I am a prediction market PhD in his second year and focussing
opportunities and limitations of prediction-market in innovation
contexts. I will shortly be starting my first experiments. I have
another phd nextdoor working on prediction markets but coming from an
accounting/budgeting background. We are situated in Hamburg / Germany.
My master's thesis advisor also wrote her phd on prediction markets in
innovation contexts, it is available as pdf here (though some parts
are in German):
Does Intrade support experimental PhD work service wise :-)? If yes,
whom to contact?
Best regards from the rainy north of germany
Jan-Paul Lüdtke
Karolinenstraße 3
20357 Hamburg
Fon home +49 (40) 43252417
Fon mobile +49 (176) 20112541
Fon office +49 (40) 428784528
Web www.the-spacecowboy.de
Skype jpluedtke