What is the size of a poster?

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Print In London

Feb 10, 2023, 10:17:45 PM2/10/23
to Print In London

Posters come in a variety of sizes, and the size you choose will depend on your specific needs and the intended use of the poster. Some common poster sizes include:

  • A0: 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches
  • A1: 23.4 inches x 33.1 inches
  • A2: 16.5 inches x 23.4 inches
  • A3: 11.7 inches x 16.5 inches
  • A4: 8.3 inches x 11.7 inches

These are standard poster sizes that are widely used and recognized. Some printing services may offer custom sizes as well, so you can choose a size that best fits your needs.

It's important to consider the purpose and location of your poster when choosing a size. For example, if you're printing a poster for an event, you may want a larger size that is more visible from a distance. If you're printing a poster for a bulletin board or wall, you may want a smaller size that is easy to display. The size you choose will also depend on the space you have available for displaying the poster.

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