Google Summer of Code, Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

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Jen D

Jun 7, 2013, 7:14:59 AM6/7/13
Hey Privly community,

We have 2 big announcements. 

1. We have selected 2 Google Summer of Code students to work with Privly over the summer. They'll be developing mobile app versions of Privly, and we can't wait to work with them more! 

2. We're hosting a Techno-activism 3rd Monday [1] meetup in Portland, Oregon on June 17th at 6pm. A keynote speaker from this year's Open Source Bridge conference [2], James Vasile [3] will be talking with us at the meetup. We have two generous sponsors for this event. Puppet Labs will be providing space and will be providing refreshments for everyone! The event is free, but please RSVP [4].

We hope that many of you can make it to TA3M in Portland. If the event is a success, we plan to do a recurring monthly meetup.

Thanks for all of your support,

Jen Davidson
Community Manager

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