Jan 24, 2023, 1:53:16 PM1/24/23
to profi...@googlegroups.com



Websites should have been converted by the ProfilesRNS_MigrateWebsitesData.sql script in the VersionUpgrade_1.12.0_3.0.0 folder.


Assuming that you ran that script and received no errors, there are a few possibilities.


  1. Websites were not successfully migrated into the  [Profile.Data].[Person.Websites] table. You can run a select * from that table to confirm this step.
  2. Websites were not successfully converted to RDF. You can rerun lines 99 to 114 of the script to confirm this. You should get counts from each of the processdatamap steps. If you get a step with 0 counts you probably have an issue.
  3. An issue with permissions. (Note that there appears to be an error on line 119 of the script ('http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#webpag' should be 'http://vivoweb.org/ontology/core#webpage') however this would lead to hidden webpages becoming visible not visible ones being hidden so I don’t think that is your issue.) If it looks like the RDF ran correctly I can write some scripts to confirm the permissions of the webpage data.



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Jan 31, 2023, 5:42:57 PM1/31/23
to ProfilesRNS
Sorry the delay replying. 

Just to document this in case someone else runs across it. Our websites didn't populate for a mundane reason. The upgrade script was reading [ProfilesRNS].[ORNG.].[Apps] Url column value to fetch the AppId for the websites component. At some point in the past we had changed the Url value but failed to update the update script to accommodate for that. Correcting the url value and rerunning that portion of the upgrade fixed our issue.

Thanks for your assistance in this matter.

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