Fw: Your Newspaper, 2nd of April

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Apr 2, 2024, 11:21:12 AMApr 2
to Predestina...@googlegroups.com, Called out Of God, Jimmy Batchelor

From: follow.it <in...@follow2.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 10:12
To: hoyts...@hotmail.com <hoyts...@hotmail.com>
Subject: Your Newspaper, 2nd of April
Welsh Tract Publications
by ST Apr 2, 2024

THERE is probably no subject of more vital importance to the children of the kingdom of Christ, than that to which we wish in these lines to call their attention. 

Much has been said about the subject, by various characters, with as great a variety of designs. Knowing how much the saints desire a perfect union and fellowship among themselves, the enemy has sometimes been affected to be very zealous for the promotion of the same object; and to deplore what he or they have denominated a schismatic spirit. Under this imposing pretext, the New School Baptists have generally denounced those who have, in obedience to the command of Zion's glorious King, conscientiously withdrawn their Christian fellowship from disorderly walkers. 

…we felt confident the brother had erred; and had opened our columns to the injured brethren of the Old School, in the Mississippi, Valley, to defend themselves against the slanderous charge of being Sabellians, heretics, apostates, &c.; that we had thus offended, was used as a signal for rallying the forces of Israel against us; and while the denouncing of more than one half of all the Old School Baptists in the United States, as base heretics, was winked at, our course is, with the same pen, and by the same conciliatory spirit, swelled into schism, sedition

Some honest-hearted Christians have become bewildered by the hypocritical whinings of ungodly persons, from failing to discern the true design of those who have exhorted them to a general union. There is at this present time, an uncommon zeal manifested by some in whom we have had, and some in whom we still have confidence as Old School Baptists, for union. 

Several articles have recently appeared in the Primitive Baptist, the Correspondent, and the Advocate, as also a letter recently prepared as a circular, for the Warwick Association, (which was not adopted) upon this subject; and among them, some very well-written essays. But we have been led to examine this subject, concerning the general want of sufficient discrimination manifested by some, and the evident bearing of others some to work a dissension and schism in the ranks of the Old School Baptists, under the imposing plea of union. We will not charge any with such intention; but when we see a series of numbers on the subject of union, prefaced by what we consider an unprovoked attack on this paper; and when we had sought an explanation, and received none, we have found it rather difficult to suppress our misgivings as to the sort of union contended for. 

It is true, that the attack appears to carry on its face, that which might make any further explanation unnecessary. Since the fact that we had dissented from some views of an esteemed writer in the Primitive, wherein we felt confident the brother had erred; and had opened our columns to the injured brethren of the Old School, in the Mississippi, Valley, to defend themselves against the slanderous charge of being Sabellians, heretics, apostates, &c.; that we had thus offended, was used as a signal for rallying the forces of Israel against us; and while the denouncing of more than one half of all the Old School Baptists in the United States, as base heretics, was winked at, our course is, with the same pen, and by the same conciliatory spirit, swelled into schism, sedition, &c. 

Having just glanced at the views of some modern writers, on the subject of union, we will briefly state our opinion on the subject also. They that gladly received the word, at the day of Pentecost, and were baptized upon the reception thereof, continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer, &c. Here lies the foundation of all Christian unions. Where the word of the Lord is rejected or is not gladly received, there is no scriptural ground for Christian fellowship; but where the word of life has been gladly received, as on that memorable day, and sinners, quickened by its almighty power, have bowed their necks to wear the yoke of Jesus, and in the holy ordinance of baptism have put it on, and do, like those primitive Baptists, continue in the apostles' doctrine, true gospel fellowship must, and will invariably follow. 

They not only continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, but equally steadfast in the apostles' fellowship; and consequently in sweet union and fellowship among themselves. And while abiding in the doctrine and fellowship of the apostles of the Lamb, the saints are prepared to travel harmoniously in the breaking of bread, and in social worship. But under no circumstance are the saints at liberty to extend their fellowship where there is not a hearty reception of the word, in faith and practice, and a steadfast continuance in the apostles' doctrine. 

The moment our fellowship exceeds these New Testament limits, it ceases to be Christian union or gospel fellowship and becomes a wicked perversion of the word a mere giving of flattering titles from one to another. Called with a heavenly vocation, by one spirit, and in one hope of their calling, having one Lord, one faith, and one baptism, one God and Father of all, &c., the saints are not only prepared to adhere strictly to the doctrine and practice of the gospel, as ordained by Christ and taught by his inspired apostles, but also to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace; to bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

Under such circumstances, it is not only lawful but expedient, that Christians should exhort one another to cherish an unfeigned love and Christian regard for the happiness and spiritual growth of the King's royal family. As we said at the commencement of this article, no subject is of more vital importance to the church of God; so we see the necessity of guarding against the influence of anything in doctrine or practice, that is calculated to sever these blessed bonds; but we should never be unmindful that it is Satan's masterpiece to lead us, if possible, to incorporate within the embrace of our fellowship and union, something that is not found within the limits of the apostles' doctrine; and thereby to pervert our union, and subvert our hearts. Beware of him! 

