Big Bang,NASA, Pentagon and Nuclear Energy

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Sep 10, 2008, 11:16:02 AM9/10/08
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Big Bang, NASA,Pentagon and Nuclear Energy

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 61

Palash Biswas
Collider probing mysteries of the universe at the speed of light
Computerworld - 37 minutes ago
By Sharon Gaudin Anonymous says: Time will tell of the mistakes of
man. Hell, fire her up and lets see what happens.... Anonymous says:
"CERN Director General Robert Aymar was quoted as saying that any
suggestion that there's a risk is "pure fiction.
LHC Success! Slashdot

Rice meets Pelosi to discuss Indo-US nuclear deal

Sridhar Krishnaswami
Washington, Sept 10 (PTI) Keeping up with the word on a "full court
press", the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met the powerful
Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, in which they
were understood to have discussed the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal.

However, the spokesperson for Pelosi maintained that the discussion
revolved around the process for considering the accord once it has
been submitted, according to a media report quoting Pelosi spokesman
Nadeam Elshami.

"The Speaker looks forward to reviewing the submission in detail and
consulting with Chairman Berman and members of the leadership in
determining the appropriate course of action," Elshami said.

The importance and urgency of the nuclear deal from the perspective of
the administration and Congress is reflected in the fact that Speaker
Pelosi broke away from a Press Conference on Energy with top leaders
of her Party saying that she had a meeting with the Secretary of State
on India.

"... I have to excuse myself as I have to meet secretary of state -- I
think the subject is India. I'm not sure and I have to excuse myself
-- but I'm sure my colleagues here will be pleased to answer any
questions" Pelosi said before leaving the briefing, according to a

Earlier in the day Rice had a meeting with powerful Chairman of the
House Foreign Affairs Committee, Howard Berman which was passed off as
a "private meeting" by top Congressional aides.

But it was generally believed that Rice discussed the modalities of
winning Congressional approval for the civilian nuclear deal in the
110th Congress, technically due to end on September 26,2008. PTI

TVNZ US begins efforts to win Congress nod for N-deal, India - 11 hours ago
PTI US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Tuesday met influential
lawmaker Howard Berman, a leading critic of the Indo-US nuclear deal,
and is believed ...
”Indo-US deal should be immediately brought to vote in American ...
Rice meets Pelosi, Berman to push ratification of N deal Press Trust
of India
Time running short for Indo-US nuclear deal Hindustan Times
Press Trust of India - Press Trust of India
all 210 news articles » Does N-deal undermine India's national interest?
Newstrack India, India - 7 hours ago
Former president and nuclear scientist APJ Abdul Kalam has also said
the Indo-US nuclear deal and the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)
exemption is in the ...
CII welcomes the NSG Waiver on Indo-US Nuclear Deal
Markets at a glance Business Standard
LEADER ARTICLE: Now, Get On With It Times of India
Daily Times -
all 2,341 news articles »

Newsweek Triumph! Smooth start for 'Big Bang' test
Independent, UK - 1 hour ago
A flawless start to the "Big Bang" experiment that will re-enact the
first moments of the universe was hailed as a triumph by British
scientists involved in ...
Big Bang experiment - the end of the world as we know it? Reuters UK
Five facts about 'Big Bang' lab Times of India
Indian connection in Big Bang experiment Press Trust of India
Sify - Sky News
all 3,077 news articles » 200 Indian scientists line up for Big Bang effort
Economic Times, India - 8 hours ago
India's contribution to the $10-billion effort in search of the
universe’s missing matter by smashing particles like during the Big
Bang is equally ...
Big Bang to be re-enacted today
TCD tackles Big Bang data
UPDATE: Big Bang 2: The milestone CERN experiment, step by step
Sunderland Echo -
all 61 news articles »

Sify People turn to Gods ahead of Big Bang test
Sify, India - 5 hours ago
The well-known Welsh physicist, Lyn Evans, dubbed Evans the Atom, will
switch on a giant particle accelerator designed to unlock the secrets
of the Big Bang ...
'Doomsday' rumour sets off panic Times of India
all 14 news articles »
'Big Bang not a threat to world,' Kalam allays fears
Times of India, India - 3 hours ago
"It is just that the scientists in Geneva want to establish their own
belief of the creation of universe as caused by the Big Bang," Kalam,
a scientist, ...
UAE’s Physicists Await ‘Big Bang’ Khaleej Times
Kalam says ”Big Bang ”experiment” spells no trouble
all 9 news articles »

We are working under Galaxy Computing Grid waiting to analyse datas of
the Great Big Bang Experiment to break the Myth of DARK! Civilisation
History as well as the History of Single forward Dimensional time may
be rewritten!The world's largest particle collider passed its first
major tests by firing two beams of protons in opposite directions
around a 17-mile (27-kilometer) underground ring Wednesday in what
scientists hope is the next great step to understanding the makeup of
the universe. However, if there is some blockage in the machine,
experts will have to go in and fix the problem, and that could take

This happens to be the best thing for Indigenous communities worldwide
provided we cross over all the seas of inherent superstitions and
myths designed to enslave us for Time Infinite!

