Fw: Some historical context & FACTS...

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Apr 30, 2024, 7:39:27 PMApr 30
to Predestina...@googlegroups.com, Called out Of God, Jimmy Batchelor

From: Wayne and Dorothy <vedi...@earthlink.net>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2024 12:39
To: DAniel Sparks <cowbo...@hotmail.com>; Hoyt Sparks <hoyts...@hotmail.com>
Subject: Some historical context & FACTS...

We know the multifaceted strategy of the monstrous Hamas operation of October 7.

In precivilizational fashion it wished to kill and mutilate the most vulnerable of all Israeli civilians and thus to shock the world that it was capable of—and proud about— anything, from decapitation to necrophilia. Such animalistic savagery, in the reckoning of Western liberal useful idiots, was supposedly to be forced upon the Hamas murderers by the “occupation" of Israel. 


 The victims of October 7 killed were not killed as a reaction to oppression by Israel or because they are Jews. It is important for people to understand the ideological concept of the murderers and its historical background. There are two historical sources that shaped Hamas's Charter (1988): firstly, the jihad idea of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and secondly, the anti-Semitism of the Nazis. Reading the Hamas Charter of 1988 sounds as if it came straight from the pages of "Der Stürmer." Not only are the atrocities of October 7 reminiscent of Nazi atrocities, but the ideological justifications for the murder of Jews in 1941 and the murder of Jews in October 7, 2023 are the same.


Hamas is a death cult, an updated terrorist version of the more organized Nazi SS—with the qualifier it broadcasts rather than hides its savagery. 


  National Socialism (Nazi) had a great influence on the development of the Middle East conflict. First of all, there was the cooperation between the Nazis and Hassan al-Banna's Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, (Hamas presents itself as a "wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine,") and draws a line in its 1988 Charter from the beginning of the Brotherhood's anti-Zionist jihad in the 1930s; quoting al-Banna: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."


At that time, however, with the explicit approval of Joseph Goebbels, meetings took place between Nazi agents in Egypt and the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, who also hated Jews and fought Zionism. The Germans transferred large sums of money to this Islamist group, organized joint "Palestine meetings" and joint educational events on the "Jewish question" and supported the Brotherhood's most important ally, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini. The Nazis wanted to radicalize the anti-Zionism of the Muslim Brotherhood and turn the territorial conflict over Palestine into an irreconcilable anti-Jewish religious war. This is why they published the pamphlet "Islam and the Jews" in 1938 and distributed it in large numbers and in several languages during the Second World War.


"Islam and the Jews" is a shocking text that uses the religion of Islam solely to incite hatred of the Jews. In this way, Nazi propaganda combined Islam with anti-Jewish agitation to an extent that had not hitherto been known in the modern Muslim world. Secondly, from 1939 on, the Nazis launched their radio propaganda in Arabic language in order to reach the illiterate masses. In this way, Goebbels‘ anti-Semitism resounded in the Arab world every evening between April 1939 and April 1945. This six-year radio broadcast further elevated anti-Semitism in the consciousness of the “Arab Street”. These broadcasts were well-done with excellent and famous speakers, carefully selected Arabic music and a very good sound quality. Its programs, of course, were rabble-rousing. Their aim was not to inform, but to incite the Muslims against the Brits and the Jews. According to contemporary sources, their anti-Jewish agitation was effective because the Nazis could build on the patterns of early Islamic anti-Judaism and they could instrumentalize the local conflict with the Zionists.  And thirdly: the 1948 Arab war against the newly founded Israel – a war that Hamas proudly refers to in its Charter.  The Nazi radio in Arabic language had to cease operation in April 1945 but its frequencies of hatred remained virulent. Thus, the idea of thwarting a Jewish state at any cost lived on and found a new home in Egypt, where, after 1945, the Muslim Brotherhood built the world’s largest anti-Semitic movement. By 1948, its membership has risen to one million.


