[REMINDER] Drop-In Runestone/PreTeXt, Tuesday, 2023 Jan 03, 11 AM Pacific / 2 PM Eastern

已查看 8 次

Steven Clontz

2023年1月3日 09:00:512023/1/3
收件人 pretext-...@googlegroups.com
Tuesday, 2023 January 03

Start: 11 Pacific / 2 Eastern

End: 1 Pacific / 4 Eastern

*All* are welcome, developers and authors, experienced and novice. There is no
agenda and no schedule. Come late, leave early, drop-in, drop-out. If you are
present, then you are implicitly available to help someone with questions, even
if you are working on something yourself. The rest of us may lurk and/or join
in. We can use break-out rooms if a subgroup wants to run a discussion, work on
a targeted project, or help somebody get started one-on-one. The model is the
hotel lobby after dinner at a workshop, so everyone is invited to be a part of the community!

Anyone is welcome to connect via our Zoom meeting ID 938 6075 7227.

Regulars with a Sococo account are encouraged to log into our Sococo.com virtual
meeting space using Chrome, and join that same Zoom meeting through the Sococo

On behalf of the PreTeXt/Runestone team,

PS: Friday drop-in is being discussed as many of us are at the Joint Math Meetings this week - an announcement one way or another will go out Friday morning.
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