Fw: The truth about the "Palestinians"...

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Apr 1, 2024, 9:49:27 PMApr 1
to Predestina...@googlegroups.com, Called out Of God, Jimmy Batchelor, Daniel Sparks, Robinson, Katrina, Joey Sparks, lidjea, Stephanie Bickmore

From: Wayne and Dorothy <vedi...@earthlink.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2024 11:05
To: Hoyt Sparks <hoyts...@hotmail.com>
Subject: The truth about the "Palestinians"...



Here are the facts...


The truth is that before the 1960s, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people. They were invented as a propaganda weapon against Israel.

In 1964, in order to destroy the impression of the tiny Jewish state facing enormous Muslim Arab foes and prevailing, the Soviet KGB (the Soviet Committee for State Security) developed the fiction of an even smaller people, the “Palestinians,” menaced by a "well-oiled and ruthless Israeli war machine."

In the 1960s, the KGB and Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s nephew Yasir Arafat created both these allegedly oppressed people and the instrument of their freedom — the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO); originally called The Democratic Front For The Liberation Of Palestine, they carried out numerous bombing attacks. In 1964 The First PLO Council, Consisting Of 422 Palestinian representatives handpicked by the KGB, approved The Palestinian National Charter; a document that had been drafted in Moscow. The Palestinian National Covenant And The Palestinian Constitution were also born in Moscow, with the help of Ahmed Shuqairy, a KGB influence agent who became the first PLO chairman.

 The "Free Palestine" activists do not know that “Palestine” is an artificial nation and people with no distinctive traditions or culture of its own, created solely as a weapon to be used against Israel. The Palestinian Arabs are not distinguishable linguistically, culturally, ethnically, or religiously from the Arabs of Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. The facts show the hollowness and ignorance of the supporters of "From the River to the Sea" genocidal rant. There is no Palestinian heritage, tradition, or culture other than hating Israel and wanting to destroy it. That’s why the Palestinian nationality was fabricated, and that’s why it exists; to demonize and delegitimize the Jewish state of Israel. The worst part is that this is happening as pro-Palestinian demonstrations are becoming increasingly open in their genocidal anti-Israel declarations, there really isn’t much of anything that Palestinians are known for other than hatred and terror.

In 134 CE, the Romans had expelled the Jews from Judea after the Bar Kokhba revolt and renamed the region "Palestine." The Romans had plucked this name from the Bible; it was the name of the Israelites’ ancient enemies, the Philistines. But never did the term “Palestinian” refer to anything but a region — not to a people or an ethnicity. The original Philistines were from the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea. The Arabs who refer to themselves as "Palestinian" are not related to the Philistines. And Islam did not appear until seven centuries after the Roman occupation of Judea.

The UN, born in 1945, never referenced any “Palestinians” in any UN resolution on the Arab-Israel conflict for its first twenty-five years. Prior to the birth of the State of Israel, the language of the Arab enemy of the Zionist Jews in Mandatory Palestine (1920-1948) was exclusively religious; not until the 1970s did the religious resistance to Zionism morph into a political movement of “national liberation.” Not until the General Assembly produced Res. 2672 on December 8, 1970, whose text referenced “the people of Palestine” and their “inalienable rights,” did the UN begin to lose its mind over the “Palestinians.” What followed was decades of an annual avalanche of hundreds of “pro-Palestinian” resolutions that has never ceased to this day.

The invention of the “Palestinians” as a nation followed decades in which the Arab resistance to the Zionist movement was couched in religious language exclusively. The leader of the Arabs in Palestine 1920-1960 was Hitler's ally, Haj Amin a-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who angrily and murderously rejected the League of Nations’ Palestine Mandate of 1922 that created the new, post-WWI political jurisdiction called Palestine. Al-Husseini said there never was such a country in Islamic history and he was right. Never did Muslims know of a country with that name, let alone were familiar with its geography.

