FW: The National Park Service announces $24 million in funding available through the African American Civil Rights Grant Program (AACR)

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Katrina Ringler [KSHS]

Jun 7, 2024, 1:09:11 PMJun 7
to Preserving Kansas (preserving-kansas@googlegroups.com)

State, Tribal, Local, Plans & Grants

The National Park Service announces $24 million in funding available through the African American Civil Rights Grant Program (AACR)


Civil rights leaders march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, 1963

Photo Credit: National Archives


The National Park Service announces availability of grant funding through the African American Civil Rights Grant Program (AACR).The program will document, interpret, and preserve sites and stories telling the full story of the long struggle for African American civil rights from the transatlantic slave trade onwards. Governmental, tribal, and nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply. The NPS 2008 report, Civil Rights in America, A Framework for Identifying Significant Sites, will serve as the reference document in determining the appropriateness of proposed projects and properties.


AACR Grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), administered by the NPS, and will fund a broad range of preservation projects including survey and inventory, National Register nominations, oral histories and more. Grants are awarded through a competitive process and do not require non-Federal funding match. Congress has appropriated $24 million in FY2024 funding for History and Preservation projects.


Applications are due September 5, 2024.

Available Grant Funding

Grants are available to fund two types of projects: "history" and "preservation." History grants will support interpretive and research-based projects, while preservation grants will fund planning and "bricks and mortar" preservation/conservation work on historic buildings and structures.

A third Funding Opportunity for preservation projects is also available to members of the African American Civil Rights Network:


Grant Opportunity


The Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFO) for our FY2024 competitive programs will be spring through fall 2024. To be notified when this year's opportunities become available, please go to Grants.gov and subscribe to a saved search for CFDA 15.929 for Save America's Treasures (SAT), 15.932 for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), and 15.966 for all other competitive programs. You can create a saved search on grants.gov under the “Connect” menu. The application period is 60-90 days from the time the NOFO is posted on Grants.gov. Because the window to apply for funding is limited, we encourage all applicants to plan well ahead of the application deadline. Information on applying to all of our competitive programs is available through our website year-round. Registration in Grants.gov, SAM.gov, and other federal systems can take up to four weeks, so please start early. Extensions will not be granted due to incomplete registrations in these systems or applications. 



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