Pantnagar Revolts, Forward Block Fires and Buddha Smiles! Maharashtra Govt halts work on Dow unit after protests.GOI is busy to keep intact the Military Option!

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Sep 27, 2008, 2:01:57 PM9/27/08
to Powwow

Pantnagar Revolts, Forward Block Fires and Buddha Smiles! Maharashtra
Govt halts work on Dow unit after protests.GOI is busy to keep intact
the Military Option!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 73

Palash Biswas

Upset over continuous violence against churches and Christians in
various parts of the country, the All India Christian Council claimed
on Friday that the violence was aimed at generating passion before the
upcoming general polls. It accused the Centre and some state
governments of acting slowly and demanded immediate deployment of the
Army in Orissa, which has seen a lot of violence in the past few days.

Buddha countermands Forward Bloc’s rejection of German wholesaler’s
permit.Business Standard reports:

After Tata Motors, German wholesale retailer Metro Cash & Carry could
also exit West Bengal over political differences, this time within the
ruling Left Front.

Left Front constituent Forward Bloc, which runs West Bengal’s
agriculture marketing board, today rejected the proposal to renew the
Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee (APMC) licence for Metro Cash
& Carry.

However, to prevent Metro's exit from the state, CPI(M) Chief Minister
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has instructed South 24 Parganas' district
magistrate to issue the APMC licence. Metro's outlet in Kolkata falls
under the jurisdiction of South 24 Parganas.

Bhattacharjee's decision has upset the Forward Bloc, which met today
to protest. According to Ashok Ghosh, the general secretary of All
India Forward Bloc (AIFB), "Bhattacharjee cannot take these decisions
without discussing it with us. From Monday, our ministers will not go
to Writers' Buildings till the chief minister's letter is withdrawn."

Earlier in the day, Bhattacharjee and Asim Dasgupta, finance minister,
had appealed to the Forward Bloc to renew the licence. But Ghosh
rejected their requests .

West Bengal’s ruling Left Front was Saturday hopeful of resolving the
differences between two of its constituents over renewing the licence
of German wholesale major Metro Cash & Carry.”We are hopeful of
finding a solution through a process of dialogue in the Left Front.
It’s unfortunate that FB (Forward Bloc) has already taken a decision
to opt out of the state cabinet if the state government doesn’t comply
with its demand,” Communist Party of India (CPI) state secretary Manju
Kumar Manjumdar told IANS.

He said the issue should be solved through talks within the front.

Majumdar said the ruling coalition has called a meeting Sunday and the
matter would be discussed in the presence of all its constituents.

The FB has opposed the decision to renew the Agricultural Produce
Marketing Committee (APMC) licence for Metro Cash & Carry.

“The decision to renew the licence for Metro Cash & Carry was neither
discussed in the cabinet nor in the LF meeting. The concerned ministry
was not consulted either,” senior FB leader and West Bengal State
Marketing Board chairperson Naren Chattopadhyay said.

He said Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee of Communist Party of
India-Marxist (CPI-M) took a unilateral decision to renew the licence
for the German firm.

“This is unprecedented in the 30-year history of the LF government in
West Bengal,” Chattopadhyay said.

FB state general secretary Ashok Ghosh Friday said the party will not
allow any big investor or foreign investor to eat up the space of
small and poor farmers and the intermediaries.

Forward Bloc leader and state Fire and Emergency Services Minister
Pratim Chatterjee said: “A meeting has already been called by the
state LF and I’ll share my point of view there tomorrow (Sunday).”

Metro cash & Carry started a project of constructing a 100,000 sq ft
outlet with an investment of $30 million in Eastern Metropolitan (EM)
Bypass a couple of years ago.

The project got delayed due to land disputes.

The German company already has four stores in India - two in
Bangalore, one in Hyderabad and one in Mumbai.

An anonymous lawmaker in the Senate put a “hold” on consideration of
the Bill in the Senate which must be lifted before the agreement is
approved by a Unanimous Consent Agreement!Meanwhile, Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh and President George W. Bush gave one last personal
touch to the new “strategic partnership” between India and the United
States, even as the two leaders were aware that the civilian nuclear
agreement itself remained far from being consummated because of the
American legislators’ doubts and diversions.With the US Congressional
process on the nuclear deal taking longer than anticipated, US
president George W Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh were unable
to put the finishing touches to the nuclear deal in Washington.

Hindu reports from Washington:

The Prime Minister and his entourage travelled to Washington DC on
Thursday afternoon for a three-hour interaction, including a working
dinner, with Mr. Bush at the White House.

In their brief statements, made before the media at the Oval Office,
the two leaders referred to the trouble the India-U.S. civilian
agreement had run into in the U.S. Congress. “It has taken a lot of
work on both our parts, a lot of courage on your part, and of course
we want the agreement to satisfy you and get it out of our Congress.
And so we’re working hard to get it passed as quickly as possible,”
said Mr. Bush.

Dr. Singh, on his part, hoped that the agreement would be approved “in
a manner which will be satisfactory from the point of view of both of
our countries.” But the Prime Minister wanted to put on record his
appreciation of Mr. Bush’s personal role in the “massive
transformation” of the India-U.S. ties, centred on the nuclear

Pantnagar Revolts, Forward Block Fires and Buddha Smiles!GOI is busy
to keep intact the Military Option!
The Tatas reported plan to roll out its cheap passenger car from
Pantnagar faces turbulence as another Singur appears to be in the
offing with a group of farmers planning an agitation against giving
more land to the company. Meanwhile,After followers of the `Warkari'
sect in Maharashtra intensified their agitation against Dow Chemical
demanding closure of its proposed unit near Pune, Chief Minister
Vilasrao Deshmukh has ordered a month's stay on the project work.
Deshmukh, currently on a week-long official visit to Europe, has taken
the decision keeping in mind the sentiments of the Warkaris (members
of the sect), sources close to him said here. The Government has also
decided to appoint a committee headed by a former High Court judge to
study the objections to the multi-crore R&D project, the sources said,
adding the panel is expected to submit report within a month. The US
chemical multinational is the owner of Union Carbide, responsible for
the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy in which several thousand people were
killed due to the release of 40 tonnes of deadly methyl isocyanate
(MIC) gas.

Dow is trying to build a chemical experimentation facility in Vasuli
Shinde village, near Pune, and the project is facing stiff opposition
on ground of pollution.

Mind you, Nandigram Insurrection in west bengal aborted a proposed
Chemical Hub there with association with Salim from indonesia as well
as DOWS! The new chemical hub is proposed to be set up in Naya Char
near Haldia, violating Coastline Security Act and environment!

The Singur imbroglio has started casting its shadow on investments in
West Bengal, with U.S. companies worrying about the safety of their
workforce, sanctity of agreements and political interference in
business. The fact that a group like the Tatas was on the verge of a
pullout has compounded matters further and shaken investor

U.S. companies have begun asking “If Ratan Tata cannot succeed in West
Bengal then how can an American investor hope to succeed here?” U.S.
Consul General in Kolkata Beth A. Payne said. Participating in an
interactive session of the Confederation of Indian Industry, she said
West Bengal lost an important opportunity to showcase the best that it
had to offer when a U.S. India Business Council (USIBC) decided to
bypass their Kolkata visit in view of the Singur developments. They
were slated to visit Singur between September 21 and 23 as part of
their India call.

“They were very excited to come to Kolkata because of all the positive
aspects that they were seeing in this region. USIBC’s trade mission,
headed by Paul Conway of Cargill and Ian Thomas of Boeing, represented
two companies with a long relationship with India and they would have
introduced many other American companies to West Bengal for the first
time. “It is regrettable,” Ms. Payne said.

