I checked the mesh you generated. It seems fine.
To start with, the value you have for "set External mesh parameter" is very large.
Let's start with the reason we have this parameter. In the case of external meshes, let's assume you have the dimension of 1, 1, and 0.2 along x, y, and z as you have (your mesh dimensions should be x->[0,1], y->[0,1], and z->[0,1]).
Now, prisms-plasticity is applying BCs based on the faceIDs. To find out if a point is part of a faceID or not, it checks the boundary. So, let's say you want to apply the BCs on a face with x1, y=1, it will search for all nodes with that condition. Here is why we need that parameter for external mesh. In the case of deal.ii generated mesh, these parameters are precisely generated with enough precision. However, in the case of external mesh, you might have roundoff errors. Let's say a node with x=0.9999999 should be considered as x=1 boundary.
"set External mesh parameter" defines that threshold for you. Now, for each direction, that tolerance is defined as:
Length of domain along that direction * External mesh parameter
For example, in your case, if your dimension along x is 1, and your external mesh parameter is 0.001,
all the nodes from 1- 1*0.001 to 1 + 1*0.001 is considered as x=1.
You defined the parameter as 0.5. Basically you assign all points to be on face boundaries and you get errors. "set External mesh parameter" should be very small. You want to have it large enough to cover all roundoff errors, but small enough so you don't mistakenly assign a node which is not on a face as a boundary.