In retrospect, there is no doubt that those six years of daily Nazi radio propaganda marked a turning point that divided Middle Eastern history into a before and an after.  These years fostered an exclusively anti-Jewish reading of the Qur’an, as in the Hamas Charter of 1988. They popularized the Tzarist world-conspiracy myth,  the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," as it is in the Hamas Charter. They shaped a genocidal rhetoric towards Zionism, as in the Hamas Charter. It is thus no coincidence that Hamas speaks the language of the Nazis when it comes to Jews. And it is no coincidence that when Hamas first encountered unprotected Jews on October 7, it tortured and murdered them as only the Nazis had done before. We have to conclude that in terms of ideas, there is a Nazi connection to Hamas.  No wonder, then, that Israeli soldiers recently found in Gaza an Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf," (which is a number one best seller throughout the Muslim world next to the Qur'an), and a book written by Mahmoud al-Zahar, a co-founder of Hamas which "hails the Holocaust ... and calls for nations to follow what the Nazis have done."

 In addition, article 8 of the Hamas Charter (1988) quotes the slogan, which is the motto that the Muslim Brotherhood chanted on the streets of Cairo back in the 1930s: "Allah is our goal, the Prophet our model, the Qur'an our constitution, jihad our path and death for the case for Allah the loftiest of our wishes." But what does the slogan "The Qur’an is our constitution" mean? It means that Hamas wants a totalitarian theocracy in which people do not decide on laws, but the Koran is the constitution, i.e. the supreme law. It is therefore also clear why Hamas hates Israel. Not primarily for what its government does, but for what it is: a self-determined democracy.


And what does the call “Jihad is our path” mean? It means that peace negotiations are not only rejected, but actively torpedoed. A peace with Israel that would benefit the Palestinians: This is the nightmare of the Hamas leadership, which wants Israel's destruction. It exploits the suffering of those living in Gaza instead of eliminating it in order to gain new recruits for its jihad. And this is the final slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood and of Hamas: "Death for the case for Allah is the loftiest of our wishes.” According to the Qur‘an, a martyr's death secures the person killed a privileged place in paradise. And since the Qur’an is known to always be right, this results in a win-win situation for jihadists: either they are the winners within this world or they die and enjoy the paradise of the afterlife.


For Islamists, however, not only their own lives have no value, but also, as we are currently experiencing, the lives of other Muslims: they are abused and sacrificed en masse as human shields. Without these human shields, Hamas would be weak in the current war and probably already defeated. While in all other wars weapons are supposed to protect people, in the ongoing war it is people who are supposed to protect the weapons. The more Arab civilians are killed, the better for the lies of Hamas propaganda that Israel is out to kill civilians, especially children.


In the Charter of Hamas, both components – Jihad and Jew-Hatred – come together and mutually reinforce one another. European anti-Semitism is radicalized through connection with the fanatical aspects of Islam. At the same time, the traditional image of the dhimmi-Jew derived from the Qur’an has gained a new eliminatory dimension through the admixture of anti-Semitic world-conspiracy theories.  Many do not want to take note of this particularly aggressive anti-Semitism. They believe that Israel's policies are responsible for the 1,200 murders - in the hope that a different policy would eliminate this hatred of Jews. It does not, and it will not. This is an illusion.  This avoidance of reality needs to be replaced with an unflinching gaze at the historical lineages between Islamism and Nazism. 


The truth about the Palestinians is that before the 1960s, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people. They were invented as a propaganda weapon against Israel. 

In 1948, the nascent state of Israel defeated forces from Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen that had been determined to destroy it utterly. The jihad against it continued, but it held firm, defeating Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon again in the Six-Day War in 1967, and Egypt and Syria yet again in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. In winning these victories against enormous odds, Israel won the admiration of the free world, leading to the largest-scale and most audacious application in Islamic history of Muhammad’s dictum “War is deceit.”


In order to destroy the impression of the tiny Jewish state facing enormous Muslim Arab foes and prevailing, the Soviet KGB (the Soviet Committee for State Security) developed the fiction of an even smaller people, the “Palestinians,” menaced by a well-oiled and ruthless Israeli war machine.


In 134 AD, the Romans had expelled the Jews from Judea after the Bar Kokhba revolt and renamed the region "Palestine." The Romans had plucked this name from the Bible; it was the name of the Israelites’ ancient enemies, the Philistines. But never did the term “Palestinian” refer to anything but a region — not to a people or an ethnicity. The original Philistines were from the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea. The Arabs who refer to themselves as "Palestinian" are not related to the Philistines. And Islam did not appear until seven centuries after the Roman occupation of Judea.