        Those who today identify as Palestinians and claim they were the indigenous population of the geography are actually third and fourth generation descendants of Arabs from surrounding countries. The Arabs were the actual colonizers and settlers who came to Palestine because of the economic opportunities brought about by Zionism. Winston Churchill recognized these undisputable facts. In 1922, he wrote in -"A Peace To End All Peace" - '' The Arabs would have sat in the dark forever had not the Zionists engineers harnessed the Jordan river for electrification. Now they swarm into Palestine in seeking the light.'' In the House of Commons, May 1939, he stated: "So far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into Palestine and multiplied until their population has increased more than even all world Jewry....'' The Peel Commission Report of 1937 stated: '' This illegal Arab immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria ...'' This same report cited the Nazi collaborator, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini admitting to Sir Laurie Hammond that all land had been legally purchased by the Zionists via the Jewish National Find or individual philanthropists and absolutely no land had been stolen. 

Not until the 20th century did the world get to know today’s states of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel. Before then, all their lands had been part of an undifferentiated Syria. The Mufti even published a newspaper called “Southern Syria”/al-Suria al-Janubia to combat the invention of a Palestine by the League because the Mandate explicitly defined the new polity as “the historic homeland” of the Jews.

Since Israel’s founding, an estimated 20,000 Palestinians have been killed in military conflicts—mostly wars or terror attacks initiated by Palestinians against Israel. Of these, an estimated 4,000-5,000 died as non-combatants involuntarily exposed to battle, usually as human shields. One thing is clear: Combatants killed in attacks that their own side initiates are not examples of genocide. Nor are unintentional civilian casualties resulting from such battles.

When Israel’s critics accuse the Jewish state of genocide, they can produce zero evidence that Israel has ever had a plan or intent to eliminate the Palestinian people. Nor can they produce evidence that Israel has ever intentionally killed innocent Palestinians. To the contrary, Israel assiduously—famously—avoids harming civilians during its battles with Hamas and other terrorists.

In addition, Israel annually donates thousands of tons of medicines, food and other essential goods to sustain the lives of Palestinians in Gaza—despite regular attacks on Israel from Gaza by Hamas. Thousands of Palestinians also travel to Israel every year to receive free medical care.

In addition to all this, over the last seven decades, the number of Palestinian Arabs has grown dramatically—with no interference from Israel. The Arab population of the British Mandate of Palestine in 1948 was about 1.3 million. Today, the Palestinian population within the same region is about 6.8 million—of which some two million are Israeli Arab citizens. Such robust population growth alone repudiates accusations of genocide; that are mindlessly repeated by many activists on the Left.

The truth is that Israel has been trying to make peace with the Palestinians ever since the nation’s birth 73 years ago. The truth is, the Palestinians have greeted every peace offer from day one with thousands of terrorist and missile attacks on Israeli civilians, killing thousands of innocent Israelis.

So the anti-Zionists, (read, anti-Semites) tell patent lies of apartheid, genocide and occupation. Though none of the accusations are true, and are easily disproved, the gullible imbeciles in the West are quick to join the chorus, and repeat these fictions like mindless zombies.

And another repeated a lie; one perpetrated by the Palestinians and mindlessly repeated by the world press. It is the claim that during the Israel's 1948-49 War of Independence, the Palestinians were forcibly and unjustly evicted from their state by the Jewish people. It is true that there was a massive eviction of Arabs from Palestine during Israel’s War of Independence in 1948 and 49 — but they were not forced out by Israel. They fled at the request of the five Arab armies that invaded Israel after its Declaration of Independence. They were told by the Arab leaders to flee to safety while the attacking nations “made the Mediterranean Sea run red with the blood of the Jews.” After the war ended, the Arab nations refused to absorb these people. Instead, they herded them into refugee camps along their borders with Israel and started using their plight as a propaganda tool to rally public opinion against Israel.

You can cite no instances in the last 70 years in which "Palestinians" have been forcibly, illegally removed from any private land they owned. Some Palestinians, however, have been removed by Israeli courts from land seized from rightful Jewish owners, or public lands that individual Palestinians were squatting on. Palestinians also claim to “own” vast tracts of land on which they have never had sovereignty and to which they have no international legal rights.

