Interactives QR Code

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Samuel Lubliner

Oct 17, 2024, 5:45:55 PM10/17/24
to PreTeXt support

I have the following interact from my web build:

<figure xml:id="ccc-map">
            <caption>City Colleges of Chicago</caption>
              width="90%" height="100%"

Here is the pdf version:

Scanning the QR code generated by PreTeXt results in a google search for `ccc-map-2.html`. I would rather the QR code navigate to

My question: How can I customize the QR code? Or, how can I correct my source so PreTeXt generates the desired QR code?

In the docs I can see that the QR code should point to a standalone HTML page that contains the interactive and this does not seem to be the case. When I look to section 4.22 Interactives for more details, I see "TODO: until then examine copious examples in the sample article". I looked at this sample but I cannot find more information on how to generate the correct QR code.

Here is the link to my file in the feature branch for reference:

Thank you.

Mitch Keller

Oct 17, 2024, 5:53:34 PM10/17/24
I believe you need to set the baseurl in your publication file Subsection 44.4.2: HTML Base URL

On Oct 17, 2024, at 4:45 PM, Samuel Lubliner <> wrote:


I have the following interact from my web build:

<figure xml:id="ccc-map">
            <caption>City Colleges of Chicago</caption>
              width="90%" height="100%"

Here is the pdf version:

Scanning the QR code generated by PreTeXt results in a google search for `ccc-map-2.html`. I would rather the QR code navigate to

My question: How can I customize the QR code? Or, how can I correct my source so PreTeXt generates the desired QR code?

In the docs I can see that the QR code should point to a standalone HTML page that contains the interactive and this does not seem to be the case. When I look to section 4.22 Interactives for more details, I see "TODO: until then examine copious examples in the sample article". I looked at this sample but I cannot find more information on how to generate the correct QR code.

Here is the link to my file in the feature branch for reference:

Thank you.

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Samuel Lubliner

Oct 17, 2024, 6:13:42 PM10/17/24
Yes, you are correct. Thank you!

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