She said that American investors were looking for stability,
transparency, rule of law and most importantly, a respect for
agreements and contracts. “Unfortunately, conflicts like the one we
are seeing in Singur cause American investors to question whether West
Bengal can offer these essential elements.”

She said they were now watching how conflicts such as the one in
Singur were resolved and whether they were done so quickly and non-
The proposed new version of the Magic will be based on the same
platform as Tata Motors’ one tonne mini-truck Ace!The country’s
largest automaker, Tata Motors Ltd, is preparing to introduce an
upmarket variant of its Ace Magic seven-seater passenger vehicle,
attempting to bolster its market share in the segment.
The higher-end version will be positioned in the so-called multi-
purpose vehicle, or MPV, segment, which comprises Maruti Suzuki India
Ltd’s Omni and Versa models besides Tata Motors’ own Magic and Winger,
said vendors associated with the project who asked not to be named
citing reasons of confidentiality. Figures from the Society of Indian
Automobile Manufacturers show that Tata Motors had sold 2,290 units of
the Magic and Winger in August, an increase of 143% over August last
On the other hand, justifying my earlier story that Pant Nagar is a
different story where a single inch of land is not acquired, Country's
leading car maker Tata Motors today said that the Uttarakhand
government had given its own 1,000 acre land to the company, on which
it has already set up manufacturing facilities along with that of

Mind you it is the land owned by the Pant Nagar University, a
Government institution. Fullbagh was the original palce where the
University stands now. The Airport was also known as Fullbagh even in
seventies. University had farmland in Full Bagh, Haldi, Mota haldi,
Nagla and Matkota. All these areas now consists of SIDCUL which
accommodated the MNCs and INCs with charity of government land. Thus,
we chose not to protest as long as the Uttarkhandi People get job

Reacting to reports that a group of farmers was planning agitation if
more land is given to the company in case it sets up Nano car project,
which is facing uncertainty in West Bengal, a Tata Motors spokesperson
said : "All our land has come from the government and the plant exist
on the government land." A group of farmers in Uttarakhand's Pantnagar
area, under the banner of 'Kisan Kisani Abhiyan', had taken up cudgels
against the state government's purported plan to allot more land to
the company with its leader Hanif Gandhi threatening an agitation.

The government had agreed to offer 1,100 acre of land in the area, of
which the company has already set up a mother plant and vendor park on
1,000 acres. The government is yet to give the rest 100 acre for
setting up residential colonies, the spokesperson said.

The spokesman said that since no part of the land for the existing
facilities, from where its rolling out commercial vehicle Ace, has
come from the farmers and hence there is no ground for any agitation.

On whether the company had decided to shift the Nano project from West
Bengal to Uttarakhand, he said that the company had earlier said in a
statement that it could explore options at other existing facilities.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that the NSG waiver will have a
positive impact on the global energy security. Last minute hitches
appeared to have cropped up today in the Senate for passage of the
Bill on the Indo-US nuclear deal but an identical measure inched
forward in the House of Representatives for early approval.
An anonymous lawmaker in the Senate put a “hold” on consideration of
the Bill in the Senate which must be lifted before the agreement is
brought to its floor or approved by a Unanimous Consent Agreement.

On the other hand,faced with an ever more aggressive Taliban, NATO
alliance troops are planning a winter "development surge" in the form
of civil works projects in eastern Afghanistan.

According to the Washington Post, the plan has been designed to win
over tribes in regions near the Pakistan border and to prevent the
younger generation from joining the Taliban's ranks.

The paper quoted military officials here as saying that the troops
will maintain their armed pressure simultaneously.

It, however, is not clear to what provisions of the Senate Bill that a
lawmaker is objecting to.
The “hold” process involves a law maker telling the Majority leader
and Minority Leader that he/she is against the “hotlining” of the Bill
without debate and vote through Unanimous Consent.
However, in the House of Representatives, Howard Berman, a known
opponent of the deal, agreed to support the Senate version of the Bill
saying that it was in consonance with the Hyde Act.
Berman, who is the House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, said he
backed the Bill after the Bush Administration assured him that they
will push for an NSG decision prohibiting the export of enrichment and
reprocessing equipment and technologies to states that are not party
to NPT.
The Senate Majority leader Harry Reid made no mention of this “hold”
issue in his opening remarks to the Senate while laying out the agenda
on Friday morning.
But he indicated that the Agreement will be taken up only next week as
the Senate gears itself for extra days beyond today, when the session
was scheduled to end.
“It appears quite evident that we are going to be in session next
week. There are a lot of things that haven’t been done and I will
mention just a couple of them,” Senator Reid said, listing the issues
as Department of Defence authorisation “which is very important”, rail
safety, Amtrak and the finalisation of the financial crisis
“We have the Indian Nuclear Agreement,” he said as he noted that he
had a number of conversations with President George W Bush and
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on the issue.
The Bush administration and key members of Congress were all too aware
of this legislative tactic of “hold” available in the Senate where 12
Democratic lawmakers voted against the Hyde Act of 2006.
Though the Congressional nod eluded Prime Minister Manmohan Singh
before his meeting with President George W Bush, the revised version
of Berman’s bill raises hopes that the deal could be quickly
Berman, who has his own reservations over the deal, introduced in the
House of Representatives a new version of his earlier bill which had
some provisions like reporting by the President to the Congress which
could have sabotaged early Congressional nod for the agreement.

Faced with a mushrooming economic crisis, President George W Bush
dealt not only with a Congress fractured over how to respond but world
leaders worriedly watching the US meltdown spread into their

Political wrangling blocked a potential deal on a bailout package for
the US financial system.

Buddhadeb requested Tata group chairman Ratan Tata to restart work at
its Singur project.Amidst deepening suspense over the future of the
Nano car project at Singur, speculation is rife in this industrial
town of Uttarakhand that Tata Motors [Get Quote] will add a four-
wheeler plant to its existing Ace truck factory in Pantnagar. The
recent decision of the West Bengal government to raise the
compensation offered to farmers at Singur who gave up land for a Tata
Motors Ltd car factory effectively raises the cash incentive offered
to the company’s Tata Nano project to at least Rs300 crore.
This comes on the top of tax and other incentives already being
offered by the state to the company.
A state government official, who didn’t want to be named, said most of
these incentives were offered because West Bengal had to match those
dangled by the Uttarakhand government.
The official pointed out that even if Tata Motors only made 200,000
cars a year at the plant, the government would get revenue of at least
Rs500 crore.

The state had estimated it would earn at least Rs500 crore from all
taxes combined—Central sales tax (CST), value-added tax (VAT) and
excise duty. But it wouldn’t start earning from sales of the Tata Nano
from Day 1, because it would be returning CST and VAT in the form of a
loan bearing an interest of 0.1% till it has fully matched
Uttarakhand’s incentives.
The Tata Nano is expected to sell for at least Rs100,000 each.
The magnitude of some of these incentives came to light following a
March report by India’s audit watchdog and the recent release of part
of the agreement between the state and Tata Motors on the website of
the West Bengal Industrial Development Corp. Ltd, or WBIDC.

The auto maker recently moved the Calcutta high court seeking to
restrain the state government from revealing the full text of the
agreement, parts of which have already been published on the WBDIC
Mamata Banerjee, leader of the state opposition party, the Trinamool
Congress, has been demanding the release of this agreement even as she
has been leading the protest against the Tata plant.
The issue came to a head in late August after Banerjee started a
protest in front of the plant and Tata Motors chairman Ratan Tata said
he would consider moving location.
The state leased 645.67 acres to Tata Motors for 90 years for an
annual lease rent of Rs1 crore for the first five years, going up to
Rs20 crore a year from the 61st year.

