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Fwd: [Gamesnetwork] New Book Announcement—Arts for Health: Games

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David Thomas

Aug 20, 2024, 9:11:26 PM8/20/24
to Professors at Play

Cross-posting from another list. This one looks interesting!

Dear Colleagues, 

I am thrilled to announce that my new book, Games (part of the Arts for Health series), is now available on Amazon and the Emerald bookstore: The first chapter is free to download on the Emerald bookstore page. 

In the last decade, digital games have been reinvented as vehicles of self-expression, sense-making, empathy, and healing, rather than just as tools of distraction from pain or discomfort.

But aren’t games supposed to whisk us away to a magical world of fun and fantasy and distract us from reality? Why would we want to confront life’s challenges or hardships, for example, terminal illness, when playing a game?

Reimagining how we understand health, illness, life, and death, gaming expert Sandra Danilovic advocates for the potential games have to transform healthcare practices beyond the clinic or hospital in the way we care for each other and for ourselves. From the experimental and the accessible to virtual reality and interactive fiction, and even providing a DIY guide for creating your own digital games, Danilovic draws on the untapped resources this emerging art form has to offer for exploring health and healthcare experiences more fully and inclusively.

Bridging the virtual world of gaming with our physical reality, Danilovic delivers a new paradigm for thinking about games as a dynamic art technology that can transform how we understand, represent, practice, and support our health and well-being, making this a must-read for healthcare practitioners, family carers, and researchers in health humanities, as well as the curious amateur gamer.

24017 Arts for Health Games Assets Facebook.jpeg

Sandra Danilovic, Ph.D. (she/her)

Assistant Professor, Game Design and Development
Affiliate Graduate Faculty, Community Psychology
WILFRID LAURIER UNIVERSITY is the discussion list of DiGRA, the Digital Games Research Association. You can unsubscribe, edit your subscription address, etc. at the web interface:
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