In the 1960s, however, the KGB and Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s nephew Yasir Arafat created both these allegedly oppressed people and the instrument of their freedom — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Ion Mihai Pacepa, who had served as acting chief of Cold War-era Communist Romania’s spy service later revealed what happened:




"…The PLO Was Dreamt Up By The KGB, Which Had A Penchant For “Liberation” Organizations. There Was The National Liberation Army Of Bolivia, Created By The KGB In 1964 With Help From Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara … The KGB Also Created The Democratic Front For The Liberation Of Palestine, Which Carried Out Numerous Bombing Attacks.

In 1964 The First PLO Council, Consisting Of 422 Palestinian Representatives Handpicked By The KGB, Approved The Palestinian National Charter — A Document That Had Been Drafted In Moscow. The Palestinian National Covenant And The Palestinian Constitution Were Also Born In Moscow, With The Help Of Ahmed Shuqairy, A KGB Influence Agent Who Became The First PLO Chairman."


For Arafat to head the PLO, he had to be a made into a "Palestinian."  Pacepa explained:


"[Arafat] Was An Egyptian Bourgeois Turned Into A Devoted Marxist By KGB Foreign Intelligence. The KGB Had Trained Him At Its Balashikha Special-Operations School East Of Moscow And In The Mid-1960s Decided To Groom Him As The Future PLO Leader.

First, The KGB Destroyed The Official Records Of Arafat’s Birth In Cairo, And Replaced Them With Fictitious Documents Saying That He Had Been Born In Jerusalem And Was Therefore A Palestinian By Birth."


Arafat and his Soviet handlers made copious use of Islamic anti-Semitism. KGB chief Yuri Andropov noted:

"[T]He Islamic World Was A Waiting Petri Dish In Which We Could Nurture A Virulent Strain Of America-Hatred, Grown From The Bacterium Of Marxist-Leninist Thought. Islamic Anti-Semitism Ran Deep. … We Had Only To Keep Repeating Our Themes — That The United States And Israel Were ‘Fascist, Imperial-Zionist Countries’ Bankrolled By Rich Jews...

Islam Was Obsessed With Preventing The Infidels’ Occupation Of Its Territory, And It Would Be Highly Receptive To Our Characterization Of The U.S. Congress As A Rapacious Zionist Body Aiming To Turn The World Into A Jewish Fiefdom."

PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein explained the strategy more fully in a 1977 interview with the Dutch newspaper Trouw:


"The Palestinian people Does Not Exist. The Creation Of A Palestinian State Is Only A Means For Continuing Our Struggle Against The State Of Israel For Our Arab Unity. In Reality Today There Is No Difference Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians And Lebanese. Only For Political And Tactical Reasons Do We Speak Today About The Existence Of A Palestinian People, Since Arab National Interests Demand That We Posit The Existence Of A Distinct “Palestinian People” To Oppose Zionism."

For Tactical Reasons, Jordan, Which Is A Sovereign State With Defined Borders, Cannot Raise Claims To Haifa And Jaffa, While As A Palestinian, I Can Undoubtedly Demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva And Jerusalem. However, The Moment We Reclaim Our Right To All Of Palestine, We Will Not Wait Even A Minute To Unite Palestine And Jordan."


Once the fictional people had been created, their desire for peace could be easily fabricated as well. Romanian Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu tutored Arafat in how to play the West like a fiddle. Pacepa recounted:

"In March 1978, I Secretly Brought Arafat To Bucharest For Final Instructions On How To Behave In Washington. “You Simply Have To Keep On Pretending That You’ll Break With Terrorism And That You’ll Recognize Israel — Over, And Over, And Over,” Ceausescu Told Him [Arafat]. … Ceausescu Was Euphoric Over The Prospect That Both Arafat And He Might Be Able To Snag A Nobel Peace Prize With Their Fake Displays Of The Olive Branch. …

Ceausescu Failed To Get His Nobel Peace Prize. But In 1994 Arafat Got His — All Because He Continued To Play The Role We Had Given Him To Perfection. He Had Transformed His Terrorist PLO Into A Government-In-Exile (The Palestinian Authority), Always Pretending To Call A Halt To Palestinian Terrorism While Letting It Continue Unabated.

Two Years After Signing The Oslo Accords, The Number Of Israelis Killed By Palestinian Terrorists Had Risen By 73 Percent."

