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Prediction Market PhD's?

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John Delaney, CEO,

Oct 27, 2010, 12:46:07 PM10/27/10
to Prediction Markets Industry
Hell all,

Recently 3 PhD's students have contacted us about their research and
its focus on prediction markets. The fact that our industry continues
to attract such study is significant and should be encouraged.

Got me thinking...
I wonder have people already been awarded PhD’s that focused on
prediction markets primarily - or crowd-sourcing / collective-
intelligence / crowd-creation / crowd-funding.

If so I would be keen to know more about the studies and people
involved - as I expect others on this forum would be.

Best regards as always,


George Tziralis

Oct 27, 2010, 6:42:29 PM10/27/10
to Prediction Markets Industry
Hi, you may find here some references - (.pdf)


On Oct 27, 7:46 pm, "John Delaney, CEO,"

David Pennock

Oct 27, 2010, 6:37:50 PM10/27/10
To an extent my own dissertation
( falls into that
category. Here are some more but far from comprehensive. I'm sure the
UIowa group has graduated many with PM dissertations, for example.

prediction markets:
Leslie Fine
Yiling Chen
Nicolas Lambert
Stan Dimitrov
Mark Peters
Ryan Oprea

Luis von Ahn

Ole Jakob Bergfjord

Oct 29, 2010, 7:25:03 AM10/29/10
One of the papers in my dissertation dealt with prediction markets.
The main topic for the dissertation was risk management, in particular
related to political risk. My perspective was to study prediction
markets as one potential tool for management of such risk - for
instance related to elections.

Best regards,
Ole Jakob Bergfjord

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Sveinung Arnesen

Oct 29, 2010, 8:24:41 AM10/29/10
to David Pennock,

I have not finished the PhD yet, but I am doing my dissertation in political science on how to predict election results, with prediction markets as my main focus. I have done an experiment in relation to the 2009 Norwegian national parliamentary election , where I among other things look at how well active party members -using prediction market- predict their own result(!). I have also compared polls and market predictions for the US presidential elections 2004 and 2008, studying whether or not the two barometers tell the same "stories" about the election campaigns.

I use this opportunity to say that if there are other political scientists out there with an interest in prediction market, please contact me :) I can be reached at sveinung.arnesen at

Kind regards,
Sveinung Arnesen
University of Bergen, Norway

Luis von Ahn


Dorit Geifman

Oct 30, 2010, 1:07:02 PM10/30/10
to John Delaney, CEO,, Prediction Markets Industry
I am now in the middle of my PhD research. I am look at Prediction Markets from traders' perspective. I study the effect of different personal traits and attitudes of traders on their trading behavior and market outcome.

I conduct my research through controlled experiments in which traders anonymously respond to a questionnaire before trading in a market and then I analyze their individual transactions and the market outcome.
If anyone can provide me access to a similar setting where I can hold such experiments - I will be much obliged.

Dorit Geifman
University of Haifa, Israel

2010/10/27 John Delaney, CEO, <>

David Pennock

Nov 1, 2010, 7:22:55 AM11/1/10
you might be able to use Amazon mechanical turk

On 10/30/10 1:07 PM, Dorit Geifman wrote:
> Hi,
> I am now in the middle of my PhD research. I am look at Prediction
> Markets from traders' perspective. I study the effect of different
> personal traits and attitudes of traders on their trading behavior and
> market outcome.
> I conduct my research through controlled experiments in which traders
> anonymously respond to a questionnaire before trading in a market and
> then I analyze their individual transactions and the market outcome.
> If anyone can provide me access to a similar setting where I can hold
> such experiments - I will be much obliged.
> Dorit Geifman
> University of Haifa, Israel
> 2010/10/27 John Delaney, CEO, <

> <>>

> Hell all,
> Recently 3 PhD's students have contacted us about their research and
> its focus on prediction markets. The fact that our industry continues
> to attract such study is significant and should be encouraged.
> Got me thinking...
> I wonder have people already been awarded PhD’s that focused on
> prediction markets primarily - or crowd-sourcing / collective-
> intelligence / crowd-creation / crowd-funding.
> If so I would be keen to know more about the studies and people
> involved - as I expect others on this forum would be.
> Best regards as always,
> John
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Group: "Prediction Markets Industry".
> To post to this group, send email to

> <>

> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to

> <>

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