FW: Preservation Funds For Brick/Mortar

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Ringler, Katrina [KSHS]

Feb 1, 2023, 11:23:04 PM2/1/23
to Preserving Kansas (preserving-kansas@googlegroups.com)

Up to $15,000 in funding!

Preservation Leadership Forum

Former Favrot_Mitchell grant recipient. An aeriel view of the Burge Club in Georgia, where the Georgia Trust conducted an assessment of the building as part of their Georgia Trust GREEN program.

Now Accepting Applications!
If you didn't apply for grants from the recent National Preservation Fund deadline (today) there are still opportunities for grant funding through the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund for Historic Interiors and Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation.

Applications are due March 1. With grants ranging from $2,500 to $15,000, these funds offer support for educational and planning efforts, as well as brick and mortar projects.

Additional Forum Deadlines

Photo Credit: Ben Sutton. Former grant recipient, an aerial view of the Burge Club in Georgia, where the Georgia Trust conducted an assessment of the building as part of their Georgia Trust GREEN program.

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