This single experiment has an indication to break the Monopolistic
NASA Pentagon Design to capture and explore, exploit and destroy all
sublime celestial bodies of the Universe!

World Community and scientific brother hood combined may be the best
resistance force against the Galaxy strategic realignment in US lead!

This is an experiment of infinite magnitude in the quest to solve all
basic mystery of Nature and Life!

It is never like a NASA Mission for Space dominance or a warfare

Thus, the misinformation campaign was launched against this!

We, the Black untouchables and the indigenous communities are never
against science and progress! We always have been the Light Bearers of
Human Civilisation deprived of credit!

We Oppose Nuclear Energy just because its misuse in Mass Destruction
to feed the US Zionist Weapon Economy and the Ruling Comradors of the
US Neo Colonies!

We oppose the so called scientific experiments with US interests!

We welcome Big Bang Experiments but we never support the annihilation
of Indigenous communities on the name of science, say Nuclear energy,
Warfare, Weapons, Chemicals, GM seeds, Nuclear Parks, SEZ, Retail
Chain, Disinvestment, FDI, LPG,etc!

News results for Indo US Nuclear deal N-deal: The road ahead in US - 7 Sep 2008

From Vienna the action shifts back to Washington DC, where the Indo-US
nuclear deal now awaits clearance from the US Congress. The bilateral
123 agreement, ... - 2341 related articles »
US begins efforts to win Congress nod for N-deal - - 210
related articles »
Nuclear deal to face final hurdle at US Congress - - 55
related articles »

Highlights of Indo-US nuclear deal - The Financial Express
3 Aug 2007 ... Following are the key aspects of the Indo-US civil
nuclear deal.
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The former Under Secretary of State of Political Affairs, Nicholas
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The truth behind the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal
The truth behind the Indo-U.S. nuclear deal. by Siddharth Varadarajan.
Global Research, July 29, 2005. The Hindu. Email this article to a
friend ...
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since the 1980s. Some analysts see the Indo-US deal as part of
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After a series of trial runs, two white dots flashed on a computer
screen at 10:26 a.m. (0826 GMT) indicating that the protons had
traveled clockwise along the full length of the 4 billion Swiss franc
(US$3.8 billion) Large Hadron Collider — described as the biggest
physics experiment in history.

"There it is," project leader Lyn Evans said when the beam completed
its lap.

This historic event marks a key moment in the transition from over two
decades of preparation to a new era of scientific discovery!

The start of the collider came over the objections of some who feared
the collision of protons could eventually imperil the Earth by
creating micro-black holes, subatomic versions of collapsed stars
whose gravity is so strong they can suck in planets and other stars.

James Gillies, chief spokesman for CERN told the AP that the most
dangerous thing that could happen would be if a beam at full power
were to go out of control, and that would only damage the accelerator
itself and burrow into the rock around the tunnel.

Nothing of the sort occurred Wednesday, though the accelerator is
still probably a year away from full power.

Eventually two beams will be fired at the same time in opposite
directions with the aim of recreating conditions a split second after
the big bang, which scientists theorize was the massive explosion that
created the universe.The collider is designed to push the proton beam
close to the speed of light, whizzing 11,000 times a second around the

Champagne corks popped in labs as far away as Chicago, where
contributing and competing scientists watched the proceedings by

Five hours later, scientists successfully fired a beam

Physicists around the world now have much greater power to smash the
components of atoms together in attempts to learn about their

The Large Hadron Collider – built since 2003 at a cost of USD 3.8
billion – provides scientists with much greater power than ever before
to smash the components of atoms in a bid to see how they are made.
The LHC, as the collider is known, will take scientists to within a
split second of a laboratory recreation of the big bang, which they
theorise was the massive explosion that created the universe.

"The beam is the size of a human hair," Paola Catapano, a spokeswoman
for the host European Organisation for Nuclear Research said after the
protons were fired into the accelerator below the Swiss-French border
at 0732 GMT.

The organisation, known by its French acronym CERN, is firing the
protons – a type of subatomic particle – around the tunnel in stages,
several kilometres at a time.