German Consul General, Gunter Wehrmann warned on Thursday that if the
West Bengal government does not issue the license of Metro Cash and
Carry (MCC) then all German investments in the eastern region will
stop flowing in. Wehrmann said: “The potential German investors are
closely following the developments. If MCC is denied the license it
will be the ‘death nail’ for all German investments in eastern India
in the future”.

I have already written that it is quite wrong that we happen to be
inexperienced in Resistance in Uttarakhand. In fact, Peasants'
uprising in Nainital terai led by Kisan sabha leaders including my
father late Pulin Kumar Biswas happened in Dhimri Block , just a few
KM away from Pantnagar right in 1958. In Rudrapur, the Bengali
Refugees thrown in Jim Corbett fame dense forest launched the first
movement in Terai in1956 before I was born. My father led the

We were the integral part of Chipko Movement in seventies. Terai was
also the epicentre of Naxalite movement in sixties.

Recently only in 2001, lacs of partition victim Bengali refugees
rehabilitated in 1954 onwards, demonstrated their strenght and then
BJP CM Nityanad Swami had no way but to declare that the Bengali
refugees are also Indian citizens as Punjabi refugees are! Hills and
Plains always stood rock solid in unity any time since Dhimri Block!
We were intact single unit during Chipko and Uttarakhand Movement. We
protested Pant Nagar genocide in 1978 and challenged then Home
Minister of India, Chowdhari Charan Singh. Even Bengali dalit Refugees
are never isolated. We enjoy full support from every part of
Uttarakhand and face no discrimination on caste, community and
language line!

Just remember, I had warned if a single Inch of land owned by any
peasant in Pantnagar is acquired , we might launch a movement anytime
and the Nation would feel the heat. I stick with the stand though , i
am based in Kolkata for seventeen full years! We are a well connected
people, mind you!

Ratan Tata and his colleagues at Tata Motors may have sworn to secrecy
but hectic activities at the company's Pantnagar plant in Uttarakhand
suggest that Nano could drive out from here to meet the October
deadline. Information trickling in from the highest echelons of Bombay
House suggested Tata Motors is tantalisingly close to rolling out the
Nano from Pantnagar.

A Tata Motors team is meeting senior bureaucrats of the Uttarakhand
government on Thursday to press for a crucial 100-acre plot adjacent
to its existing auto facility in Pantnagar.

The Tata mission is to garner the requisite land (1,100 acres approx)
to rejig the Pantnagar complex to manufacture both the Ace pick-up
truck and Nano in tandem.

The Tatas are keen to roll out Nano from Pantnagar in the October-
December quarter in step with their original Singur schedule. Early
indications are that the plant will be equipped to roll out some
200-300 Nanos per day.

Economic times reports:

Uttarakhand Industrial Development principal secretary P C Sharma told
ET, “The Pantnagar plant has enough space to manufacture Nano. A Tata
Motors team is meeting us on September 25 where we will discuss the
handing over some 100 acres to the company. The company wants the land
to turn its Pantnagar plant into an integrated auto complex. We will
discuss issues like lease rental, labour and environmental concerns
with Tata Motors.”

Incidentally, when Tatas suspended work at Singur on August 29,
Uttarakhand was one of the first governments to invite them to
relocate the Nano plant.

Meanwhile, Tata Motors has moved equipment key to manufacturing Nano
from its under-construction plant at Singur to another facility to
meet its rollout obligation. Sources said that equipment was carted
out from the plant and the cargo is believed to have been moved to the
company's plant in Pantnagar in Uttarakhand.

Tata circles concede that the prime enablers in rolling out the Nano
from Pantnagar are the huge tax incentives that Uttarakhand offers.
“If Tata Motors rolls out the Nano from Pantnagar, it will be able to
retain its Rs 1 lakh price tag,” Tata sources indicate.
Uttarakhand offers 100% excise duty exemption for 10 years, 100%
exemption from corporate I-T for the first five years and 30%
exemption from corporate I-T for the next five years.

The Uttarakhand government formally cleared an order to allot Tata
Motors 50 acres more for its Pantnagar plant, though sources present
at a meeting between state representatives and company officials
insisted the embattled Nano project wasn’t discussed.

S.P. Tripathi, general manager of the state’s industrial development
corporation, said the Tata delegation didn’t “broach” the topic. “(So)
why should we ask them?”

Sources present at the meeting said the delegation, led by senior vice-
president A.S. Puri, plant head N.K. Chaubey, and divisional manager
Ashutosh Burman, focused on upgrading the project site.

“It was our commitment to allot more land to the Tatas. We have met
the commitment at least partially today by approving a government
order to allot them 50 acres,” chief secretary Indu Kumar Pandey said
over the phone from Dehra Dun after the meeting.

As the scene at Singur gets bleaker by the day, things have started
happening at a frenzied pace at the 1000 acre plant in Pantnagar,
where more manpower and machinery have started rolling in over the
past weeks to manufacture nearly 50 units of Nano daily.

If sources working at the plant are to be believed, in the past week
the number of engineers working at Pantnagar, which manufactures ACE
mini trucks and MAGIC passenger vehicles, has doubled from 70 to
nearly 150-all of whom are focusing their energies on Nano.

Pantnagar, which was till recently only known for its agricultural
university, is the latest industrial boom town of the country. Dozens
of companies, including Tata Motors, Nestle [Get Quote], HCL [Get
Quote] and Dabur [Get Quote], have made sizeable investments here.

Ever since the problems at Singur erupted and Tata Motors said it
could shift the plant out of West Bengal, there has been widespread
speculation that the company may move the project to Pantnagar.

Large tax concessions are available to industry in Uttarakhand and the
other northern hill states of Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. A
number of automobile companies including Tata Motors, TVS [Get Quote]
Motor, Hero Honda and Bajaj Auto [Get Quote] have set up production
facilities in these states, especially to combat the rising cost of
key inputs like steel.

Tata Motors owns 1,000 acres in this rapidly industrialising town in
the prosperous terai region of the state. About 30 per cent of it is
learnt to be vacant.

State government officials, who are keenly following the developments
at Singur where the world's cheapest car project has hit a rough
patch, said there is a strong possibility that Tata Motors may come up
with a new four-wheeler manufacturing plan at the existing facility.
Putting mind over matter

Just how many masterminds does it take to run a terror bombing spree?
The Delhi police have nominated Mohammad Atif Amin chief of the Indian

Chief secy’s letter on Metro licence irks FB

Statesman News Service
KOLKATA, Sept 26: Forward Bloc ministers will not attend office from
Monday in protest against the chief secretary, Mr Amit Kiran Deb's
letter to the secretary, agricultural (marketing) department and
district magistrate to renew the licence of Metro Cash and Carry, said
Forward Bloc state secretary, Mr Ashoke Ghosh today.
He said that if the state government does not retract the letter by 30
September, the four Forward Bloc ministers will resign from their
He said his party has taken strong exception to the chief minister’s
unilateral decision before Sunday's scheduled bipartite talks and
ordering the secretary, South 24 Parganas Regulatory Market Committee
to renew the licence immediately to Metro Cash and Carry. He said
after what has happened today, Sunday’s talks will be redundant.
He said that in the morning it was decided at the secretariat meeting
that licence should not be renewed. “We were preparing our documents
for Sunday’s bipartite meeting on why we are unable to renew the
licence when we learnt about the chief minister's unilateral decision
from our marketing board chairman...'' Mr Ghosh said. Yesterday,
German consul -General warned that future German investment in the
state would be jeopardised if Metro Cash and Carry is denied licence
to start its operation.

