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City of Leavenworth seeking consultant services - Resurvey of Downtown Historic Districts

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Kansas HistoricalSociety

Mar 2, 2023, 2:05:46 PM3/2/23
to Preserving Kansas
The Kansas Historical Society assists cultural resources across the state through various financial incentive programs.  The following grant-assisted project is seeking proposals, bids, or qualifications from consultants.  Please address all inquiries to the project contact listed.

LEAVENWORTH - The City of Leavenworth is seeking written proposals from individuals or firms qualified to complete a resurvey of their downtown historic districts. Interested vendors may obtain copies of the actual request for proposal documents from the Purchasing Agent Stephanie Alexander at City Hall, Finance Department, 100 N 5th Street, Leavenworth, Kansas 66048; via email at or call 913-364-5816. All sealed responses must be received by the Office of the City Clerk, Leavenworth City Hall, 100 N 5th Street, Leavenworth, KS 66048 no later than 5:00PM on April 4th, 2023.  
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