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Leighton Sage

Dec 22, 2023, 8:08:11 PM12/22/23
to PrivateEyePi
So, I got the wireless waterproof temperature sensor and I have it hooked up and connected to my account.  It is reporting temperatures and I can see them in the Analytics section.  There are a few of issues I am having:

1) On the dashboard it only shows the graph and then it has a little meter at the top that has a date from last month and shows 0.00.  It looks nothing like the temperature reading that the support documents show it should look like.
2) I have an alert set to email me (paid account) if the temperature falls below 150 degrees.  I don't get any emials.  It may be due to the next issue.
3) Every time the sensor sends a new reading (currently set at every 20 seconds) it reports the temperature in the Analytics section but it also creates a new sensor in the "Sensor" section.  So, it appers to me, the system thinks that the sensor I set up with the alert actually never sends another reading even though all of the sensors listed in the "Sensor" section have the same Sensor ID and IP Address.

Any help would be appreciated.


Glenn Seaton

Dec 28, 2023, 1:32:03 PM12/28/23
to PrivateEyePi
I have expanded the database to handle the larger device numbers. That should fix the problem.  You may have to delete the extra sensors that got created.
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