US races to reach bailout deal before Monday
27 Sep, 2008, 2145 hrs IST, REUTERS

US Congress embarked on a weekend mission to strike a deal on a
proposed $700 bn bailout of the financial industry. Top 10 US bank
failures | Top banking crises
More corporate bankruptcies to come to the fore
Washington Mutual files for bankruptcy
Tata Consultancy interested in Siemens SIS: Report

Another bomb explosion in Delhi; one dead
27 Sep, 2008, 1730 hrs IST, AGENCIES

A young boy was killed and 18 people were injured when low intensity
bomb exploded at a mkt in Mehrauli. : Mehrauli blast | Sept 13 blasts
I Mumbai on alert

Mehrauli blast: Police sound alert for two bombers

Students, food and the anguish of Indianness
27 Sep, 2008, 1002 hrs IST, VIKRAM DOCTOR,ET Bureau

Whether through vegetarianism, poverty or landladies, the food
experiences of Indian students abroad have rarely been good. World of
wines | High-end whiskies

Why bond with champagne only in private?
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Auto Update

Honda advances Jazz drive to up India market share
Jazz, the smallest car from Honda’s bandwagon, will hit the Indian
market in June-July next year. Honda Jazz in pics

Review: 3rd gen Honda City | In pics: New Honda City

Nano's journey: The Singur Saga so far | In Pics: Nano

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Integrated Industrial Estate Pantnagar
IIE Pantnagar at a Glance
Name of Industrial Estate Integrated Industrial Estate, Pantnagar
Location Located at National Highway no. NH-87. 235 Km from National
Capital Delhi and 300 Km from State Capital Dehradun.

Total Area 3339 Acres
Industrial Land Rate Rs.1500 / sq mtr.
Connectivity Nearest Rail Yard: 10 Kms
Nearest National Highway: Situated on National Highway NH-87
Nearest Domestic Airport: Pantnagar
Nearest International Airport: Delhi 235 Kms
Water Supply Tube Wells: 2 No .
Under Ground Storage Tank: 1 No.
Over Head Tank: 1 No.

Power Supply Electric Sub Stations
220 KV (1 No.)
33 KV (4 No.)
11 KV (as required)
Financial Incentives 100% Central Excise exemption for 10 years
100% Income Tax exemption for first 5 years and 30 % for next 5 Years
CST @1% for 5 years
Capital Investment Subsidy @15% with a max. of Rs 30 Lakhs

Preferable Industries Cosmetics & Allied
Plastic & Allied
Apparel & Allied
Agro Food & Allied
Pharma Products
Electrical, Electronice & Allied
Furniture Hub
Institutional, Commercial & Allied
Present Status

Officials to be Contacted Mr. S.P.Tripathi
GM (IIE-Pantnagar)
Ph: 0135-2743897, 9412992604

Mr. N.C.Pant
Regional Manager
IIE Pantnagar
Phone: 05944-247547, 9412992609

Source :

The Government on Saturday formed a high-level committee headed by
External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee to address armed forces'
concerns over ‘anomalies’ in the Central Pay Commission (CPC) report.
Following this, the Services decided to accept the revised pay scales
'for the moment' and submit the salary bills to the Defence Ministry
on Monday. The three-member committee was constituted following a
direction from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is currently abroad,
government sources said. The armed forces had on Friday refused to
accept the revised pay scales and did not submit the salary bills for
October. The Prime Minister in USA has all the time of his life to
deal this vexed problem while every issue related to common life is
never addressed!

The Government of India is considering the grievances of security
Forces, it is rather a good sign. The GOI has implemented Sixth pay
commission report war footed, it is also a welcome notions. The
organised and power generating sectors are appeased on whatsoever
cost, we understand the equations very well.

Why the peasants don`t deserve any hearing and led to insurrections
just to be heard!

FDI fed Media and the Children of Rupert Mordac are the blue eyes to
defend , we know. We know that the Goebbels have to be supported to
continue mass destruction in the best interest of the Ruling Class
affiliated to fascism as well as corporate Imperialism. Freedom of
Expression is nothing as Mind control game and brain washing are the
best possible methods to hold power and continue apartheid and caste
system based hegemony as well as enslavement. But GOI never cares for
worsening working conditions, abolition of editorial, hire fire and
miserable life of Scribes in general. Pay Commission for the
Journalists sit idle. Even Interim relief is not declared! The
Politically affiliated and effluent scribes enjoying five star NRI
lifestyle and getting all the gifts of life have become the leaders of
mainstream journalism. Thus, general grass root level page maker
journalists have to suffer.

I have just refereed to the most organised and powerful sectors in
National life.

What about the disorganised sector?

What about the peasants, majority of the population?

SEZ drive, indiscriminate industrialisation and urbanisation,
deindustrialisation with destruction of indigenous production system,
livelihood and life. displacement, Retail chain, Chemical Hubs, Anti
people Development, Deportation, immigration, Crime, Terrorist
strikes, inherent injustice and inequality, persecution and merciless
repression, Civil Rights and Human rights violations .. every thing
unwanted but mandatory to capture natural resources is destined for
the lot!

Security Forces as well as Media are used against them. Nationalities
and rhetorics of liberation, genuine mass movements have to be
addressed always opting for Military solution!

Left Rule Kerala also feels the heat of Peasant Uprising against MNC
raj! The ruling CPIM defends Tata Motors in West Bengal, but CPIM in
Karantaka, a BJP ruled state is mobilising people`s movement against
proposed Nano Plant there!

On the other hand, Pantnagar University the premier Agriculture
University in the nation is stripped of land for experiments, research
and education just to accommodate MNCs! We the people surrounding
Pantnagar and Rudrapur were never afraid of intense wild life in
fifties and sixties. We were also not so frightened after Operation
blue Star and the following spell of Terror. But we feel insecure most
while Kashipur to Sitarganj, the entire Terai region of Uttarakhand
with its epicentre in Pantnagar Rudrapur, is heavily industrialised.

Here you are!

Do you remeber the Holocaust just after Operation blue Star? The
nationwide anti Sikh Riots, Sikh Persecution and repression, the
serial bomb blasts, indiscriminate firing anywhere? GOI was mistaken
to deal with Sikh Nationality and it is the most awesome part of
Indian history. Despite the claim to absorb Sikhism into Hindutva, the
fact remains that Sikhs are also a part of Minorities in India. Even
after sixty years of Independence, we never know how to deal with
Peasants, Small Traders, Students, Women, Children, Professionals,
Scheduled Castes and Tribes, OBC, minorities and nationalities!

We were never scared of ! We faced bravely the Bleeding eighties while
Assam, Punjab, Tripura, Kashmir and Tamilnadu were troubled most!
While Insurgency and terrorism was on high Note! In comparison, Modern
times are more or less relaxed despite some unwanted incidents.

But it is the Urgency on the part of Fascist and Imperialist forces
and committed Comradors to create the logic of War against terrorism
imported by them to drive a nationwide displacement and killing wheels
of development! Terror strikes justifies most ethnic cleansing without
which Colonisation happens to be always incomplete in any periphery!

Just browse any channel how they set aside everything to highlight
another Delhi Blast and advocating against so called Soft State.

MY God! Indian media has launched a campaign for more repression, more
displacement, more eviction, more deportation, more repression, more
persecution and more Killing! The Global hegemony must boast for this
anti people media!

What happened?

Sincerity and honesty became the death warrant for the child who lost
his life in the blast that shook the flower market in Mehrauli of
South Delhi on Saturday.
Santosh Kumar (13), who fell victim to the low intensity bomb, was
only trying to return the 'packet' of the two motorcycle-borne youth.

Little did Kumar, hailing from Bihar, know that he was trying to
return the bomb, which the duo had deliberately dropped.

The last words heard by eyewitnesses and his relations were Kumar
saying, ‘bhai saab, aapka packet gir gaya hai (brother, your packet
has fallen).’

How the Government of India reacts?

