Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto

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Weekly Press Pakistan

Apr 29, 2012, 2:14:27 AM4/29/12
to PressP...@googlegroups.com

Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto
On the initiative of Weekly Press Pakistan – Canada, the only reliable source of information about Israel in Urdu language, a session of group discussions between Jews and non-Arab Pakistani Muslims was held in Toronto to boost people-to-people dialogue for the sake of world peace, humanity and global harmony.

On behalf of Jewish community, David Nitkin, President of EthicScan Canada and a full-time corporate ethicist, who was also the host of the session, warmly welcomed the Muslim participants and said: “Thank you for gracing us with your presence. We earnestly hope to learn more about Islam and Pakistan and with open heart have started informal meetings with brothers and sisters in the Ajmi Muslim community in Toronto.”

“…My Messiah speaks Hebrew, not Arabic because the God we both pray to is wise and great enough to speak to people and hear from us in many languages. Whether you call him Allah or I call HaShem (The Name), the Almighty we both pray to has inspired Moses, Mohammed, and other prophets we both revere.” He further said.

Tariq Khan, Editor of Weekly Press Pakistan, thanked Jewish community for the hospitality and informed that Pakistani people also don’t speak Arabic language and the language of Pakistan is Urdu which is considered as world’s 4th largest spoken language, followed by Chinese, English and Spanish languages. “We must admit that Jews are the first ones on the planet to accept the oneness of Almighty God. Muslims recognize and accept the truth that the basics of Judaism are the same that of Islam. Muslims and Jews are cousins. There has never been any armed conflict between the two. Either it was era of Khalafat-e-Rashidiya, Ummaid Caliphate, Abbasaid Caliphate, Muslim Spain, Muslim India or Ottoman Caliphate, peace-loving and intelligent Jewish people were never considered as enemy of Muslims and were reportedly holding top-level administrative and financial positions.” Editor of Weekly Press Pakistan said.

He further enlighten that a Muslim man is allowed to marry Christian and Jewish lady. Prophet Muhammad, (PBUH) had only one Non-Muslim wife, Hazrat Safiya, (RA) and she was a Jewish lady by birth.

On the issue of Jewish HOLOCAUST, Muslim participants including Muhammad Nadeem, Khaleel Siddiqui, Irshad Mahmood and Iqbal Qamar explained that Muslims were not at all a party to it. Rather Muslims of occupied France assisted Jews in getting away from the clutches of Nazis. Hitler, the cruel ruler of Nazi Germany, was common enemy of both communities as during World War II, Ajmi Muslim soldiers, majority of them belonging to today’s Pakistan region, had fought along with Allied Forces against him. It is on record that the Grand Mosque of Paris served as a safe heaven for the Jews of that time. “We need to understand Jewish history. We need to understand Muslim history. We need to understand Jewish-Muslim cooperation history.” The participants emphasized.

Historically, Palestine was neither a Muslim state nor any administration unit, but ancient Israel of Prophet Hazrat Israel was established according to the divine order of Allah. It was only in 1948, just after the re-birth of Israel, when the enmity with Jewish people was fueled by Communist rulers of Arab countries in the name of Arab Nationalism. Contrary to both Islamic and modern democratic values of government, the Arab rulers are kings and dictators with out having any moral and political grounds. The Jew is enemy of no body but the hypocrite dictators of Arab countries simply need an enemy to blame the result of their own wrong-doings. The Arab population is not more than 20 % of the total Muslim population across the globe and Ajmi Muslims should not become part of any kind of hate crime against Jews and Jewish State of Israel.

Israel was created with signed consent of Kings of Jordon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states but to fulfill their vested interests, the Arab rulers invaded Israel. Since God Almighty never supports unjust and hypocrite people, Arabs were defeated badly and today, when there is bloody rebellion in Arab countries by their own citizens, Israel is emerging as a great unbeatable power and the only democratic country in the region as well advancing to serve humanity. It is most unfortunate that the Arab countries, which shamelessly call the talented and educated Pakistani people as AL-MASAKEEN (The beggar people), also misled the rulers of newly-born Islamic ideological state, Pakistan. The meeting participants regretted.