This strategy continued to work beautifully, through U.S.-brokered “peace process” after “peace process,” from the 1978 Camp David Accords into the presidency of Barack Obama and beyond, with no end in sight. Western authorities never seem to ponder why so many attempts to achieve a negotiated peace between Israel and the “Palestinians,” whose historical existence everyone by now takes for granted, have all failed. The answer, of course, lies in the Islamic doctrine of jihad. “Drive them out from where they drove you out” is a command that contains no mitigation and accepts none.


 The "Free Palestine"/ "We are Hamas" devotees do not know that “Palestine” is an artificial nation and people with no distinctive traditions or culture of its own, created solely as a weapon to be used against Israel. The fictional "Palestinians" are Arabs and are not distinguishable linguistically, culturally, ethnically, or religiously from other Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. The facts show the hollowness and ignorance of the supporters of "From the River to the Sea" genocidal rant. There is no Palestinian heritage, tradition, or culture other than hating Israel and wanting to destroy it. That’s why the Palestinian nationality was fabricated, and that’s why it exists; to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state of Israel.


The UN, born in 1945, never referenced any “Palestinians” in any UN resolution on the Arab-Israel conflict for its first twenty-five years. Prior to the birth of the State of Israel, the language of the Arab enemy of the Jews in Mandatory Palestine (1920-1948) was exclusively religious; not until the 1970s did the religious resistance to Zionism morph into a political movement of “national liberation.” Not until the General Assembly produced Res. 2672 on December 8, 1970, whose text referenced “the people of Palestine” and their “inalienable rights,” did the UN begin to lose its mind over the “Palestinians.” What followed was decades of an annual avalanche of hundreds of “pro-Palestinian” resolutions that has never ceased to this day.

The leader of the Arabs in Palestine 1920-1960 was Hitler's ally, Haj Amin a-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who angrily and murderously rejected the League of Nations’ Palestine Mandate of 1922 that created the new, post-WWI political jurisdiction called Palestine. Al-Husseini said there never was such a country in Islamic history and he was right. Never did Muslims know of a country with that name, let alone were familiar with its geography.

What is today called the “West Bank” is what maps for thousands of years was labeled “Judea” and “Samaria.” For millennia, the Arabs had no names for Judea and Samaria and still do not. The “Palestinians” claim to be the indigenous people of the “West Bank” but, oddly, unlike authentic indigenes, like the Jews, they never named the territories’ natural features: mountains, rivers, lakes. In fact, UN General Assembly Partition Plan in 1947 said nothing of a “West Bank,” only “Samaria and Judea.”

        Those who today identify as Palestinians and claim they were the indigenous population of the geography are actually third and fourth generation descendants of Arabs from surrounding countries. The Arabs were the actual colonizers and settlers who came to Palestine because of the economic opportunities brought about by Zionism. Winston Churchill recognized these undisputable facts. In 1922, he wrote in -"A Peace To End All Peace" - '' The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever had not the Zionists engineers harnessed the Jordan river for electrification. Now they swarm into Palestine in seeking the light.'' In the House of Commons, May 1939, he stated: "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into Palestine and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry....'' The Peel Commission Report of 1937 stated: '' This illegal Arab immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria ...'' This same report cited the Nazi collaborator, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini admitting to Sir Laurie Hammond that all land had been legally purchased by the Zionists via the Jewish National Fund or individual philanthropists and absolutely no land had been stolen. 

Not until the 20th century did the world get to know today’s states of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel. Before then, all their lands had been part of an undifferentiated Syria. The Mufti even published a newspaper called “Southern Syria”/al-Suria al-Janubia to combat the invention of a Palestine by the League because the Mandate explicitly defined the new polity as “the historic homeland” of the Jews.


There is no "occupation of Palestine." There is nothing illegal about a Jewish presence in territories to which the Jewish state has legal, historical, biblical, and other binding and valid claims.The truth is that the Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel and first achieved self-determination there over 3,000 years ago. In spite of the Roman expulsion of Jews in 70 C.E., the Jewish people have always been present in the land of Israel. . This historical and religious link for Jewish people to the land of Israel is indisputable—even the word “Jew” comes from Judea, the ancient name for Israel. "Settler Colonialism"  refers to an attempt by an imperial power to replace the native population of a land with a new society of settlers. This is not the case with the Jews, acting on their own behalf and not at the behest of an external power, returned to its historic homeland to achieve self-determination while simultaneously supporting the creation of a nation-state for another national group alongside the creation of their own state. The fiction of "settler colonialism" used by Hamas and the PA, point to one very clear fact:This has never been about land. It is because Israel is Jewish.


