Use of Switch Sensor as an actuator?

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Nigel S

Jan 18, 2024, 1:36:13 PM1/18/24
to PrivateEyePi
I would like to be able to send a signal from the Gateway to a switch sensor, not in detection mode, but to open and close Button A. So kind of the reverse of a sensor.

I doubt it, but is there a firmware version for the Wireless switch that would make it do that?  Or does anyone know of another wireless actuator that could, and that would operate on this network?


Glenn Seaton

Jan 18, 2024, 1:43:03 PM1/18/24
to PrivateEyePi
Currently, all the RF sensors are sent mode only. To support RF Sensors, the current Gateway is a receiver only. 
Our WiFi sensor can receive a command to turn a relay on and off.
Please contact sales @ so we can better understand your requirements and possible new product offerings.

Glenn Seaton

Jan 20, 2024, 12:18:43 PM1/20/24
to PrivateEyePi
I got in a hurry to answer your question and forgot an option for you. 
We do not have a specific Relay Sensor, but our Flex module can be configured to Relay Mode. 
In Relay mode, it can receive commands to turn On and Off two pins defined as Relay A and Relay B.
Using the commands RELAYAON and RELAYAOFF to turn Relay A On and Off. RELAYBxxx command where xxx is ON or OFF like Relay A.


On Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 12:36:13 PM UTC-6 wrote:

Nigel S

Jan 20, 2024, 9:24:33 PM1/20/24
to PrivateEyePi
Glenn, yes, that Flex module is perfect.  I want it to switch a relay to open & close the garage door remotely.  Thanks!
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