Pakistan’s first Foreign Minister Sir Zafrullah Khan, who did not attended the funeral of founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam intentionally delivered an opposing speech against Israel in the United Nations just to serve his own personal vested interests and to please the Arabs and thus, the ideological democratic country which has to become strategic partner of another ideological democratic country, was forced to pose herself as truly anti-Israel country which is no more acceptable by majority of Pakistani educated people. It is kindness and greatness of Israel that Pakistan is not being considered as enemy under the Israeli laws and now it is right time for Pakistan to review the Foreign Policy and recognize Israel with out further wastage of time. Israel has never done anything against the interests of Pakistan and Pakistani people.

Khaleel Siddiqui, a senior Pakistani-Canadian journalist, presented his research article on ISRAEL in which he historically proved that according to Holy Quran, the City of Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people. He believed that recognition of Israel by Pakistan and other Muslim countries will burst bubble of hatred. “Could we ever ponder as to why our prayers for the liberation of Palestine and Kashmir, are not responded despite the submission of millions of Muslims during Hajj since 1948? Allah will never help you for a Wrong Cause.” He expressed.

“The frank discussions, I hope, will open a new chapter in Jewish – Muslim relations. I believe that the misunderstanding between the two communities will be ended. Real Muslim is not a Terrorist and Enemy of Jewish people. Judaism and Islam have the same source – the religion of Abraham. Our (Jews & Muslims) God is one, and we both believe in the “DAY OF JUDGEMENT”. We have similar instructions regarding Alcohol, Slaughtering of animals, Matrimonial relations, and other Social activities.” He concluded.

The meeting participants admitted that Christianity and Islam borrowed heavily from Judaism, but the latter does not proselytize and never went to war to convert people, but has adapted, modernized, progressed and fit into whatever culture Jews have found themselves in. Muslims can continue to learn from Jews, and vice versa, and there need be no coercion to change, only there must be acceptance that leads to peaceful co-existence.

“Thanks for Jewish friends for inviting us at their home and very special thanks to Dr. David Nitkin. It was nice meeting with you to exchange our thoughts. We are children of Adam and Eve and we are brothers. This is the key thing to meet and exchange our views keeping in mind fixing the Global World as a Global Family and we must keep moving forward.”Irshad Mahmood, a Muslim participant expressed his feelings.

“I sincerely hope that this meeting will prove a MILE-STONE in establishing faithful win-win relations between our two communities. It is our desire to remove useless misunderstandings and live in peace. Pakistanis are very talented and peace-loving people having lots of God-gifted skills. They are proving their worth in each and every field on international level. Let’s join hands together to serve the mankind.” One of the Jewish participants commented.

Tariq Khan also briefed the audience how the Press Pakistan email discussion group on Google is playing a vital role for the promotion of media ethics in Pakistan and helping over 14,000 Pakistani journalists to connect with each other to not only share their media issues but also to find solutions. He suggested celebrating national and cultural festivals of Pakistan and Israel jointly in Toronto and publicizing to further boost the interaction.

David Nitkin, in his concluding remarks, said: “I learned a lot about Pakistani history and Ajmi Muslim practice, for which I am grateful. Over three hours, we talked about religion (Christian, Jewish, and Islam), Muslim-Jewish stereotypes born out of ignorance but not hatred, recent Pakistani history, the role of authorities in religious interpretation, redemption before God, what it means to be a good person, the brotherhood of our respective faiths, the content of the Holy Books, and many other topics. Several of my friends who couldn’t attend would like another opportunity to meet. The idea of more direct people-to-people sessions in community centres and private homes without rabbis and imams is promising.”

The Muslim participants expressed their deep gratitude and appreciations to the host. The session was ended with a pray that “May Allah Almighty grant Muslims, throughout the world, the wisdom to accept the reality – That is – Israel and the right of the Jewish people to live on that land peacefully which was awarded to them by Allah Ta’laa when Prophet Moses (PBUH) brought them from Egypt, a fact which the Holy Quran also certifies.”


a.khalid ansari

Apr 29, 2012, 3:25:31 AM4/29/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
A great Session by Pakistani Community in Canada. Era of freedom of press did not reach Pakistan yet. Otherwise similar sessions would have been possible in Pakistan as well and our countrymen would have been free to speak their minds in their own country. Almighty Allah calls Himself God of all Universes ( Rabbul Alemeen ). How unfortunate that People of Planet earth are leading their lives in animosity. Certainly Muslim & Jews have more in common than in contrast. I know many Jewish Friends, who understand history & call and remember the Hispanic Muslim Era as their Golden period of their history in contrast to their existence under Christian rule of Europe Asia & Africa. Today both the Jews & Muslims got away from teachings of their Prophets. Moses is as much Prophet of Muslim He is of the Jews & so is Prophet Mohammad` s teachings otherwise Muslim & Jews would never had created a golden period under Muslim Spain. 


Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 11:14:27 +0500
Subject: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto
From: edi...@weeklypresspakistan.com
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Palestine News

Apr 30, 2012, 2:46:06 AM4/30/12
to to=Press...@googlegroups.com

Palestine News Network (PNN) has published this historical news item here: http://english.pnn.ps/index.php/international/1502-historical-session-on-jewish-and-pakistani-cooperation-concluded-in-toronto

About PNN:
We are a group of independent Palestinian journalists and editors who work on a strictly professional level without favoring one political party over another or any religion over another.

We report from a Palestinian perspective as we see that the media is rife with Israeli sources. We strive to empower the Palestinian people and their cause, particularly that of nonviolent resistance to occupation. We began in 2002 and have radio, television, and several languages to choose from on our website. PNN has won the confidence of the people in addition to local and international press agencies by providing quick, accurate, credible and objective news.


zafar sheikh

Apr 30, 2012, 2:59:32 AM4/30/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Extremely Unfortunate that in the name of people to people contact what kind of bull shit is going on there......................


Zafar Mahmood Sheikh
Saudi TV KSA2

+ 92 321 5303504

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 00:46:06 -0600
To: to=PressP...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto
From: palest...@gmail.com


Apr 30, 2012, 3:54:46 AM4/30/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Mr. Zafar Sheikh what you are labeling as bull shit, is a few equal and normal people having a dialogue. In your opinion it maybe bull shit as probably you consider having a dialogue as that, but certainly not everyone thinks like you and if you as you are correspondent of Saudi TV would know muslim history better, then you would know that our Holy Prophet (MPBUH) also had dialogue with the Jewish people and made agreements with them and had relations with them.
What would you call that? Please respond to the question. As we must know your position to that before we engage further.  

"This e-mail message and information contained in or attached to this message may be privileged, confidential, and protected from disclosure and is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination, printing or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. Malik Shahid shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. Malik Shahid does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interference. Thank you."

--- zafarm...@hotmail.com wrote:


Apr 30, 2012, 8:47:55 AM4/30/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
I have always found that when a person resorts to foul language, his rationale is usually likewise flawed.
Best regards.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

From: Shahid <sha...@malikshahid.biz>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 00:54:46 -0700


Apr 30, 2012, 11:43:50 AM4/30/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Mr shahid  surely no one can discourage efforts  for o  good relationship between Jews and Muslims.But our overzealous sentimental intellectuals very easily fall prey in the hands of  those who  under the guise of friendliness play dirty tricks/
Yes the seminar was held to bring the Muslims and jews closer. Jews expressed their desire to know   about Islam  and Pakistan.
Mr shahid how innocent they are. dont you know they know much more about islam and Pakistaan than we do.
Their designs may  not be noticed by  our sentimental intellectuals. what  jews termed Ajmi AND Arbi Muslims  is  clear indication of the sinister move by them to create differences among Muslims.
Mr Shahid you and likewise broadminded people dont know Islam is a philosophy of life  for all  mankind. Believers  are Muslims and Muslims only not Ajmi or arab, not black and whites  not Asians, Europeans , africans or Americans.
I wonder not a single pakistani person  there objected  to this shameful design to create disruption among Muslims polity.
 it is because we  are undergoing  inferiority complex and  try to be present ourselves aas realists and broadminded by following those who are materially prosperous and mighty  presently.
Jamal yousuf

Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 00:54:46 -0700
From: sha...@malikshahid.biz


May 1, 2012, 3:50:25 AM5/1/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Mr.Jamal you have made many assumptions and resorted to some old cliches. The terms you have used to define muslim and Pakistani peoples resident or expats can be labeled as being very negative or a low opinion. I find our people no less or more then anyone, we have our share or brilliance and madness just like every where else. We all come here to share ideas and have discussion so as to be able to better understand issues. 
I had asked a simple question to  Mr. Zafar Sheikh and then you have said something only you can make sense off. Whatever, are you saying that we should have no dialogue with people you feel are superior, mighty or prosperous.  

