Looking forward to contribute

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Dec 25, 2015, 1:41:41 PM12/25/15
to privly
Hi All,
I want to introduce myself to the community. I am Piyush Badkul a third year at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,Bhopal with a discipline in Computer science and engineering. I am really interested privacy softwares. This is my first time in the open source community and i want to start with this organization.I have a decent exposure of java,Android,C,C++,git,Python(beginner).
I have completed 2 Projects one in Java and other in android.
Please tell me where to start and the code links that i can fix as a beginner on github.

Piyush Badkul

Sean McGregor

Dec 26, 2015, 9:42:36 PM12/26/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
Hi Piyush,

Welcome! The best place to start is with the development guide [0].
Most of our codebase is in Javascript, with some code in Ruby and
Python. I think a good place for you to start is with the
Python2-based build system [1]. I recommend you open an issue for
updating build.py to be compatible with Python 3.


[0] https://priv.ly/pages/develop
[1] https://github.com/privly/privly-applications/blob/master/build.py
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Sean McGregor

Oregon State University, Department of Computer Science
Twitter: seanmcgregor
irc.freenode.net: smcgregor


Dec 28, 2015, 2:14:31 PM12/28/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
Hi sean
I have created the issue and will be soon fixing it...
thanks for the head start
I found out that the issue with the build.py with python3 the module named Jinga2 is not supported.
So am i allowed to use another module with same features and use it to replace Jinga2 or should i keep looking up codes for Jinga2 for python3
Documentation mentions that certain features of Jinga2 also supports in python 3 but we have to write code on our own.

in the meantime i will keep loooking

piyush badkul

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Dec 28, 2015, 2:24:17 PM12/28/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
Pardon me sir
I found out the fault


Sean McGregor

Dec 28, 2015, 4:22:39 PM12/28/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
Good to hear you found the fault. Let's take the issue-related
discussion to GitHub's issue system (use GitHub comments).



Dec 29, 2015, 1:33:47 PM12/29/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
Hi sean
sure ...just the last time
when i executed the build.py with python3, then the following errors were noted.
TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object
(screenshot attached)
After looking for problem on web,i passed the str objects in json.loads() but that gives me another type error.
This is my current progress.

Now I want to clear one thing..should i make a seperate build.py file for python 3 or should they be made such a single build.py file can be compatible with both python2 and python3.

Also I am looking forward for GSOC 16 with privly organization and so i want to give as much as possible.
and I would also like to know your timing for the irc freenode...

i will keep updating you...
Piyush badkul

Sean McGregor

Dec 29, 2015, 1:46:55 PM12/29/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
Please keep this issue-related discussion on GitHub or IRC. It helps
document the issue and reduces the mail load of the mailing list.

I'll watch my IRC buffer more closely for a few hours. If I can't
answer immediately a few others that idle in #privly may be able to.



Dec 29, 2015, 3:08:33 PM12/29/15
to pri...@googlegroups.com
The issue is resolved.
I have created a pull request successfully.

Please give me more work to do.

PS I am on learning Javascript

piyush badkul
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