CERN is backed by leading scientists like Britain's Stephen Hawking in
dismissing the fears and declaring the experiments to be absolutely

Once the beam has successfully been tested in clockwise direction,
CERN will send it counter clockwise. Eventually the two beams will be
fired in opposite directions with the aim of smashing together protons
to see how they are made.

The start up – eagerly awaited by 9,000 physicists around the world
who will conduct experiments at CERN – overcomes the objections of
some sceptics who fear the collisions of protons could eventually
imperil the earth.

Internet has provided us the most viable democratic space to challenge
the New galaxy Order.

The Big Bang Experiment is welcome just because it breaks the monopoly
of any single nation or group of nations in the field of science and
technology. It should be the headache of NASA and Pentagon which
monopolise the Space dominance!

Funded by Eighty Nine countries, the great Big Bang Experiment
provides space for the scientists of eighty countries to work together
under single Computing Grid unprecedented.

I welcome this participation and sharing, nevertheless, whatsoever may
be achieved by this unprecedented experiment! This also may prove to
be a positive Resistance against the monopolistic Galaxy Order
dictating every nation and nationality!

Nobel Laureate Bengali Poet and Philosopher Rabindra Nath Tagore
advocated Universal Brotherhood on the basis of Give and Take policy
where all nationalities and identities merge into single mainstream!
This Universal brotherhood is best expressed in this Big Bang

The project organized by the 20 European member nations of CERN has
attracted researchers from 80 nations. Some 1,200 are from the United
States, an observer country that contributed US$531 million. Japan,
another observer, also is a major contributor.

Some scientists have been waiting for 20 years to use the LHC.

Way back in my Childhood I may still visualise the Romance and
Excitement while mankind for the first time broke the barrier of
infinite and landed on Moon! But it was an American Experience shared
by the Globe!

Hopefully, we have crossed the junction long before!

Congratulations, the Universal Brotherhood of scientists engaged in
this historical Mission!

Meanwhile, a 16-year-old girl in Madhya Pradesh has allegedly
committed suicide after watching TV programmes that made dooms-day
predictions relating to the atom-smasher experiment in Geneva on

This is the impact of sensational media coverage of Rumours baseless.
All the rubbish unscientific superstitions and myths are catered on
electronic space to confuse the teenage Psyche under misinformation,
subversion and brainwash agenda!

Chhaya, the poor girl is victimised!

We were lucky to survive to witness all the explorations led by

Chhaya, a resident of Sarangpur town in Rajgarh district, consumed
sulphos tablets (an insecticide) on Tuesday, her parents said. The
girl was rushed to Indore's MY Hospital where she succumbed on

Her parents told reporters that she was watching a news report
relating to the world's biggest atom-smasher experiment on TV channels
for the last two days and was restless.

Police have registered a case in this regard and further
investigations are on. The experiment is being carried out to recreate
the birth of universe and unlock its secrets, with scientists
rubbishing reports of any threat to the planet because of it.

The sceptics theorise that a by-product of the collisions could be
micro black holes, subatomic versions of collapsed stars whose gravity
is so strong they can suck in planets and other stars.

"It's nonsense," said James Gillies, chief spokesman for CERN, before
the experiment’ start.

Gillies said that the most dangerous thing that could happen would be
if a beam at full power were to go out of control and that would only
damage the accelerator itself and burrow into the rock around the

And full power is probably a year away.

"On today we start small," said Gillies. "What we're putting in to
start with is one single low intensity bunch at low energy and we
thread that around. We get experience with low energy things and then
we ramp up as we get to know the machine better."

He said a good result for today would be to have one beam going all
the way around the tunnel in a counter clockwise direction. If that
works, the scientists will then try to send a beam in the other

"A really good result would be to have the other beam going around,
too, because once you've got a beam around once in both directions you
know that there is no show stopper," Gillies said. "It's going to

The CERN experiments could reveal more about "dark matter," antimatter
and possibly hidden dimensions of space and time. It could also find
evidence of the hypothetical particle — the Higgs boson — which is
sometimes called the "God particle" because it is believed to give
mass to all other particles, and thus to matter that makes up the

The complexity of manufacturing it required groundbreaking advances in
the use of supercooled, superconducting equipment. The 2001 start and
2005 completion dates were pushed back by two years each, and the cost
of the construction was 25 percent higher than originally budgeted in
1996, Luciano Maiani, who was CERN director-general at the time, told
The Associated Press.

Maiani and the other three living former directors-general attended
the launch Wednesday.

Smaller colliders have been used for decades to study the makeup of
the atom. Less than 100 years ago scientists thought protons and
neutrons were the smallest components of an atom's nucleus, but in
stages since then experiments have shown they were made of still
smaller quarks and gluons and that there were other forces and

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Big Bang
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Big Bang (disambiguation).

