One of the few aspects of my job I enjoy more than designing a new market is actually building it.
In that vein, I am thrilled to announce the beta launch of, a fully operational example of our latest combinatorial prediction market design, published in the 2012 ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce.
PredictWiseQ is our greedy attempt to scarf up as much information as is humanly possible and use it, wisely, to
forecast nearly every possible detail about the upcoming US presidential election. For example, we can project how likely it is that Romney will win Colorado but lose the election (6.2%), or that the same party will win both Ohio and Pennsylvania (77.6%), or that Obama will paint a path of blue from Canada to Mexico (99.5%). But don’t just window shop, go ahead and customize and buy a prediction or ten for yourself.
Create your own league to compare your political WiseQ among friends.
So, dear crowd, please try it! Bang on it. Break it. (Though please tell me how you did, so we might fix it.) Tell me what you like and what is horribly wrong. Mostly, have fun playing a market that I believe represents the future of markets in the digital age.