Re: Request for information

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Shivam Verma

Feb 10, 2016, 12:36:07 AM2/10/16
to Nikhil ponnuru,
Hi Nikhil, 

It's best to post messages on the Privly Mailinglist[0] as it allows the 
potential mentors to see that you're interested in the project and help you 
out accordingly. 

Since you're interested in the JavaScript side of things, I'd suggest you to read up 
the development guide[1]. I'd also suggest reading the guidelines for applicants wiki[2] 
to get a better idea of how to apply for GSoC. 

Having said that, 

No one is participating in GSoC 2016 (yet). Organizations start
applying tomorrow, and Google publishes the list of organizations at
the end of the month. 

I can only say that we intend to write and submit an application over
the next week and a half.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Nikhil ponnuru <> wrote:
    hello shivam 

       My name is Nikhil. I am an undergraduate in 3rd year

        I have been loving open source since 4 months and recently found privly foundation and also found that they are an organization which participate in gsoc.
         I am highly interested in gsoc and so as I am good at javascript I started understanding their codebase completing the levels which they mentioned in documents

       I want to get selected to gsoc under privly..could you please tell me what makes me get selected ( I mean how did they knew that you were an eligible candidate )

      please give me some advice on how to make them believe I am an eligible candidate 

                please kindly do reply with possible insights 
                        thank you :)

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