The truth is that Israel has been trying to make peace with the Palestinians ever since the nation’s birth over 70 years ago. The truth is, the Palestinians have greeted every peace offer from day one with thousands of terrorist and missile attacks on Israeli civilians, killing thousands of innocent Israelis.

So, the Arab Muslims tell patent lies of apartheid, genocide and occupation. Though none of the accusations are true, and are, all, easily disproved, the gullible in the West are quick to join the chorus, and repeat these fictions like mindless zombies.


The hardships and alleged "oppression" in Gaza have been and still are caused by the Hamas leadership, who routinely steals funds intended for Palestinian civilians to build a financial empire outside the Gaza Strip worth about $700 million that supports its terror operations. Since coming to power in a violent coup in 2007 in Gaza, Hamas has systematically exploited Palestinian civilians, using them to protect their terrorist infrastructure while stealing enormous quantities of resources to build their war machine. Hamas continually diverts critical civilian resources, and humanitarian aid for its terrorism; transforming everyday materials, which should be used for infrastructure, into weapons. While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles. The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering $11 billion between them and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas.

Who has been occupying Gaza for the past 20 years?

Israel unilaterally evacuated all Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005, turning it over — entirely and unconditionally — to the Palestinians in the hope that by ruling themselves they might finally seek to live peacefully with their neighbors. Several American millionaires even bought 3,000 greenhouses for $14 million and handed them over to the Gazans to give them a running start in building a "Singapore on the Mediterranean." Within days, the greenhouses had been looted and destroyed. The Palestinians, unfortunately for them and everyone else, proceeded to elect Hamas to power in their 2006 legislative elections. Following a bloody civil war with its rival Palestinian party Fatah, Hamas, by June 2007 Hamas fully controlled the Gaza Strip. Since then, Israeli civilians in southern Israel, as well as Palestinians in Gaza, have been living in terror. Israel, roughly the size of New Jersey (22,000 sq.km), has been targeted year after year by tens of thousands of deadly rocket attacks launched from the Gaza Strip. If there is an "occupation" problem in Gaza, the occupier is Hamas, not Israel.



For decades, America and other Western nations have poured extraordinary sums of cash into that tiny area in the utterly misbegotten expectation that the savages who live there, if handed enough money, will choose to civilize themselves.

This notion has never been anything less than insanity.

Why? Here’s why. Islam. It is a violence-obsessed totalitarian ideology, masquerading as a peaceful religion, that preaches the conquest and murder of infidels. There is no "Co-Exist" in the Muslim vernacular. 


But in the Gaza Strip, under Hamas, the terrorist organization that has governed it since 2007, Islam dials up to eleven. Being that close to the Jewish enemy – even though the Jewish enemy supplies everything from water to emergency health care to Gazans – must make the Jew-hatred just too much to contain.


And yet the dollars and euros and pounds and kroner have kept on flowing to these monsters with nothing but Jew-hatred on their minds.

And not just to Hamas, but also to Iran, which helps fund Hamas.

In 2016, the Obama Administration transferred $1.7 billion to Iran. In September, the Biden Administration sent $6 billion.

Biden’s people got Iran to promise that those funds would only be used for “humanitarian purposes” – as if anyone could trust the promises of the Iranian regime.

What proportion of those American funds, sent to Gaza and to Iran, paid for the weapons that murdered innocent Israelis October 7, 2023?

On October 8, 2023, photographs, and live streaming videos that were censored by the mainstream media could be viewed, if only briefly, on social media. They showed Israeli women and children being cruelly brutalized.

Israel does not treat Palestinians that way.

Not to descend into cliché, but since its founding in 1948, Israel has turned a desert into an oasis – a civilized hub of freedom, prosperity, and technological innovation.

In short, productiveness.

Meanwhile the people of Gaza, despite receiving perhaps the highest level of international humanitarian aid per capita on the entire planet, seem never to have been particularly motivated to be productive.

On the contrary, few places on the planet – certainly few places so small – have been so devoted to destruction.


Israel is civilization. Gaza is barbarism. There is no moral equivalence between the two.


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