According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an
extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. A common
and useful analogy explains that space itself is expanding, carrying
galaxies with it, like raisins in a rising loaf of bread. General
relativistic cosmologies, however, do not actually ascribe any
'physicality' to space.
The Big Bang is the cosmological model of the universe that is best
supported by all lines of scientific evidence and observation. The
essential idea is that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot
and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past and
continues to expand to this day. Georges Lemaître proposed what became
known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, although
he called it his 'hypothesis of the primeval atom'. The framework for
the model relies on Albert Einstein's General Relativity as formulated
by Alexander Friedmann. After Edwin Hubble discovered in 1929 that the
distances to far away galaxies were generally proportional to their
redshifts, this observation was taken to indicate that all very
distant galaxies and clusters have an apparent velocity directly away
from our vantage point. The farther away, the higher the apparent
velocity.[1] If the distance between galaxy clusters is increasing
today, everything must have been closer together in the past. This
idea has been considered in detail back in time to extreme densities
and temperatures, and large particle accelerators have been built to
experiment on and test such conditions, resulting in significant
confirmation of the theory. But these accelerators can only probe so
far into such high energy regimes. Without any evidence associated
with the earliest instant of the expansion, the Big Bang theory cannot
and does not provide any explanation for such an initial condition,
rather explaining the general evolution of the universe since that
instant. The observed abundances of the light elements throughout the
cosmos closely match the calculated predictions for the formation of
these elements from nuclear processes in the rapidly expanding and
cooling first minutes of the universe, as logically and quantitatively
detailed according to Big Bang nucleosynthesis.

Fred Hoyle is credited with coining the phrase 'Big Bang' during a
1949 radio broadcast, as a derisive reference to a theory he did not
subscribe to.[2] Hoyle later helped considerably in the effort to
figure out the nuclear pathway for building certain heavier elements
from lighter ones. After the discovery of the cosmic microwave
background radiation in 1964, and especially when its collective
frequencies sketched out a blackbody curve, most scientists were
fairly convinced by the evidence that some Big Bang scenario must have

Reporter's diary: Bang on target

By Hamish MacDonald in Switzerland

Scientists hope to gain an insight into the
so-called "God particle" [AFP]

The excitement in the air was palpable this morning.

We arrived at the laboratories of the European Organisation for
Nuclear Research (Cern), just outside Geneva in Switzerland, to
witness what some believe is the most important scientific moment of
the new century.

At 9.30am local time (0730 GMT) researchers turned on the Large Hadron
Collider, firing a beam of protons for the first time around this 27km

There was a countdown clock on a giant screen, and thousands of
scientists cramming around computer screens. They hoped it would work,
and it did.

There was rapturous applause the moment the first beam was launched
and more every time the beam passed through each of the eight crucial
sectors. Almost an hour later saw the biggest reaction - when the
proton beam completed its first full loop. Soon there'll be beams
heading in both directions and eventually they’ll be crashing into
each other.

It is rare that we get to witness important moments in history, but
today there was a real sense of that happening.

I spoke to Dr Archana Sharma, a Cern physicist, who could barely
contain her excitement. She believes this moment was on par with the
discovery that the earth was flat and the gravity exists. She was
relieved too, that the system seems to be working.

Scientific discovery

From the moment they saw the first tiny pulse of light on a screen
this morning, the 9,000 scientists here knew they were seeing the
start of a process that could unlock the secrets of the universe.

John Ellis, another Cern physicist, felt relief: "Overnight we had
some difficulties with the cooling system, with some of the electrical
system and so on, so I think everybody was on tenter hooks this
morning, so I think its just fantastic that the guys could get it to
work so quickly."

As science projects go, this is as big as it gets. They've spent $8bn
since 1994 building the structure 100 metres under the French Swiss
border. The aim is to shoot the proton beams at almost the speed of
light in opposing directions, crashing into each other to create the
mother of all experiments.

The collisions occurring inside the giant machines will hopefully
recreate the same conditions that existed in the first trillionth of a
second after the big bang.

Critics of this project believe it could all go wrong, causing a black
hole to open up, swallowing the planet and life as we know it. But the
scientists at Cern are confident it will go according to plan.

Over the coming weeks and months, the experiment will enter a more
complex phase, whereby at four points along the route the protons will
intersect. It's the important bit of the experiment. When they smash
together scientists hope the matter that's created could help them
understand how the universe came into existence.

They hope eventually to gain more insight into the Higgs boson, the so-
called "God particle" which could explain why some matter has mass,
while other matter does not. Understanding that, could revolutionise
the way we understand the universe.

