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Re: Digest for - 1 update in 1 topic

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Jeffrey Younger

Dec 17, 2023, 12:20:10 PM12/17/23

On Dec 16, 2023, at 5:35 AM, wrote:

"Forbes, Lisa K" <LISA....@UCDENVER.EDU>: Dec 15 10:16PM

Hi everyone,
David and I have a very important and serious (and not weird) message for you. See attached.
Lisa K. Forbes, PhD, LPC, RPT™
Assistant Clinical Professor
Counseling Program
University of Colorado Denver
Office: LSC 1115
** I value your time and respect your boundaries. If you receive this message when you are taking time from work, please feel no pressure to respond urgently. Reply when you are able to, and I will do the same.
My Projects:
Professors at Play<>
Free Playful Pedagogy Book<>
The Mothering Project
Facebook: The Mothering Project
Instagram: @themotheringproject
Twitter: @Mothering_Drs
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Sharon Peck

Dec 27, 2023, 11:25:10 AM12/27/23
This is exciting! I hope you'll tell us how to find the game when it is completed. Maybe our group needs to sponsor a media campaign on rights to play!
Sharon Peck

On Fri, Dec 22, 2023 at 5:34 AM <> wrote:
"Suzanne Ensmann (Dr. Suz)" <>: Dec 21 02:41PM -0800

In the '90's I experienced current events whereby children had no say in a
court of law effecting them. As a parent all I wanted was for the judge to
listen to my children but was told "they had no rights" children were
divided like assets in divorce cases, regardless of domestic violence. I
was protected by law but my children "had not rights." I learned many many
more children go through this every day and are subjected to whatever the
courts and counties rules are despite our federal legislation stating we
are all entitled to freedom of speech. Age is not protected.
Subsequently, I found that the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
ratified by ALL UN countries except the US in fact, states freedom of
speech and expression is a right of children as listed by articles 12 & 13
in the CRC treaty. When educating youth about this at a summit, they asked
"Why don't more people know about this?" I used Sandra Day O'Connor's *Do I Have a Right *game to teach students in my schools about
their rights and responsibilities, but am completing an immersive 3D video
game for pro-social change next spring called *A Way Home! *for adults to
disseminate crowd-sourced scenarios to adults to answer the teenager's cry
of "Why don't more people know about..." the fact that the CRC upholds
rights for children and the US has not yet ratified it. Still a current
event, twenty-five years since it's been ratified by all other nations but
the US.
Thanks for asking.
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Sharon M. Peck, PhD. Associate Professor of Literacy
Ella Shear Cline School of Education, SUNY Geneseo
227C South Hall, 1 College Circle Geneseo NY 14454

“Play is not a break from learning. It is endless, delightful, deep, engaging, practical learning.  ~ Vince Gowmon

Pronouns: Her, She

Suzanne Ensmann (Dr. Suz)

Jul 31, 2024, 6:38:45 PM7/31/24
to Professors at Play
Serious game enthusiasts!
We’ve finally brought our serious game to life in a VR environment! Our project aims to develop a game for pro-social change designed to disseminate information and motivate a call to civic action to significantly improve the welfare of children. The purpose of this survey is to measure the impact of this game. Please take a moment to 1) play our game (with a VR headset) and 2) complete the post-survey. Gameplay can take ~20 minutes, and the survey should take under 10 minutes. Thanks so much for your consideration and time!
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