Kchi Pôntegok: Revisiting the Historic Landscape of the Bellows Falls Petroglyphs in Bellow Falls, Vermont.
Photo courtesy Brattleboro Reformer/Kris Radder.
As we continue to celebrate Historic Preservation Month, we are excited to announce the availability of $1.25 million in Underrepresented Communities grants from the Historic Preservation Fund!
The National Park Service (NPS) is now accepting applications for the
Underrepresented Communities Grant Program (URC). URC grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and work towards diversifying listings in the National
Register of Historic Places. Projects include surveys and nominations of historic properties associated with communities underrepresented in the National Register.
Since 2014, the NPS has awarded $7.5 million in grants to diversify the National Register of Historic Places. Congress has appropriated $1.25 million for the 2024 URC Grant Program.
Applications will be
due August 29, 2024
Available Grant Funding
Grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal match. Eligible applicants are limited to State Historic Preservation Offices, Federally Recognized Indian Tribes,
Alaska Native Villages/Corporations, Native Hawaiian Organizations (as defined by 54 USC 300309, 54 USC 300313, 54 USC 300314),
Certified Local Governments, and nonprofit organizations.
This grant program supports the survey, inventory, and designation of historic properties that are associated with communities currently underrepresented in the National Register of Historic
Places and among National Historic Landmarks. NPS takes a broad view on the definition of underrepresented and looks for that case to be made in the application.
All funded projects must result in:
The submission of a new nomination to the National Register of Historic Places or National Historic Landmark program, or
An amendment to an existing National Register or National Historic Landmark nomination to include underrepresented communities