Randall Fujimoto <rand...@gmail.com>: Oct 10 10:00PM -0700
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Book a free Connection Call with me
Play around with my website: https://lukeperone.com/
Check out my co-edited book with Carrie Lobman: Big Ideas and Revolutionary Activity: Selected Talks, Essays, and Articles by Lois Holzman (on Amazon): Big Ideas & Revolutionary Activity
Email: perone@uw.edu
David Thomas <ldt...@gmail.com>: Oct 15 06:47AM -0600
Hello everyone:
We are excited to partner with the Yes And... Higher Education Network to
explore how improv technique can bring more play into your classroom, Best
of all it's free.
Sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.com/x/1041332693117/
Or check out all the details below
(Original blog post here:
Free Workshop!!
Led by Carrie Lobman, Gwen Lowenheim and Jiunwen Wang, PhD
Friday, October 25 from 12:00-1:30 MST
Register Here <https://www.eventbrite.com/x/1041332693117/>
Looking to make your classroom more inclusive, collaborative, and fun?
Improv can do just that—while keeping it rigorous and engaging!
Join us for a hands-on workshop where you’ll discover how improvisation can
transform your teaching, spark creativity, and build a vibrant learning
community. Using improv’s core principles like “Yes, And…” and “Make the
ensemble look good,” you’ll learn how to create dynamic, responsive
classrooms that foster deeper connections, curiosity, and **making
discoveries** alongside your students.
Walk away with fresh tools and global examples to bring new energy to your
lessons and support your students in taking meaningful, collaborative
risks. Let’s co-create, perform, and explore new ways to teach and learn
Carrie Lobman, PhD – Dr. Lobman is an educational researcher, trainer, and
teacher educator whose research explores the value of improvisation and
play for learning and development. She is a nationally recognized advocate
for play and creativity for the education of people of all ages. She is a
consultant to educational programs internationally, most recently in Dhaka
and Sao Paolo. In 2011 she joined the Board of Directors of the national
All Stars Project, where she serves as a consultant to its Institute for
the Study of Play. She currently serves as* the pro-bono* director of
pedagogy for the East Side Institute. Her publications include: *Unscripted
Learning: Using Improvisational Activities Across the K-8 Curriculum *(Teachers
College Press) with Matt Lundquist; and Play and Performance (University
Press of America) with Barbara O’Neill.
Gwen Lowenheim, MSEd
Gwen Lowenheim is the Founder and Coordinator of International Conversation
Groups & its Facilitator Training Program at Pace University where she also
supervises a Civic Engagement component for both programs. Gwen is a
Writing & TESOL instructor, Organizational & Project Based Coach, Teacher
Trainer and co- founder of “Yes, and…” Higher Education Network.
Gwen trains and supervises educators and social entrepreneurs around the
world in a social therapeutic, performance-based learning approach that
brings creativity and innovation into classrooms, organizations and
community-based programs. Her programs introduce theatrical improvisation,
philosophical exploration, remix and group play in developing collaborative
teams, leadership development, language learning and stress management.
Jiunwen Wang, PhD
June is a Senior Lecturer at the Singapore University of Social Sciences,
where she adds a dash of creativity to leadership development module in the
Human Resource Management Programme. Her research dives into the wonderful
world of improv and its magical effects on individuals. Right now, she’s
designing a fresh leadership course that blends improv into the classroom,
bringing spontaneity and flexibility to future leaders. She has also
published teaching activities utilizing improv and artistic methods,
including a thought piece on a flourishing classroom.
In her artistic adventures, June is also exploring Playback Theatre, where
stories come alive on stage, and in her spare time, you’ll find her singing
her heart out with the Singapore Symphony Chorus!
Sign up today: https://www.eventbrite.com/x/1041332693117/
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