"This e-mail message and information contained in or attached to this message may be privileged, confidential, and protected from disclosure and is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, re-transmission, dissemination, printing or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you receive this message in error, please immediately inform the sender by reply e-mail and delete the message and any attachments. Please note that e-mails are susceptible to change. Malik Shahid shall not be liable for the improper or incomplete transmission of the information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its receipt or damage to your system. Malik Shahid does not guarantee that the integrity of this communication has been maintained nor that this communication is free of viruses, interceptions or interference. Thank you."


May 3, 2012, 5:24:23 AM5/3/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Shahid saheb i think i was unable to make my point clear or u did not give due attention to my view. U have just condemned me as conservative and fanatic .
 No Mr. Shahid i just said frinedship between jews and muslims must be promoted but on  the basis of humanity basis without religiouus prejudices and intentions to create differences among the  other community.
The jews attempt to sow a seed of  disruption, Ajmi and arabi , among the musslims must be  discarded.

I still wonder intellectuals  and broadminded people like u why ignored thaat statement of ajmi and arabi muslims.
jamal yousuf

Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 00:50:25 -0700

Karamatullah Ghori

May 4, 2012, 12:47:47 AM5/4/12
to PressPakistan

My friends, you may go on debating the issue whether the get-together in Toronto was good or bad till the cows come home from the pasture.
What you've to understand, basically, is the difference between Jews and the Zionists.
We've no quarrel with Jews. They are people of the Book; there's in fact more in common between Jews and Muslims than there's between Muslims and Christians; or between Jews and Christians. As Shahid rightly pointed out, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) conducted normal business with them and signed with the Jews of Medina the Charter  of Medina, the very first political treaty in Islamic history. This was before He signed the famous Pact of Hudabiya with the Quraish of Mecca.
The problem is with Zionism, which is a political movement based on the philosophy of European Jews ( Ashkenazis) who regard themselves as superior to their other Jewish brothers-in-faith, the so-called Oriental Jews, or Sephardic Jews.  There's so much discrimination within Israel against non-European Jews because political power is largely vested in European Jews.
 UN General Assembly condemned, in an overwhelming resolution a quarter century agoi that Zionism is a racist philosophy, which is untenable in modern inter-state relations. You can have a bone to pick with the Zionists but it's fool-hardy to paint all Jews, Zionist or not, with the same broad brush. Those of us Muslims who suffer from allergy to Jews are ignorant of the pristine Muslim ethos--propounded by the Holy Prophet(PBUH) himself--of Sulh-e-kul, or peace and co-existence with all unless they betray that trust.
Pl. understand your own religion, and read your own Islamic history, before indulging in a dialogue of the deaf.

To: pressp...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto
Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 09:24:23 +0000

Khalid Rahman

May 4, 2012, 1:34:32 AM5/4/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Good eye=opener, Ghori. We need more non-partisan information from senior journalists like you.

M Khalid Rahman
former senior sub editor, Dawn

a.khalid ansari

May 5, 2012, 7:05:39 AM5/5/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
My Friends Zions or otherwise the question remains how comes that Zions--Non Zions, Ashkenazim or Hisadies , Liberals, ultra liberals,   Orthodox or Ultra Orthodox How much did they do for the Jewish people  World over. What kept them United in spite of so many differences  against that what kept us apart and divided. Why the Jewish people have the such high education ratio against what we have. How comes that a tiny Jewish Non Oil State managed not only to survive & defeat such Large Muslim states like Jordan, Syria, Laban an and others including our Intelligent Palestinian Brothers but also they managed to lice so graciously . Please read about standard of Living of Israel & compare it with Standard & status of living of Filthy oil Rich Countries.   Can any one answer why are they  so developed, Evolved and Progressed against where we Muslims Stand. Please read this in continuation to my Earlier comments second down from first of these Learned ( except me ) opinions. 


Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 00:34:32 -0500

Subject: Re: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto

Karamat Ghori

May 5, 2012, 10:14:52 PM5/5/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, Khalid Rehman.
Just one correction. I'm not a journalist, nver was. I'm a retired carer ambassador and now a free-lance columnist. I wrote for years for DAWN; you should've known that.
Best regards,

--- On Thu, 5/3/12, Khalid Rahman <kha...@gmail.com> wrote:

ikram ghouri

May 6, 2012, 7:02:59 AM5/6/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
we have no other Koran itself has told in sure Maida O,People of faith come together and
on common terns which we owe i.e. pray only one Allah. We have also the same problem in
Berlin and talk and invite them on different ocasions.
WE can,t make dawa withiut coming in contact. We even let them sit during prayer on Friday in our mosque.
We have to open and open hearted to embrace others even our own
other fiwa.
ghouri, Berlin

Von: Karamat Ghori <k_k_...@yahoo.com>
An: pressp...@googlegroups.com
Gesendet: 4:14 Sonntag, 6.Mai 2012
Betreff: Re: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto

Zulfiqar Halepoto

May 6, 2012, 10:17:00 AM5/6/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
 Dear All
Karamatullah Ghori's reply is reflection and representation of  progressive and sane people who believe that Pakistan should remain mainstream in global community through dialogue and debate. I must appreciate this activity of CANADA based diaspora. 
One of great and modern Sindhi poet Shaikh Ayaz said that one cant judge a nation by their individuals the nation which has given birth to Mir Jaffar and Mir sadiq, same nation has given birth to Ghalib and Khusro. Germans have  given birth to HITLER and simultaneously given birth to Nietzsche and Marx.

Atleast we in Sindh endorse Karamat sahebs viewpoint. Pakistan is already suffering serious IMAGE CRISIS in the world community and it is our prime duty to portray a progressive and inclusive image of the nation and territory.

Zulfiqar Halepoto

--- On Sun, 5/6/12, ikram ghouri <ikramgh...@yahoo.de> wrote:

Hamid Nawaz

May 11, 2012, 5:27:23 AM5/11/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com

Dear friend this is a reality. There is a gape between ajmi and arab muslim. I wish u may meet arabs and see their attitude towards the non-arab muslim so that u may not live in fools' paradise any more

manzoor naazer

May 11, 2012, 9:49:17 AM5/11/12
to pressp...@googlegroups.com
If anyone behaves rudely on the basis of clan or language or any other
thing, he is ignorant and wrongdoer. He violates teaching of Islam.
However, a few people might do this, but a it cannot be said about all

and what do think that the western people love us or treat us equally.

Even more importantly, how do we treat others? How we the so called
Muslims treat the poor people, those from the lower classes, workers
and artisans. How many of us would be willing to dine with the masons,
cobblers, shoemakers, and alike?

Let us first correct ourselves, then pinpoint others.

On 5/11/12, Hamid Nawaz <hamidna...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear friend this is a reality. There is a gape between ajmi and arab muslim.
> I wish u may meet arabs and see their attitude towards the non-arab muslim
> so that u may not live in fools' paradise any more
> hamid
> --- On Thu, 5/3/12, JAMAL YOUSUF <jamal_...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> From: JAMAL YOUSUF <jamal_...@hotmail.com>
> Subject: RE: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation
> Concluded in Toronto
> To: pressp...@googlegroups.com
> Date: Thursday, 3 May, 2012, 2:24 AM
> Shahid saheb i think i was unable to make my point clear or u did not give
> due attention to my view. U have just condemned me as conservative and
> fanatic .
> No Mr. Shahid i just said frinedship between jews and muslims must be
> promoted but on the basis of humanity basis without religiouus prejudices
> and intentions to create differences among the other community.
> The jews attempt to sow a seed of disruption, Ajmi and arabi , among the
> musslims must be discarded.
> I still wonder intellectuals and broadminded people like u why ignored
> thaat statement of ajmi and arabi muslims.
> jamal yousuf
> Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 11:14:27 +0500
> Subject: Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in
> Toronto
> From: edi...@weeklypresspakistan.com
> To: PressP...@googlegroups.com
> http://weeklypresspakistan.com/2012/04/2605
> Historical Session on Jewish and Pakistani Cooperation Concluded in Toronto
> On the initiative of Weekly Press Pakistan – Canada, the only reliable
> source of information about Israel in Urdu language, a session of group
> discussions between Jews and non-Arab Pakistani Muslims was held in Toronto
> to boost people-to-people dialogue for the sake of world peace, humanity and
> global harmony.
Yours truly,

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