Presidential system of government is better than parliamentary system for pakistan

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Riaz Ahmed

Mar 16, 2023, 8:31:18 AM3/16/23
to Presidential vs parliamentary system ?

The last 76 years of Pakistan's history has demonstrated that a presidential system is more capable of providing stability and avoiding political turmoil than a parliamentary system. Since its creation in 1947 Pakistan is facing an instalbe political situation due to paliamentry system . This aspect provided  a good chance for  military establishment to impose the martial Law in the country in 1958 till end of 1971

 In  1971, the country has been plagued by political and economic instability, spiraling ethnic strife and widespread corruption.

The primary cause of this instability has been attributed to the ineffective structures of government created by a parliamentary system. 

In a parliamentary system, the power is concentrated in the hands of the party in power, and this often leads to one political party ruling for decades at a time. 

This thing is visible in the era of 1972  to 1977 during the rule of Pakistan people's  party which created a best chance for military establishment to impose martial once again on 05 July 1977.

This system stifles the growth and development of the nation, leaving a legacy of tyranny and corruption.

 The period  of 1988 to 1999  also shows it's clear evidence due to which military establishment found an other good chance to throw away the  civil government.

 On the other hand, a presidential system strengthens democracy by creating a more balanced equilibrium between the government and the people, due to the distinct separation of powers of  lagislative authorities  and the powers of the executive branch. 

This equalizes control  of the two said authorities which leads to a more level playing field for all the participants.

A presidential system of government also provides fresh air to the political system to  avoid the instability of political complexity as Pakistan is facing it now a days

 The political scenario of 2022/23 is  producing a best situation for military forces to impose martial Law once again.

 It is further added that This aspect  will remain alive for ever if presidential system of govt is not adopted in pakistan in  place of parliamentary system of government.

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