For the Physics boffins who have traveled to Gevena from across the
world to witness this, today was an exciting moment, but they will
have to wait months, possibly even years until the results begin to

 Source: Al Jazeera

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LHC First Beam on
10 September 2008
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First beam in the LHC - accelerating science
Geneva, 10 September 2008. The first beam in the Large Hadron Collider
at CERN was successfully steered around the full 27 kilometres of the
world’s most powerful particle accelerator at 10h28 this morning. This
historic event marks a key moment in the transition from over two
decades of preparation to a new era of scientific discovery.

» Read the Press Release
» LHC Safety information

CERN reiterates safety of LHC on eve of first beam
Geneva, 5 September 2008. A report published today in the peer
reviewed Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics provides
comprehensive evidence that safety fears about the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC) are unfounded. The LHC is CERN’s new flagship research
facility. As the world’s highest energy particle accelerator, it is
poised to provide new insights into the mysteries of our universe.

» Read the Press Release
» LHC Safety information

Final LHC Synchronization Test a Success
Geneva, 25 August 2008. CERN has today announced the success of the
second and final test of the Large Hadron Collider’s beam
synchronization systems which will allow the LHC operations team to
inject the first beam into the LHC.

>> Read the article

LHC Synchronization Test successful
Geneva, 11 August 2008. The synchronization of the LHC's clockwise
beam transfer system and the rest of CERN's accelerator chain was
successfully achieved last weekend.

>> Read the article

CERN announces start-up date for LHC
Geneva, 7 August 2008. CERN has today announced that the first attempt
to circulate a beam in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be made on
10 September.

>> Read the Press Release
>> LHC Milestones

Start-up fever
Unusually for the holiday season, the car parks are full, finding a
table at lunch is a formidable challenge, and people can (more than
ever) be found in their offices late into the night. All the evidence
points to one thing… the most ambitious particle collider in the world
is just a few weeks away from its first proton beam!

>> Read the Bulletin article

CERN Council looks forward to LHC start-up
Geneva, 20 June 2008. At its 147th meeting in Geneva today, the CERN
Council heard news on progress towards start-up of the laboratory’s
flagship research facility, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

>> Read the Press Release
>> LHC Milestones

The Universe in an envelope
The LHC in an envelope
A simple envelope can tell a big story...

>> ... click for more (French only)

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imagination with new forms of matter, new forces of nature, and new
dimensions of space. US scientists and engineers, supported by the US
Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Science
Foundation, have helped to build the LHC, soon to become the world's
most powerful particle accelerator. More than 1,700 people from 94
American universities and laboratories have joined with scientific
colleagues from around the world to collaborate in LHC experiments at
the horizon of discovery.

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"The Next Big Bang" Sept. 9 on the History Channel
9.9.2008 | The New York Times
Fingers Crossed, Physicists are Ready for the Collider to Roll

9.8.2008 | New York Daily News
Most Powerful Atom Smasher-ever made set to go online

9.8.2008 | CNN
Multibillion dollar experiment to probe nature's mysteries

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Britain's top court refused Wednesday to stop the extradition to the
US of a British hacker accused of breaking into Pentagon and NASA
computers ... - 77k -
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American Chronicle | Retired NASA SpaceCraft Operator Witnessed ...
31 Jul 2008 ... This is consistent with recent analyses pointing to
the Pentagon's role in getting NASA to suppress information on
extraterrestrial ... - 32k - Cached - Similar
Pentagon procurement chief assumes senior role at GSA's new ...
Pentagon procurement chief assumes senior role at GSAs new Federal ...
She rose through the ranks to become NASA's senior acquisition
official and has a ... - 42k -
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British Man Who Hacked Into NASA, Pentagon Loses Appeal : dBTechno
29 Aug 2008 ... British Man Who Hacked Into NASA, Pentagon Loses
Appeal ... He is the hacker who managed to hack his way into the
Pentagon and NASA. ...
- 23k - Cached - Similar pages
Brit charged with hacking Pentagon, NASA | The Register
From February 2001 until March 2002, McKinnon allegedly exploited
poorly-secured Windows systems to attack 92 networks run by NASA, the
Pentagon and 12 ... -
31k - Cached - Similar pages -- NASA Asks Pentagon to Examine Space Station for Damage
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- At NASA's request, the Pentagon is using
spy satellites to check the international space station for any
exterior damage that ... - 43k - Cached
- Similar pages
Scot Who Hacked Into Pentagon And Nasa To Be Extradited To US ...
He was also charged with hacking into 16 Nasa computers and one US
Defence ...... above who says that they should have offered him a
consultancy role. ...
- 137k - Cached - Similar pages
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