Roughly, 750,000 Arabs left Israel during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence, which was initiated by invading Arab armies; at least half of these people fled of their own free will. Others were removed by Israel for their own safety or because they were suspected enemies. (Some 156,000 Arabs chose to remain in Israel during this war and over the decades since have thrived.) By way of comparison, an estimated 850,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries in the aftermath of Israel’s War of Independence. When dislocation occurs as a side consequence of war—rather than as a goal of the conflict—it is not considered genocide.

Another stated lie: that Israel has caused "severe hardships in Gaza." The 16 year blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt was established because the Gazans, (i.e., Hamas) were smuggling in vast quantities of weapons and ammunition with which to murder Jews. The hardships have been and still are caused by the Hamas leadership, who routinely steals funds intended for Palestinian civilians to build a financial empire outside the Gaza Strip worth about $700 million that supports its terror operations. Since coming to power in a violent coup in 2007 in Gaza, Hamas has systematically exploited Palestinian civilians, using them to protect their terrorist infrastructure while stealing enormous quantities of resources to build their war machine. Hamas continually diverts critical civilian resources, and humanitarian aid for its terrorism; transforming everyday materials, which should be used for infrastructure, into weapons. While their people languish in poverty and are treated as human shields, the leaders of Hamas live billionaire lifestyles. The terror group’s three top leaders alone are worth a staggering $11 billion between them and enjoy a life of luxury in the sanctuary of the emirate of Qatar. The emirate has long welcomed the leaders of the terror group and installed them in its luxury hotels and villas.


Who has been occupying Gaza for the past 18 years?

Israel unilaterally evacuated all Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005, turning it over — entirely and unconditionally — to the Palestinians in the hope that by ruling themselves they might finally seek to live peacefully with their neighbors. Several American millionaires even bought 3,000 greenhouses for $14 million and handed them over to the Gazans to give them a running start in building a "Singapore on the Mediterranean." Within days, the greenhouses had been looted and destroyed. The Palestinians, unfortunately for them and everyone else, proceeded to elect Hamas to power in their 2006 legislative elections. Following a bloody civil war with its rival Palestinian party Fatah, Hamas, by June 2007 Hamas fully controlled the Gaza Strip. Since then, Israeli civilians in southern Israel, as well as Palestinians in Gaza, have been living in terror. Israel, roughly the size of New Jersey (22,000 sq.km), has been targeted year after year by tens of thousands of deadly rocket attacks launched from the Gaza Strip. If there is an "occupation" problem in Gaza, the occupier is Hamas, not Israel.

There is no "occupation of Palestine." There is nothing illegal about a Jewish presence in territories to which the Jewish state has legal, historical, biblical, and other binding and valid claims. The fiction of "occupation," was first conceived between the 2nd and 4th Centuries C.E., from the writings and preachings of the early Church Fathers; like Origen (182–254 C.E.), and John Chrysostom (349-407CE). They established the erroneous teaching of replacement theology, also known as supersessionism which states: 1) The Jews should be charged with deicide and forever should be mistreated accordingly; and 2) The Church has replaced Israel, that all of the prophecies and covenants (i.e., Gen. 12:1-2,7; Gen. 15:18-21; Gen. 17:7; Psalm 105:1, 8-11; etc.) concerning the Jewish people are now applied to the Church; and God has no future purpose for the Jews; as they are in league with the Satan, forming a conspiratorial body bent on ruining and dominating the rest of mankind. All subsequent anti-Semitic conspiracies have their genesis in this doctrine. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God has replaced and disowned the Jewish people. The church never was promised a land, never occupied a land, never was cast out of that land for her sin, never was promised that she would be brought back into it. The Church is not Israel.

