Hello Prof.Parker.
I'm now doing some experiment about probablistic model chcking on AI agent trained in Pyhthon. So I want to modulate PRISM in the program to complete the probabilistic model checking of the DTMC model built in Python.
I have coonected Python to PRISM using py4j. Currently I can only try to call the functions(e.g. computeUntilProbs(dtmcSimple,Remain,target))in the explicit package in the PRISM source code via wrapper, but this seems to take a lot of time(100,000 states may take several hours) to complete the verification, which the explicit engine through the GUI interface only take 0.x s.
So I wonder if I find the right way to use the explicit package in the PRISM source code. Or is there any tips to use PRISM with source code.