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Andrew Walker

Nov 19, 2010, 12:42:33 PM11/19/10
to Prediction Markets Industry
Hey All,

I just launched a new prediction market site today. Check it out at The site focuses a bit more on popular culture &
sports topics than some of the other PM sites out there, but also
covers some news and world events topics. The site is definitely a
work in progress and has a long way to go, but I would appreciate
hearing your advice and feedback on whether you like it and how we can

I look forward to hearing your comments. Thanks a lot.


David Pennock

Nov 23, 2010, 11:58:49 AM11/23/10
to Prediction Markets Industry, Andrew Walker
Looks great. Nice design/interface, nice descriptions, good content,
looks easy to use and inviting. Nice name too. Are you using a market
maker? Good luck: glad to see a new entrant well executed.


P.S. I couldn't get facebook connect to work on Safari 4.1 on Mac OS X
10.4.11 -- got into an infinite loop.

Landoin, Pierre-Baptiste

Nov 23, 2010, 2:46:30 PM11/23/10
to David Pennock, Prediction Markets Industry, Andrew Walker
Hi Andrew,

I have a project about predictions market. How did you find a website designer?
How much did you pay to design your website (congrats by the way!)


From: [] On Behalf Of David Pennock []
Sent: 23 November 2010 16:58
To: Prediction Markets Industry
Cc: Andrew Walker
Subject: Re: [PM Industry-39] - new prediction market site


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Andrew Walker

Nov 23, 2010, 5:51:41 PM11/23/10
to David Pennock, Prediction Markets Industry
Thank you for your comments, David. Very much appreciated. The product
that you currently see represents about two months of work and we still have
many significant features that we plan on adding or releasing over the next
six months (all in development now). Our intention by releasing so early is
to see the public's reaction and make tweaks and corrections to the site.
Our goal is to create the most user friendly site as possible to make sure
everyone feels comfortable using our platform. Our fingers are crossed!

To answer your questions on the engine, we developed our own algorithm that
acts as automatically generates probabilities based on trading activity.
Once we begin getting more users, we plan on testing the validity and making
changes to our algorithm to ensure its as accurate as possible. Our long
term goal is to add to the great work of those that have been involved with
prediction market research and prove their importance. Early data shows the
predictions are correct frequently, but our alpha test was too small to
represent statistically significant populations.

Thanks for stopping by the site. I hope you all stop by and check our the

Best wishes,


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