I was at the session on using PreTeXt in GitHub Codespaces on Monday, and it inspired me to try to make a slideshow in PreTeXt. I have tried following both the guide ( https://pretextbook.org/doc/guide/html/topic-slides.html ) and the sample document it links ( https://github.com/PreTeXtBook/pretext/blob/dev/examples/sample-slideshow/sample-slideshow.xml ).Both a minimal example with just <pretext>, <slideshow>, and <slides> and the full sample document compile to HTML without errors, but the slides are not formatted correctly, and their titles all begin with [STRUCT].[NUM] . I tried generating a PDF, but it has never succeeded. Is <slideshow> depreciated, or am I doing something wrong?
Sorry, the requested URL 'https://studious-eureka.app.github.dev/client/2/workspaces/slideshow-test/output/web/main.ptx' caused an error:
File does not exist.To process a slideshow you need to use a different xsl style sheet than the ones that create html or latex/pdf output. In the CLI, this is still a little hacky. You get get a sample setup by running `pretext new slideshow`.I'm going to add an issue to the pretext-cli repo suggesting that we add better support and documentation for this.
I've got a semester's worth of slides we can use for experimentation next week.
Mostly things worked ok, with some manual editing of the HTML needed for images, and some hacking for side-by-side. (Margins aren't implemented, for example. I did a 2 panel SBS as 3 panels, where the middle panel contained something like
to force some space between panels.
I've never tried using codechat. But viewing the HTML file directly works well enough.
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