With Delhi being shaken again by a bomb blast on Saturday, Home
Minister Shivraj Patil reviewed the situation with top officials of
his ministry and extended all assistance to the Delhi Police
Commissioner to deal with the incident.
Patil spoke to senior officials, including Home Secretary Madhukar
Gupta, who in turn was in constant touch with the Delhi Police chief.

Gupta also spoke to AIIMS authorities to find out the condition of the
injured, a Home Ministry spokesman said.

Detached from geopolitical social, political and economic realism, how
washington dictates drive GOI stance in South Asia! Meanwhile, US Deep
depression continues to eat growth in Asia. Ruling Class is never
hesitant to tag with United States of America! The delay in passage of
a US bailout package for ailing financial markets and shut down of
America's second largest bank caused a global meltdown with Indian
bourses crumbling by a huge 940 points, biggest point-wise fall in the
last 25-week, in the week under review. Even as the US administration
continued its debate on a USD 700-billion rescue package for the
shattered financial system, the on-going credit crisis claimed yet
another victim leading to across the board sell-off in the stock

The security situation in India's neighbourhood is a matter of concern
as the country is surrounded by many "failed states", Defence Minister
A K Antony said in Thiruvananthapuram on Saturday.

"The security situation around is a matter of concern. We are
surrounded by many failed states. The security scenario in those
states is a matter of concern for us also," he said, addressing an
Armed Forces Veterans Rally organised as part of Army Mela-2008 in

Though the country's unity and integrity faced threat from different
sources, the armed services were capable of meeting any challenge
through their dedication, vigil and competence, he said.

"Right from August 15, 1947, when the country attained freedom, we
have been facing lot of threats to our unity and integrity from
external sources. As years pass by, the threats are increasing, not
only from one source but many sources," Antony said.

He said a grateful nation could never forget the sacrifices made by
soldiers and their families, he added.

In the wake of blast in Mehrauli, the Government today said there has
to be "zero tolerance" for terrorism and asserted that it is taking
"stern" measures to bring the culprits behind the explosion to book.

Soon after the blast, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who
chairs Cabinet meetings in absence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh,
held deliberations with Home Minister Shivraj Patil on the situation.

"I condemn in strongest terms this barbaric act of violence leading to
the loss of an innocent life," Mukherjee said after the meeting.
"There has to be zero tolerance for such acts of terror," he said.

Noting that he had reviewed the situation with the Home Minister,
Mukherjee said "the government is committed to bring the culprits to
book and stern measures are being taken towards this end."

"We think they may come out with some new four-wheeler venture at
Pantnagar," a State Industrial Development Corporation of Uttarakhand
official told Business Standard in Pantnagar after talking to company
officials, adding there was nothing specific at the moment.

On their part, Tata Motors officials at the plant refused to comment
on any new development as far as Pantnagar was concerned. "Please
excuse us," said a Tata Motors official in Pantnagar adding, they are
not authorised to talk to reporters.

The Bharatiya Janata Party-led Uttarakhand government has assured that
it would provide another 200 to 300 acres of notified land to Tata
Motors in case it shifts its Nano project to the state.

The nearby vendors of Tata Motors are also not sure about any new plan
of the auto giant. Enquiries at various ancillaries here revealed that
top Tata Motors officials are not sharing any information with them.
"We don't know what is happening at the high level. But nothing is
happening at the Ace motor facility also," said an official of Delphi
TVS, a vendor of Tata Motors.

But the vendors are also keen to see if the company brings them some
good news at Pantnagar. At present, nearly 64 ancillaries of Tata
Motors have set up shop near the Ace mother plant. Most of the vendors
said they can supply equipment and components meant for Nano or any
other four-wheeler.

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Uttarakhand • India

Pantnagar University Campus
Coordinates: 28°58'N 79°25'E? / ?28.97, 79.41
Time zone IST (UTC+5:30)
District(s) Udham Singh Nagar
Population 35,820 (2001[update])
Coordinates: 28°58'N 79°25'E? / ?28.97, 79.41
Pantnagar is a town and a University campus in Udham Singh Nagar
district, of Uttarakhand.

It is famous for having the first agricultural university of India
since 1960 and to have bred amongst the best agriculturists and
horticulturists globally. Previously it was called Uttar Pradesh
Agricultural University, or Pantnagar University,it is now known as
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology. The
university is famous as the birth place of green revolution in India.
The university facilities are growing and advancing as India goes
through a boom phase.

Contents [hide]
1 Overview
2 Colleges
3 History
4 Communication
5 Tata Nano
6 See also

[edit] Overview
The university town is located in the district of Udham Singh Nagar,
Uttarakhand and lies at an altitude of 243.8 m above the mean sea
level and 29° N latitude and 79° E longitude.

It is in fact a small town and university immersed into one. Their are
two main markets or shopping areas in Pantnagar which are Badee Market
("Big Market") and Chhoti Market ("Small Market).

There are also two main parks which are Gandhi Park and Ambedkar Park
both dedicated to important Indian freedom fighters.

Pantnagar is often seen as a small and remote tourist location as well
as a foreign exchange university bringing and sending students from
and to other countries.

Pantnagar university is unique in providing an excellent education
with hands-on experience in related fields. Best known for its
agriculture and technology colleges, Pantnagar university has a much
bigger presence throughout the world; however, its geographic
footprint is quite small. Diverse population at Pantnagar provides
ample of choices for various cultural and social activities.

The Campus has fields, a network of roads, housing colonies, street
lighting, a telephone exchange, hospitals, marketing centres, a water
supply section, 6 primary schools and 3 secondary schools. The main
campus lies in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttaranchal at 29° N
latitude and 79° E longitude at an elevation of 243.8 m above the mean
sea level. This main campus has the area responsibility for the entire
Uttaranchal representing plains, Tarai, Bhabar and hill areas.
However, to provide service to the hill region its other stations are
situated at Ranichauri (Tehri district), Majhera (Nainital district)
and at Lohaghat-Sui (Champavat district). There are 763 teachers and
officers 59 technical staff, 631 administrative and ministerial
personnel and 1425 class III employees, amounting to a total strength
of 2878. The number of students in the University ranges between
2800-3000. Thus, the teacher taught ratio is about 1:6 and student-
staff ratio is about 1:1.

[edit] Colleges

There are 10 colleges in the University

College of Technology
College of Agriculture
College of Home Science
College of Basic Science & Humanities
College of Veterinary Sciences
College of Fisheries
College of Agri-Business Management
College of Post Graduate Studies
College of Hill Agriculture and Forestry (off-campus)
VCSG College of Horticulture (off-campus)

[edit] History
After independence, development of the rural sector was considered the
primary concern of the Government of India. In 1949, with the
appointment of the Radhakrishnan University Education Commission,
imparting of agricultural education through the setting up of rural
universities became the focal point. Later, in 1954 an Indo-American
team led by Dr. K.R. Damle, the Vice-President of ICAR, was
constituted that arrived at the idea of establishing a ‘Rural
University’ on the land-grant pattern of USA. As a consequence a
contract between the Government of India, the Technical Cooperation
Mission and some land-grant universities of USA, was signed to promote
agricultural education in the country. The US universities included
the universities of Tennessee, the Ohio State University, the Kansas
State University, The University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State
University and the University of Missouri. The task of assisting Uttar
Pradesh in establishing an agricultural university was assigned to the
University of Illinois which signed a contract in 1959. Dean, H.W.
Hannah, of the University of Illinois prepared a blueprint for a Rural
University to be set up at the Tarai State Farm in the district
Nainital, UP. In the initial stage the University of Illinois also
offered the services of its scientists and teachers. Thus, in 1960,
the first agricultural university of India, UP Agricultural
University, came into being by an Act of legislation, UP Act XI-V of
1958. The Act was later amended under UP Universities Re-enactment and
Amendment Act 1972 and the University was rechristened as Govind
Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology keeping in view
the contributions of Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, the then Chief Minister
of UP. The University was dedicated to the Nation by the first Prime
Minister of India Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 17 November 1960.

