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PPIG submission extension -> Jun 14th, but please read the details!

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Luke Church

Jun 2, 2023, 3:29:12 AM6/2/23
Hi all,

By popular demand we'd like to give everyone a few more days to work on your papers for PPIG.

I would really appreciate it if we could have the text in by June 14th, but the sooner the better. We'll be following a progressive feedback process this year, so the sooner you submit work, the sooner we can get you commentary on it!

Please remember that PPIG is a venue that welcomes early stage ideas, and there'll be plenty of opportunity to continue honing your work between now and August, and then after the workshop before 'archiving'.

I'll be writing separately to the authors asking if you're planning on attending in person (we hope so, Lund is a fabulous place to visit in late summer!).

If you haven't sent an abstract, but would like to submit some work, if you could drop me a quick note it would be much appreciated.


Luke on behalf of the PPIG 2023ers
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