It seems that a POMDP strategy cannot be exported with -exportadv anymore. When I try -exportstrat, only the graphical dot format gives complete data, but the strategy itself is not easily readable by a machine from that graphical form. On the other hand, the "induced" format says nothing about the meaning of the agent states and the "actions" format says nothing about probabilistic branching (examples for maze.prism below).
How can I get a complete, machine-readable adversary for POMDP?
12 12 21
0 0 1 0.2
0 0 2 0.3
0 0 3 0.1
0 0 4 0.1
0 0 5 0.2
0 0 6 0.1
1 0 7 1 north
2 0 3 0.3333333333333333 north
2 0 4 0.3333333333333333 north
2 0 6 0.3333333333333333 north
3 0 8 1 west
4 0 9 1 south
5 0 4 0.5 west
5 0 6 0.5 west
6 0 10 1 east
7 0 3 0.5 north
7 0 6 0.5 north
8 0 4 1 west
9 0 11 1 south
10 0 4 1 east
11 0 11 1