Let us now enquire, whether controversy, discussion, and explain dealings among professors of the gospel faith, are, in reality, prejudicial to a true Christian union, or not. A late writer defines controversy, as meaning dispute, debate, quarrel, &c. The correctness of his definition we shall not dispute, but we know God had a controversy with Israel; although we do not understand that he quarreled with them, in conducting it. That he disputed the premises they assumed, and that his manner of displaying his disapprobation was by himself denominated a controversy, is certain. 

The apostles were so far from considering a controversy detrimental to Christian union, that they exhorted the saints to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints; and this was found indispensable to the maintenance of a scriptural fellowship. Thus our Lord disputed with the doctors in the temple, and Paul disputed daily in the school of one Tyrannus; and yet the purity of the Christian faith, and the spirit of the gospel, suffered nothing by this controversy. 

But it may be objected, that the controversy for which we find precept and example in the scriptures, was a contention for the faith, against those who were enemies of the truth. All this we admit; but among those, opposers were found some at least in a nominal connection with the church of Christ. Christians, while continuing steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, will find nothing to controvert in the faith or practice of each other; but when any one or more of the disciples depart from the RULE of faith and order, then such as are spiritual, are commanded to restore such a one, in the spirit of meekness. 

The idea that we, as Old School Baptists, are to contend against the errors of the New School, and at the same time wink at the errors of all who may please call themselves Old School, will not answer. One wolf in the fold will do more mischief to the flock, than a thousand in the forest. 

We perfectly accord with brethren Bennett, Jewitt, Burritt, Battle, and many others, that a gentle, meek, patient, forbearing, humble demeanor, forms the Christian character; and that without such a spirit as will lead us to love the truth, the order, the ordinances, and laws of Christ's kingdom, as well as all such as give evidence that they are born of God, by walking conformably to his precepts, all our pretensions are vain. 

None can more sincerely deplore an alienation or coldness among the children of God than we do; but we would not supply the want of Christian union, by crying, Peace, where God has not spoken peace; nor by healing the hurt of the daughter of the Lord's people slightly. We cannot compromise the truth. 

New Vernon, N. Y., August 15, 1840. 
Elder Gilbert Beebe Editorials Volume 1 Pages 631 - 635 



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The Lord Bless you!


This flashcard contains all of the known articles written by Elder Wilson Thompson from 1832 until he died in 1866.  It also contains Simple Truths, His Autobiography in a PDF file as well as an audiobook as well as his work Triumphs of Truth.  Also, these works will be fully searchable and will fit on your smartphone.  It will also be suitable for printing. The cost will be $50 for the flash drive containing all this information.  We accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, or personal checks.  For more information write to gsantam...@gmail.com.
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by ST Apr 1, 2024

[These Arminian approaches are still going on today.  We give an example - ed]

The following instance of fool-hardened presumption rebuked as with a bolt from heaven, should serve as an awful warning to those religious fanatics, who, in the infatuation of their blinded zeal, defy the wrath of God by daring to present their lives, works, and property, as a price for the salvation of souls, and thus insulting that "one offering" of the immaculate Lamb of God, by which he "has perfected forever all them that are sanctified." 

These blinded zealots generally profess to believe that the atonement made by Christ was universal, and designed for the salvation of all mankind. They must consider their offerings as more effectual, and, more intrinsically valuable, than the blood of Christ, or they could not presume that their life, labor, or wealth, could possibly affect what the blood of Jesus had failed to do. Therefore, they do most evidently "trample on the Son of God, and count the blood wherewith he was sanctified an unholy thing, and do despite unto the spirit of grace." 

Is it, therefore, surprising that this wicked and presumptuous man was made an example of by him who will not give his glory to another or his praise to graven images? What can be more insulting to the Divine Majesty, than for poor, finite, guilty worms of the dust, to attempt the improvement of his counsels and decrees, to add to the election of grace, or to the provisions of grace and mercy something of their own invention or providence? Yet this is the grand ultimatum of all the New School schemes of the age. 

"MYSTERIOUS PROVIDENCE. – During a recent revival in the Greenport Baptist Church, N.Y., a beloved deacon of the church, named Randall, having engaged in prayer, told the Lord that if his death could be the means of the conversion of sinners, he was willing to go. In about three minutes after he closed he was suddenly attacked with paralysis of his right side, and all sensation left him. He was carried home, and died after an illness of three days." – Baptist Record. New Vernon, N.Y., May 1, 1844. 

Elder Gilbert Beebe Editorials Volume 2 Pages 430 - 431

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