The G.B. Pant University is a symbol of successful partnership between
India and the United States. The establishment of this university
brought about a revolution in agricultural education, research and
extension. It paved the way for setting up of 31 other agricultural
universities in the country

The credit for starting the functioning of the University without
losing any time goes to the warm and resourceful personality of the
first Vice-Chancellor, late Dr. Kenneth Anthony Parker Stevenson, who
could keep people fruitfully engaged on the university farm, the labs
and the classrooms despite the lurking fear of wild animals roaming
the area. The other Vice-Chancellors to be remembered for their
distinctive contributions in the development of the University are :

Raja Bajrang Bhadur Singh (20-12-64 to 18-1-66)
Dr. Dhyan Pal Singh (28-1-66 to 19-1-75)
Shri Shiv Prasad Pandey (20-1-75 to 20-4-77)
Dr. Dharma Pal Singh (22-10-77 to 22-6-78)
Mr. Narendra Shankar Mathur (1-8-78 to 12-5-80)
Mr. Anand Sarup (27-8-80 to 7-2-83)
Mr. Kripa Narayan (9-2-83 to 21-1-87)
Dr. Kailash Nath Katiyar (27-1-87 to 26-7-87)
Dr. Mahatim Singh (31-7-87 to 30-7-90)
Dr. Hari Govind Singh (31-7-90 to 17-12-93)
Dr. Suresh Chandra Mudgal (17-12-93 to 18-2-97)
Dr. Surendra Bahadur Singh (18-2-97 to 17-2-2000)
Dr. J. B. Chowdhary (17-2-2000 to 15-4-2002)
Dr. Prem Lal Gautam(18-6-2002 to 11-10-2007)
Dr. B. S. Bisht(From 9-08-2008)

[edit] Communication
Pantnagar has the only airport (Code:PGH) in the Terai of the Kumaon
region. Though there are no commercial services, some carriers plan to
start operations soon as the airport is continued to be built and
finalised. At the moment there is an Aviation School currently
training pilots.

Pantnagar is served by two railway stations:

Pantnagar Station at Nagla on the Bareilly-Nainital Highway.
Haldi Road Station at Haldi Road on the Delhi-Nainital Highway.
Uttarakhand Roadways connects the town to various nearby cities and
towns like Haldwani, Udham Singh Nagar (previously known as Rudrapur)
and Bareilly.

[edit] Tata Nano
It is widely believed that in consideration of the recent land-
disputes at Singur, in which one or more land-loser farmer(s)
committed suicide, Tata Motors may shift its Tata Nano plant to
Pantnagar to avoid the harm being caused to its image at Singur.

First Nano to roll out from Pantnagar

In a major setback to communist ruled state West Bengal, Tata Motors
has decided to pull out of Singur. The company has decided to roll out
first Nano car from Pantnagar in Uttarakhand. .

CJ: Md Mudassir Alam , 3 days ago Views:311 Comments:0

In A major setback to industrialisation in communist ruled West
Bengal, Tata Motors has decided to pull out of Singur. The company has
decided to roll out first Nano from Pantnagar in Uttarakhand state.
According to the sources, company will make an official announcement
within a week.

Meanwhile, the state government sources informed that Tata Motors has
started to move out the equipments from the Singur plant. Several
trucks loaded with the machines have started rolling out of the Singur
Nano manufacturing factory. According to sources, the process of
shifting the equipments had started ten days back.

Tata’s exit decision came after the long political turmoil in West
Bengal. Since the establishment of the factory in Singur, a spat begun
between the ruling government and the opposition Trinamool Congress
leader Mamata Banerjee. Mamata was demanding the return of 400 acres
land to the farmers that was provided to Tatas for setting up the
factory. The Trinamool Congress chief staged protests state-wide and
in front of Nano manufacturing plant as well.

During the protests Tata Motors workers and officials faced wrath of
the Trinamool Congress workers many times. The workers were beaten and
also kept hostage inside the factory last month. Two security guards
of the plant were also beaten up by the party workers on Monday night,
(September 22).

As the Tata Nano project was an important step for industrialisation
in West Bengal, so the state government tried to sort out the issue
through talks. The state government’s efforts fastened after Ratan
Tata’s warning that the company might shift the Nano plant to some
other state.

Other Articles by Md Mudassir Alam
Colors to air Ek Khiladi Ek Haseena from Sept 26
Nanavati Commission finds no evidence against Modi
Do alleged terrorists deserve legal aid?
CERN: Big Bang collider to restart in spring 2009
Google unveils G1 phone
more >> The state governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi talked to chief
minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and Mamata Banerjee at Raj Bhavan to
sort out the issue.

After the talks Mamata announced that the government would return 300
acres of land and she suspended her dharna (protest) outside the
manufacturing plant. But, later the chief minister clarified that the
government had not made any such promise to Mamata.

Since then no satisfactory decision could be taken by state government
and the opposition. Tata Motors was in pressure to meet the October
deadline for Rs 1 lakh car ’Nano’. As the situation in Singur was not
favourable, the company decided to relocate the plant to Pantnagar.

Exit of Tata from Singur is unfortunate and a major blow to the
country’s less industrialised state West Bengal. Bottom line is that
Mamata’s irritable demand has pushed the state backward and it would
discourage investors as well.

I am a Muslim and I am not a terrorist

All in all – I am as much Indian, as much patriotic, as much secular
as my Hindu friends are. The only difference is that they don't need
to write this article. .
CJ: Asad Iqubal , 3 days ago Views:1395 Comments:25

I AM a proud Indian, I am a Muslim and I am not a terrorist. I am a
God fearing, law abiding person. I love my country. I am not corrupt
and believe in the rule of law. I file my income tax return regularly
and pretty honestly. I do not believe in any kind of violence. I have
never been a part of any bandh, chakka jam or of any kind of mob
terror. I peacefully follow my religion and respect others.

Just because I belong to a minority community, I do not seek any kind
of favours from the government. I have never demanded a reservation
for myself. I was not even aware about the fact that I have been
provided a subsidy by union government on Hajj pilgrimage until a
political party made a noise about it. I am not against providing the
same kind of subsidy to Amaranth yatris also.

I do not subscribe to the SIMI, Indian Mujahedeen or any other terror
outfit’s ideology. I am not against Hinduism either. I don’t
understand what the fuss over Ram Setu /Adam Bridge is all about.
I don’t have any problem if the bridge is preserved for the sake of
sentiments of majority of my fellow countrymen.

I believe in peaceful coexistence and I love the secular fabric of my
country. In fact, most of my friends are Hindus. I love local customs
practiced in my locality. I love the spirit of Holi and Diwali. I
share all shades of life with my Hindu friends.

As all Hindus are not Naxalites or ULFA members, as all policemen and
politicians are not corrupt, as all Hindus are not involved in the
violence against Christians and Churches, as all Hindus do not believe
in the ideology of Bajrang Dal – I am also the element of the same set
but with a different identity. I firmly believe and I know that there
are millions of others who also belong to the same domain.

All in all – I am as much Indian, as much patriotic, as much secular
as my Hindu friends are. The only difference is that they don’t need
to write this article.

Hello Pantnagar?


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Tatas not keen on rolling Nano project
The Tatas are not keen to implement the Nano project in Singur, West
Bengal Industry Minister Nirupam Sen told the state cabinet.