The current version of this evil is to be found in several 'Palestinian' Christian NGO's; such as Naim Ateek's Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center; The Kairos Palestine Document, and the "Christ at the Checkpoint" biannual conferences. All seek to advance the fiction of a Palestinian nationalist agenda within Evangelical Christian churches, while simultaneously reviving theological anti-Semitic themes complete with deicide imagery, and supercessionist rhetoric used to demonize and delegitimize Israel and Judaism. Curiously, there are many churches in the U.S. such as the the Presbyterian Church (USA), United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church,Evangelical Lutheran Church,and others who are allied with this movement to demonize and delegitimize Israel as a Jewish state. It is important to understand that many of these churches in the U.S. already have an underlying supercessionist doctrine to their beliefs; thus rendering them anti-Semitic and easily aligned with the unhistorical and unbiblical "Palestinian Liberation Theology."

The malevolent concepts, contained within "Palestinian Liberation Theology," spreading from 'Palestinian' Christians to churches in the West, are rooted in an audacious strategy adopted by the Palestinian Authority to deny Israel’s right to exist by changing Jewish history to suit its own end. Part of this strategy involves denying that Jesus was a Jew from Judea and turning him into a Palestinian who preached Islam.

Clearly, this is a tall order: Rome didn’t change the name of Judea to Palestine until 134 C.E., and Islam did not appear for another seven centuries. Nevertheless, the Palestinian leadership repeatedly claims that Jesus was a Palestinian Arab, and the Jewish people of today are apparently not Jews at all, but Khazars. The newly fashionable Khazar mythology holds that modern day Ashkenazim, and especially the European leadership of the Zionist movement, are not Jews at all in the racial sense, but rather descendents from non-Jewish Khazars; therefore, the Khazar "theorists" claim, Zionists and Israelis have no legitimate claims to the Land of Israel.

Arab and Islamo-fascist propagandists have long bandied about the Ashkenazim as Khazars theory and Iran’s genocidal leaders adore it. Al-Jazeera has been using the Khazar myth to urge a worldwide Christian religious war against the Jews and Israel.

The entire Khazar theory of Ashkenazi Jews is a total lie, and it also is entirely irrelevant. Because Judaism has never defined Jews on racial grounds. Anyone from any race is welcome as a convert to Judaism as long as he or she is sincere. The biblical Israelites themselves were already a racial hodgepodge. They absorbed the "mixed multitude" that left Egypt together with them at the time of the Exodus. There are biblical references to Jews of different racial features, including the black-skinned Shulamit mentioned in the Song of Songs. Jews always defined themselves in religious, ethnic-national and at times linguistic terms, but never along racial lines. If all Ashkenazi Jews were indeed converted Khazars, as the racial anti-Zionists claim, they would be no less legitimately Jews – and, as such, would have the same legitimate claims to the Jewish homeland as any other group of Jews. (Given the traditional Jewish deference to righteous converts, like Ruth, maybe more so.)

The actual details of the Khazar myth concerning European Jewry are simply pseudo-history and crackpot nonsense. Jews already lived in Europe a thousand years before the Turkic kingdom of Khazaria was formed. There are no genetic markers or indicators at all showing that Ashkenazi Jews are descended from Turkic tribes. In fact, there exists considerable genetic evidence showing that Ashkenazic Jews are closer to Levantine and Syrian Jews and Arabs than to Central Asians. Recent genetic studies, based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, clearly showed that Ashkenazim are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to their host populations in Europe. Those findings argue against large-scale male-mediated gene flow into the Ashkenazi community during the Diaspora. The male admixture proportion of Europeans in Ashkenazi Jews was estimated to be 0.5% per generation, indicating that Ashkenazim remained, to a large extent, genetically isolated throughout their history.

Secretary Blinken, like his boss President Biden, supports the Two-State Solution (TSS) which both Biden & Blinken seem not to understand calls for the destruction of Israel – as the Muslims understand what the TSS would mean if implemented.

