Salut everyone,
I welcome this initiative to add the community dimension to the
Prediction Market Industry. It offers an opportuntity to bring
corporate activity to deepen the sense of owning up to the citizenship
between the parts and the whole.
Prediction Market Industry is in position to embody such vitality,
because of the knowledge and of the tools that are in use.
From an inspirational view, Prediction Market Industry is riding the
waves of improvisation upon the currencies of times and progress.
We navigate from competition to completion, to reach the assembly's
shore of individuals and communities who own up to the honor of
sanctity and dignity of life itself.
Here are two key notes investments of time, to get the picture of the
ride we are on, from "the waves of improvisation upon the currencies
of times and progress to the assembly's shore of our citizenship"!
So to feed the view, I first propose an interview given recently by
one of the most recognized master of modern music, Van Morrison...
This is a podcast from the CBC radio. So go to:
...and look down on that page for "October 1, 2009 - Van Morrison
Second, I propose this documentary:
The navigational angle offered by such an interview and documentary,
is that money must grow as a servant, not a master of humanity.
Are we interested to own up to our position on the ship of citizens?
Edmonton, Canada