Buddhadeb requests Tata to restart work
'Singur prospect getting bleak'
Tatas start shifting out equipment
Is Singur headed the Ganjam way?
Cloud over other projects
Guards thrashed at Nano plant

Anupam Trivedi, Deep Joshi, Hindustan Times
Email Author
Dehradun/Nainital, September 25, 2008

First Published: 01:23 IST(25/9/2008)
Last Updated: 01:24 IST(25/9/2008)


Will West Bengal’s loss be Uttarakhand’s gain? There’s a buzz in the
Pantnagar plant of Tata Motors that equipment from Singur is being
shifted here.

While Tata officials are tightlipped, Uttarakhand government stated
that executives from the company would meet senior bureaucrats at the
state capital on Thursday to discuss various issues. No details are
out as yet on the agenda of the meeting.

According to locals at Pantnagar, increased activity has been
witnessed at the plant where Tata manufactures its ACE mini trucks and
MAGIC passenger vehicles and outsiders have been barred from venturing
near the gates.

“In the past few days, there has been a lot of activity in the plant
and we have heard that assembling of Nano has already started and some
units are ready for the October deadline,” said a local resident.

Chief Secretary Indu Kumar Pande welcomed the possibility of Nano
project coming to Uttarakhand as it would create ample job
opportunities for locals.

“We haven’t received any official communication from Tatas regarding
their intention to produce Nano from Uttarakhand”, Pande said. Tata
executives would be calling on Industrial department officials on

“The officials are coming on Thursday but meeting is all about their
old issues”, said P.C. Sharma, Principal Secretary Industries.

Tata staffers yet to receive work notice

16 Sep 2008, 0327 hrs IST, Suman Chakraborti,TNN

KOLKATA: The state government hopes that the Tata Motors' management
will resume work at the Singur plant from Tuesday or Wednesday. But
the employees are yet to get any notice from the company regarding
resumption of duty. Many of them have been temporarily shifted to
Pantnagar and Pune to bring out the Nano on time.

"We have not received any directive from higher-ups to join duty. Work
is still under suspension," said an employee of the Singur plant.

He added that since August 28, when the suspension of work order at
the plant was issued, they have been temporarily attending office in
the city. "Some employees at the Singur plant have been temporarily
shifted to Pune and Pantnagar. They have been asked to work there till
work resumes," said the employee.

The employees though are optimistic about the state government being
able to sort out the present political impasse. "We hope the
government solves the impasse soon so that we can rejoin work," the
employee said.

Buddha makes last bid, urges Tata to restart Singur plant

26 Sep 2008, 1401 hrs IST,AGENCIES

NEW DELHI: Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata is set to meet West Bengal
Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on Sunday, according to Times
Now. ( Watch )

Earlier on Friday, Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee had written
to Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata urging him not to shift the Nano car
project from Singur.

The chief minister in his letter to Ratan Tata said no more
disruptions will occur. “We assure you of police protection,” he said.

The letter was seen as a last-ditch effort by Buddhadeb to salvage the
Nano car project.

West Bengal Industries Minister Nirupam Sen had said the state
government was trying its best to retain the Nano project in Singur.

The letter by the chief minister was sent after Thursday’s decision at
the state cabinet meet to appeal to both the Tatas to implement the
project here as well as to the opposition to cooperate in the interest
of the state.

On Thursday, Trinamool Congress said it was willing for further talks
on Singur issue if Governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi takes an initiative
for this.

"We had responded to the invitation for talks on Singur in the past.
The Governor is the constitutional head. We will go every time he
calls us," Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee told a public
meeting here.

Without responding to the state cabinet's appeal for cooperation, she
said "if the government really wants the Tata Motors unit to come up
at Singur, why did it not operationalise the (September 7) agreement?
The government took recourse to a canard against us, although we are
for both industry and agriculture".

Trinamool Congress did not ask the Tata Motors to leave Singur, she
said. "Let both agriculture and industry smile."

She said the state government and CPM were claiming that the September
7 agreement was a 'declaration' and not an accord. "They are cheating
us. They have also insulted the Governor by violating the agreement",
she charged.

Reading out the copy of 'agreement', she said that her party was ready
for a 'land-based solution'. She also said the industry should
purchase land and added "why should land be acquired forcefully?"

Meanwhile truckloads of material have started rolling out of the
Singur Nano factory, a sign that Tata Motors is on an exit route from
West Bengal. There has, however, been no formal communication from the
company so far.

However, he insisted that the Nano would certainly roll out by its
October deadline, if not from Singur then elsewhere. "Work is going on
in full swing in Pune and Pantnagar and, as far as we know, the car is
all set to come out by its stipulated deadline of October."

- Bypassed, Bloc vows to keep ministers away from Writers’

Calcutta, Sept. 26: Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee has bypassed the Forward
Bloc and ordered an agri-marketing committee to issue a key licence to
German wholesaler Metro Cash & Carry within four days, taking by far
the most aggressive investor-friendly stride in his career and risking
a revolt within the Left Front in the middle of the Singur crisis.

An enraged Bloc, the second-largest partner in the front after the CPM
and the unquestioned master of the farm marketing system in the state,
decided to keep its four ministers away from Writers’ Buildings.

Asked if the ministers would resign, Forward Bloc state secretary
Ashok Ghosh said: “We are opposed to the renewal of licence of Metro
Cash & Carry because it will affect poor farmers. If the directive
concerning the renewal of licence is not withdrawn, our ministers will

The chief minister’s decision came a day after the German envoy in
Calcutta cited the Metro case to warn of dire consequences for
investments in Bengal if the licence was not renewed. Metro officials
had also met the chief minister this week after a public statement
that the company was evaluating “all options”.

The licence allows companies to buy farm produce directly from
farmers. Indian laws allow 100 per cent foreign investment in
wholesale projects such as the Metro store off EM Bypass.

On a day all eyes were peeled on the Singur crisis, the chief minister
set in motion a stunning series of events by using his discretionary
powers to direct the secretary of the South 24-Parganas Regulated
Market Committee to renew or issue the licence to the German
wholesaler by September 30 “positively”.

The directive was issued to the secretary, a gazetted officer attached
to the Bloc-controlled committee, by the chief secretary through the
district magistrate. Copies of the letter have been forwarded to Metro
and the secretary of the state agricultural marketing department.
Bhattacharjee, under pressure to re-establish the industrialisation
credentials of the state after the Singur controversy, invoked special
powers rarely activated — veterans claimed the last to use them was
Siddhartha Shankar Ray — to issue the directive.

A rule of business of the government — 25(4)(b) in para III — confers
special powers on the chief minister that allow him to overrule a
ministerial order.

Since the marketing committee secretary is a government official, he
will have to comply with the directive, sources said. The secretary of
the South 24-Parganas committee, to whom the directive has been
issued, is Rabin Haldar.

If the chief minister wanted to blunt the Singur curse and burnish
Bengal’s image, he seems to have reaped some dividends by taking on
the Bloc, rather than Mamata Banerjee. “Whatever bad name Bengal had
earned from Singur will be undone by this action of the chief
minister,” Venugopal Dhoot, the chairman of Videocon Group, said.

The Bloc leadership tonight convened an emergency meeting of its state
secretariat. “Our party secretariat decided that no minister would
attend office from Monday as a mark of protest,” Ghosh said.

The Bloc and the CPM were scheduled to discuss the issue on Sunday.
But the chief minister appears to have decided to act after feelers to
the Bloc were rebuffed.

Metro, which has already invested Rs 140 crore in the wholesale store
in Calcutta and plans to put in another Rs 420 crore, was issued the
licence by the agri-marketing committee in 2005. The licence was
subsequently renewed twice in 2006 and 2007 with validity till March
2008. However, in June 2007, the licence was withdrawn, which The
Telegraph first reported.

The marketing committee cited halt to construction which the company
was compelled to do because of a stay related to a dispute between the
government and the former landowners.