What the Muslims understand is that they will take possession of the “West Bank” — what on maps for thousands of years was labeled “Judea” and “Samaria.” For millennia, the Arabs had no names for Judea and Samaria and in a way still do not. The “Palestinians” claim to be the indigenous people of the “West Bank” but, oddly, unlike authentic indigenes, they never named the territories’ natural features: mountains, rivers, lakes. In fact, UN General Assembly Partition Plan in 1947 said nothing of a “West Bank,” only “Samaria and Judea.”

The Arabs’ current colorless name did not emerge until after 1967’s Six-Day War when Jordan attacked Israel. Israel attacked back and routed the Jordanian army into retreating across the Jordan River onto the east bank. What today’s “Palestinians” know as the “West Bank” is actually evidence that never in history was a people there calling themselves “Palestinians” and being called that by others.

The unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state by the US administration with its capital in Jerusalem would be the epitome of recklessness, leading to grievous consequences. This decision would appear as an endorsement of the October 7 massacre and set a precedent for all radical factions that henceforth, one's objectives can be achieved through such a detestable, inhumane method as demonstrated by Hamas. Such a precedent would be costly not just for the region, but for the entire world, and the inevitable domino effect would undoubtedly shake the foundations upon which a rational human society is built. Present-day Palestine is far from ready to be a friendly neighbor to Israel. The two-state solution could have been realized had Palestinian Arabs not rejected the UN resolution in the past and instead chosen a long, senseless, and bloody path over peace and prosperity. Now, more than ever, Palestine is far from capable of establishing its own state. Hamas has infiltrated all levels of society, imbuing it with a death ideology and hatred towards the Jewish people. The culmination of its actions was the horrifying massacre on October 7, which was supported by a large portion of Gaza's population. Years of preparation, including tunnel digging, fundraising for terrorism, grooming terrorists from a young age, and creating fortified command centers in hospitals, schools, and mosques stocked with a vast array of rockets, ammunition, explosives, and weapons, did not go unnoticed. Hamas controlled all aspects of life, subjugated charitable organizations, and UNRWA became almost its right hand, funded by leading world powers. How, then, can there be talk of creating an independent Palestinian state when, since 2005, Palestine could have proven its capability for self-sustenance and prosperity but instead chose the path of terror? What has changed now? A sudden enlightenment and repentance that will lead to peace built on blood?

What Biden, Blinken, and the rest of the foreign policy establishment fail to realize, or refuse to realize, is that the UN partition plan failed for one reason only: The Muslim Arabs of Palestine and the surrounding Arab countries will never accept a Jewish state, even if it were the size of a postage stamp. As history shows, that refusal is rooted in Islamic concepts and commands, most notably the Qur’anic command to “drive out those who drove you out” (2:191) and its underlying assumption that any land that has been ruled by the Muslims at any time belongs to the Muslims forever and can never be ruled by anyone else. If a Palestinian state ever were established, it would quickly become a jihad terror base, as did Gaza when the Israelis withdrew from it.

Those who tout the two-state solution today seem to think that somehow, in the decades since the tumultuous period following the end of World War II, this situation has changed. But it has not, and it will not. Islam is still Islam. Its Qur’an has not changed; neither has its theology. The imperatives that led the Muslim Arabs to reject a two-state solution in 1947, and to go to war to destroy the nascent Jewish state in 1948, still exist and are still believed by millions of Muslims worldwide. It is only by ignoring this, or by remaining in blissful willful ignorance of it, that diplomats and kings and presidents and pretend presidents such as Old Joe Biden could ever have thought that a negotiated agreement can be hit upon that would enable Israelis and Palestinians to lay down their arms and live side by side in peace.

That is not to say that the Israeli-Palestinian problem cannot be managed such that there is a minimum of bloodshed on both sides. But to think that a peace accord can be hit upon that will induce Muslims in the Middle East and around the world to give up Islam’s doctrines of jihad, its deeply rooted anti-Semitism, and its supremacist political ideology is a position that could only be held by the willfully ignorant and historically uninformed. Of course, they’re the people running Washington.









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