Metro said the board had stated that the company could apply again for
the licence as soon as construction resumed. When the court stay was
revoked, the company approached the licensing authority in November
2007, December 2007 and in March 2008.

But the licence was not renewed, clouding Metro’s plans to open the
store by this Puja season — two days away. Metro officials were not
available for comment after the chief minister’s directive but the
store can open within weeks of getting the licence.

The store can sell other goods without the committee’s licence but
food and allied products are expected to account for 45 per cent of
the wholesale business.

Metro clash and cry in Left Front
- CM acts after parleys fail

Bhattacharjee: ‘Bold step’

Calcutta, Sept. 26: Chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee had tried
more than once in the past 24 hours to turn the Forward Bloc around on
the Metro licence, CPM sources said.

Both the chief minister and state CPM secretary Biman Bose, who had
been urging Bloc leaders to consider the renewal of the licence to
Metro, spoke to Bloc veteran Ashok Ghosh yesterday. Bhattacharjee also
sent finance minister Asim Dasgupta to convince Ghosh. They called up
Ghosh today before and after a meeting of the Bloc secretariat.

But Ghosh turned down their request and made public the party’s
refusal to budge. “This provoked the chief minister to exercise his
special powers,’’ a CPM leader said.

An agitated Ghosh accused the chief minister of highhandedness and
wanted to know whether the CPM leadership supported his move.

Some CPM state secretariat members like Benoy Konar and Shyamal
Chakraborty said they were not aware of the chief minister’s decision.
“It was not discussed at the state secretariat today,’’ said Konar.
Chakraborty, the Citu state president, was in Delhi and said he learnt
about it from the media.

Although Bose was involved in the efforts to persuade Ghosh, Bloc
leaders said the CPM state secretary told them he was not aware of the
government’s decision.

“Bimanda spoke to us several times but never indicated what was
coming. Later, he said he did not know about it,” a Bloc leader said.
Bose was not available for comment.

A section of the CPM felt that Bhattacharjee wanted to send a signal
to prospective investors that he was firmly in the saddle and
industrialisation would not be shelved because of Singur.

Although Bose did not speak up, Konar said: “Ghosh is a respected
leader. But he should explain why his party issued the licence to
Metro some years ago and why it is refusing to renew it now. If they
did not bother for any bilateral or Left Front meeting then, why are
they insisting now?’’

Chakraborty said the party was not opposed to Metro’s entry into
vegetable wholesale business. “We have opposed the entry of big
players in foodgrain business. But we have no objection to Metro in
vegetable business since it helps the growers and curbs waste. Second,
if they restrict their business to bulk consumers and don’t sell below
20kg to each customer, it should not hurt retailers.’’

Chakraborty pointed out that the Metro licence was issued before the
policy-churn within the CPM on the issue. “I can’t say what will
happen if other big players want to enter the same market. But laws
and rules change when the situation demands,’’ he added, hinting that
the party had not yet resolved differences.

Some partners of the Left Front are still in shock, trying to make
sense of the sledgehammer that was wielded not on Mamata but an ally.

“We don’t recall such use of chief ministerial discretionary power
during the Left Front rule. This was done last by the Congress
government of S.S. Ray,’’ said Naren Chatterjee, the chairman of the
Bloc-controlled state marketing board.

Other partners questioned the “timing”, fearing the licence directive
would reopen fissures within the front at a time the allies had
rallied behind the CPM on Singur.

Industry salutes CM

The Metro Cash & Carry store on EM Bypass in Calcutta

Calcutta/Delhi, Sept. 26 Industry leaders today praised Buddhadeb
Bhattacharjee’s move towards getting Metro Cash & Carry a licence,
saying it would restore investors’ confidence, shaken by the Singur

Venugopal Dhoot, the chairman of Videocon Group, said the taint earned
by the state had been washed away by this act of the chief minister.
“It is a very bold step. Foreign investors will take heart from this.
Singur is an isolated investment,” he said.

Dhoot, an early-bird investor in Bengal, has proposed a large steel-
and-power plant and several special economic zones in the state.

Biswadip Gupta, CEO of JSW Bengal, which is executing Jindal’s steel
project at Salboni, said: “This sort of firmness is what people look

McDonald MD Vikram Bakshi said: “Every such step that the CM takes
will be in the direction of attracting further investment.”

D.S. Rawat, secretary-general of Assocham, said Bhattacharjee’s move
would boost the state’s image at home and abroad.

Metro had invested in Bengal against an assurance that a farm product
marketing licence would be issued to it. But the Forward Bloc-run agri-
marketing board withdrew the licence after the German wholesaler had
built a store.

Keventer Fresh chairman Mahendra Kumar Jalan, who has taken on the
board for denying licences to his company, was excited by
Bhattacharjee’s move. “Investors will get a lot of confidence from
this action,” he said.

Keventer has moved 11 petitions against agri-marketing committees
under the board for sitting on its applications.

Legal experts feel Metro has a stronger case since it was issued a
licence that was twice renewed before being abruptly withdrawn. They
said the farm product marketing act’s provisions were less than

“The criteria for award of a licence are not specific. But that does
not mean the authority (agri-marketing board) has discretionary powers
not to give it. The board’s rejection would not pass the test of law,”
an expert said.

Debanjan Mandal, a partner in Fox and Mandal, the solicitor firm
appearing for Keventer in the cases at Calcutta High Court, said:
“Unfettered discretion is against the basic structure of the
Constitution as has been repeatedly held by the court of law. It is a
fundamental right to do business subject to reasonable restriction.”

All eyes will now be on Keventer’s challenge to the agri-marketing
board, pending in the high court.

Bloc follows Buddha, Jatin script

Calcutta, Sept. 26: Today’s Forward Bloc decision follows an old
tradition of Left Front ministers resigning or partners threatening a
pullout on contentious issues.

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee had himself resigned as information and
cultural affairs minister in 1993 following “sharp differences’’ with
then chief minister Jyoti Basu.

“Nobody could have imagined that Buddhababu would quit because of
differences with Jyotibabu over certain government affairs. He told
his aides he would never return to the cabinet and would instead
prefer to spend his time writing poetry,” a senior bureaucrat said.

A year later, Bhattacharjee was brought back by Basu following a party
decision and given additional charge of the home department.

“One line in a statement issued by the state committee informed the
media that Buddhababu was being taken back,’’ a CPM central committee
leader recalled.

Economist Ashok Mitra had quit the ministry as finance minister in the
’80s saying he “could not share Jyotibabu’s views’’.

“Mitra quit the ministry and gave up his CPM membership at one go
because he failed to see reason in Jyotibabu’s style of governance.
Jyotibabu used to think that Ashokbabu’s moves to blame the Centre for
Bengal’s economic ills would not help improve Centre-state relations,”
a senior official said.

In the recent past, RSP minister Kshiti Goswami criticised the
government over its Nandigram “failure” and stopped going to Writers’.
But about a month later, he resumed working at the state secretariat
at the prodding of his party leadership, “though not ungrudgingly’’.

“I was not greedy for the trappings of power. I was in a mood to quit
but my party wanted me to continue as minister,’’ Goswami said today.

The late cigar-puffing RSP leader, Jatin Chakraborty, had quit as PWD
minister on the Bengal Lamp controversy.

“The allegation was Jyotibabu had prevailed over Chakraborty at
(Basu’s son) Chandan’s insistence that Bengal Lamp be given orders
from PWD,’’ an RSP leader said.

The CPI had in 2000 decided not to send its ministers to Writers’
after the CPM denied a Rajya Sabha berth to Gurudas Dasgupta. “Our
decision was based on party principles,’’ a CPI leader said.

After about 10 days, however, the CPI ministers returned to work
following an assurance that Dasgupta would get a ticket the next time
there was a vacancy in the upper House


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